Managing CRM Activity Types

CRM Activity Types are the kinds of interactions you have with your customers: phone calls, emails, on-farm visits, etc. We get you started with a few typical types, but you can setup as many as you need.

Navigate to Accounts Receivable > CRM > Manage > Activity Types

What you'll find:

I want to read the white paper (with lots of screen shots) on CRM Customer Relationship Management.

Adding a CRM Activity Type

Type a text label in the blank line at the bottom of the list and Save your changes

Editing a CRM Activity Type

To change the spelling of a type, double-click on the title and change the text. Save your changes.

To deactivate a type, click on the checkmark in the Active column to remove it. Save your changes.

Removing a CRM Activity Type

If a type is not in use it can be permanently removed. If it has been used, you would need to edit every CRM Activity that used that type and select a different one (or delete the activity) before the type could be removed.

Select the attribute and click Remove. Save your changes.


You could also deactivate a type instead of removing it permanently. This may be a quicker option if it is currently in use, but you no longer need it.