Deleting Inventory Receipts

Use the Inventory Receipts window to delete an inventory receipt.

Once you delete an inventory receipt, it cannot be undone, but deleted data can be viewed in the Audit/Admin data exports.

You cannot delete an inventory receipt in the following cases:

The inventory receipt is in a closed accounting period.

The inventory receipt has any product that has been billed, cost adjusted, or deactivated.

You cannot delete a product from an inventory receipt if:

The product has been billed.

The product has had cost adjustments.

The product has been deactivated.

To delete an inventory receipt

On the Inventory menu, click Inventory Receipts.
The Inventory Receipts window opens.

In the Inventory Receipt list, select the inventory receipt to delete and then click Delete.


If the inventory receipt you want to delete does not appear in the list, click New Search.


If the Delete button is not available, the inventory receipt you selected cannot be deleted (most likely because it has already been billed).

Click Yes to confirm the deletion.
The inventory receipt is deleted.