


Agronomy is a premium module.
Please contact your CSC about adding Agronomy to your agrē database.

The common denominator of the Agronomy module is the farm field: what you plan to grow on it; what the soil test and scouting results are, and what seed, chemicals and services are applied to it.

The agrē Agronomy module contains the following components:

Agronomy Customer Centre
Just like the Customer Account, only for Agronomy (also referred to as the Agronomy Centre or AgroCentre).

Field Manager
Manage all customer fields from one convenient place; link field locations to Google® maps; upload and store field-related documents.

Soil Tests & Tissue Tests
Tell agrē which labs you deal with, and save your login credentials.

Importing Soil & Tissue Test Results
Import and store soil and tissue sample test results.

Soil & Tissue Sample Submissions
Submit soil and tissue sample information; generate submission forms and bag stickers.

Crop Planning
Plan the entire crop year for your growers. Provide recommendations. Track yields and expenses.

Field Scouting  **  integrated with agrēMobile  **
Record and report field scouting information. Add scout photo to the image gallery.

Custom Application
Track and schedule custom application, operators, and equipment.

Install from your app store (Google or Apple).
Live link to your agrē database or work off-line & sync when reconnected.

Product Distribution
Add to a field’s history by allocating products (blends, chemicals, services) applied to it.

Expense Distribution
Track product and services applied to fields that were not sold to the grower by you.

Document Manager
Agronomy integrates with the Document Manager to attach files and photos to Field Scouts and Crop Plans.

Integration with Grower Central
Give your growers the ability to see information you would like to share with them online via your website (scouting reports, crop plans, field history, photos, etc.)


Agronomy White Papers and Examples


Lab Test Submissions