Closing and Reopening Purchase Orders

You can manually change the status of purchase orders from closed to active and from active to closed. There are also two company level configuration options that can be set to close purchase orders automatically.

What you'll find:

Closing Expired Purchase Orders

Closing Purchase Orders

Reopening Purchase Orders and Rows

Closing Expired Purchase Orders

An expired purchase order is available to use, and the non-inventory and inventory items on the expired purchase order will appear on reports until the purchase order is closed. When an expired purchase order is closed, it still exists in the database but it is unavailable to use and cannot be referenced on reports.

Use the Close Expired Purchase Orders window to search for all expired purchase orders and change their status to “closed”.

To close an expired purchase order

Navigate to Accounts Payable > Close Expired Purchase Orders.
The Close Expired Purchase Orders window opens.

In the Location box, enter the location that owns the expired purchase order.
You can search all locations by selecting <All Locations>.

Click Refresh List.
An Expired Purchase Order list appears, and the Close? check box is selected for all expired purchase orders by default. If no results are found, the list is blank.


Clear the Close? check box of the purchase orders you do not want to close.

To quickly select and clear all the items in the list, click Select All and Deselect All.

Click Save.
A message appears indicating that the purchase orders are closed.

Click OK.

Closing Individual Purchase Orders

Use the Edit Purchase Order window to close purchase orders. When you set the status of a purchase order to closed, all active rows are also automatically closed. The status of completed rows remain as completed.

Once you close a purchase order, the items on the purchase order can no longer be imported into inventory receipts or purchase invoices.

To close a purchase order

Navigate to Accounts Payable > Purchase Orders or click the Purch. Order toolbar button.
The Purchase Order window opens and all purchase orders created today are listed.

In the Purchase Order list, select the purchase order to close and then click Edit.
The Edit Purchase Order window opens.

In the Status box, change the status to Closed.
A message appears indicating that all active purchase order rows will automatically close as well.

Click Yes.
The status of the purchase order and all active rows of the purchase order is closed.

Click Save.

To close a single purchase order row

Navigate to Accounts Payable > Purchase Orders or click the Purch. Order toolbar button.
The Purchase Order window opens and all purchase orders created today are listed.

In the Purchase Order list, select the purchase order with rows to close and then click Edit.
The Edit Purchase Order window opens.

Select the non-inventory or inventory row to close and then click Edit Row.
The Edit Non-Inventory Row or Edit Purchase Order Product window opens.

In the Status box, change the status to Closed.

Click Update.

Click Save.

Reopening Purchase Orders and Rows

Use the Edit Purchase Order window to reopen closed purchase orders and rows of purchase orders. After you change a closed purchase order back to active, you can then change the rows on the purchase order that you want to use to active (the rows are not automatically changed to active when the purchase order is set back to active).

To reopen a purchase order and a row

Navigate to Accounts Payable > Purchase Orders or click the Purch. Order toolbar button.
The Purchase Order window opens and all purchase orders created today are listed.

In the Purchase Order list, select the closed purchase order to reopen and then click Reopen.
A message appears confirming that you want to reopen the purchase order.

Click Yes.
The Edit Purchase Order window opens. In the Status box, active is automatically selected.

Select the non-inventory or inventory row to reopen and then click Edit Row.
The Edit Non-Inventory Row or Edit Purchase Order Product window opens.

In the Status box, change the status to Active.

Click Update.


You can reopen as many non-inventory or inventory rows as needed; however, the status of completed rows remain as completed.

Click Save.