Purchase Orders

Purchase orders are used to record items you have ordered from your suppliers (i.e., your copy of the supplier’s quote). Purchase orders specify the supplier; order, delivery, and expiry dates; non-inventory and inventory items; the retail location that will receive the purchase order items; and payment and delivery details. Use purchase orders to record:

Inventory items: fertilizer, chemicals, seed, hardware

Non-inventory items, such as services, supplies, and products you plan to resell.

Purchase Orders can be copied from the Purchase Order window or from the Supplier Account.

Information from purchase orders can be pulled (imported) into inventory receipts or purchase invoices. Importing information helps you save time and prevent errors by not having to re-enter the data.


Before you can add purchase orders, you must add your suppliers.

Purchase orders must have unique reference numbers.

On the Purchase Order window, you can view a Purchase Order report for any purchase order. In the Purchase Order list, select the purchase order to view and then click Preview Item.


To view the history of changes to a purchase order, click History. The Purchase Order History window opens. The Created By box displays when and who added the purchase order to the database. The Updated By box displays when and who updated the purchase order last.

Use the Purchase Order window to add, edit, copy, and delete purchase orders.

What you'll find:

Status of Purchase Orders

Adding Purchase Orders

Auto Order

Editing Purchase Orders

Closing and Reopening Purchase Orders

Deleting Purchase Orders

Searching for Purchase Orders

Purchase Order Approval Process