Editing Lot Numbers

I want to read the white paper (with screenshots) about Lot Number Management.

To edit seed or feed lot numbers
* indicates a required field

Navigate to Inventory > Lot Numbers.
The Lot Numbers window opens.

Optionally click New Search and modify the search criteria to display the Lot# you want to change.
Click Search to bring up all Lot#s matching the selected criteria.

Click Edit.
The Edit Lot Number window opens.

Edit the Lot Number*, Expiry Date and/or Comments.

Check Active? to activate a lot number; uncheck to deactivate (the product must still be active).
Lot#s can also be deactviated from the toolbar on the Lot Numbers window.


The grid in the bottom section of the window displays all transactions tagged to this Lot#.

unlinking Lot#s from existing inventory activity

Click Unlink Activity to remove the association of this Lot# to a particular transaction.
The transaction will no longer be linked to this Lot#.

linking Lot#s to existing inventory activity

Click Link to Activity to create an association of this Lot# to a particular transaction.
The Link to Activity window opens.

Choose Criteria that will display the transaction you wish to link to this Lot#.
Select Activity Dates, Location, and Incoming/Outgoing and click Retrieve.

Click to check the Link box of the transaction(s) you want to link to this Lot#.

(optional) Adjust the Lot# Qty (cannot exceed transaction quantity).

Click Update.
The Link to Activity window closes.

Back at the Edit Lot Number window, click Update to save your changes.
The Edit Lot Number window closes.


Business Rules for Linking Lot Numbers

Lot# Qty cannot be greater than Quantity

Lot# Qty must equal Quantity if the Inventory activity is:

Location Transfer

Inventory Adjustment

Lot# Qty must have same sign as Quantity (ie. + or -)