Soil Test Charts

Soil Test Charts provide a graphical representation of nutrient levels over time. A farm field requires at least one linked soil test result to generate a chart (but if you really want to chart only one test result, you'll see just data points, no lines).

What you'll find:

Viewing Soil Test Charts

Printing Soil Test Charts


Viewing Soil Test Charts

To chart soil test results:
* indicates a required field

Navigate to Agronomy > Soil Test Charts.
The Soil Test Charts window opens.

Select a Customer*, a farm Field*, and a Laboratory*.
All active farm fields for the selected customer are listed. All labs are listed, even the inactive ones.


Charts cannot be generated for a grower with no farm fields or no soil test results.

Click Retrieve to load the relevant test results.

Select a Depth* (the list is lab-specific) and chose the Dates* of the test results (the top/start date must be before the bottom/end date).

Click Graph Results to generate the base chart based on the Depth and Date filters you selected.

Now you can select a Nutrient to chart.
The graph updates dynamically as you check different nutrient boxes, different depths, or different dates.
Optionally check Show Trend Line to see a straight-line trend.


To pan the chart left/right or up/down, place your mouse pointer over the chart, hold down the Shift key, and use the left mouse button to drag it.

To change the scale, place your mouse pointer over the chart, hold down the Control key and the left mouse button, and drag the mouse to change the values on the left and bottom axes.

If things start to look a little wonky, click Graph Results to begin again.

Check Display Multiple Nutrients if you want to see more than one nutrient on the same chart.
The Multiple Nutrients Enabled window opens.

This message is reminding you that it can look a little odd when charting nutrients with greatly different values.
For example, if you're charting both Boron (that has 5 ppm) and Calcium or Sodium (with 4000 ppm) there's going to be a big gap between the two lines.

Click OK.
The Multiple Nutrients Enabled window closes and the nutrient checkboxes are cleared.

Check the box next to the nutrients you want on the chart.

Optionally check Show Trend Line.
The trend line is for just the first selected nutrient.

Printing Soil Test Charts

The chart can be printed by clicking Print on the toolbar.