Editing Purchase Orders

Use the Edit Purchase Order window to change existing purchase orders (including to Release Numbers). If the purchase order is closed, you must reopen it before you can edit it.

Edits cannot be made in the following cases:

The supplier of the purchase order cannot be changed if any rows on the purchase order are referenced on inventory receipts.

A row on the purchase order cannot be changed if that row has a completed status.



Tip                  To view the history of changes to a purchase order, click History. The Purchase Order History window opens. The Created By box displays when and who added the purchase order to the database. The Updated By box displays when and who updated the purchase order last.

To edit a purchase order

On the Accounts Payable menu, click Purchase Orders. Or click the Purch. Order toolbar button.
The Purchase Order window opens and all purchase orders created today are listed.

In the Purchase Order list, select the purchase order to edit and then click Edit.
The Edit Purchase Order window opens.


If the purchase order you want to edit does not appear in the list, click New Search. Change your criteria and search again.


You can edit the information on the purchase order, including purchase order items. While editing, you can also add new items to the purchase order.

Edit the data, and add non-inventory and/or inventory items to the purchase order as needed.

In the Status box, change the status of the purchase order.

To edit items in the Item list, select the non-inventory or inventory item to edit and then click Edit Row.

When you are finished making changes, click Update.
The non-inventory or inventory window closes and the updated item appears in the list on the Edit Purchase Order window.


To remove an item from the list, select the item and click Remove Row. You can remove items that have a quantity received value of zero.


The Total box displays the running total of items added to the purchase order.

Click Save.