Custom Application

What you'll find:


I want to copy information from a Field Scout onto a new Custom App so I don't have to type it twice.


Custom Application Services are services that the retailer offers the grower. Custom App can include everything from spreading, spraying, and delivery to equipment rental.

You decide what types of services you offer and what soil conditions are applicable. Status options are hard-coded, but you can change the background colours of each row based on its Status.

Custom Application helps a retailer to:

track all of the details of the custom app request

schedule and manage the equipment and operators needed to perform the work

track the details of what was done and how much was applied of which products

report on everything before, during, and after the custom app

Custom Apps were designed to be added and then updated in stages until they are complete. You can attach documents to them, too.

Here is a sample business process for Custom Application.

Agronomist adds a new custom app with a status of "Requested".
They add the base information: the customer and field, the application type, a tentative scheduling date, and which product(s) will be applied. They may also set a priority on the application.

Scheduler/Dispatcher edits the custom app and changes the status to "Scheduled".
Depending on what else has been scheduled for that day, they may change the date, time, or priority; and assign the operator and equipment that will be sent out do to the job.

Operator edits the custom app to change the status to "In Progress" on the scheduled day and then to "Complete" when they are done.
They update the application date and time, the crop details, the weather conditions, and record their equipment checks. They may also modify the quantities and/or products used, and the number of acres applied (maybe some of them were still under water at the time).

Agronomist exports product(s) applied onto a loadout ticket so inventory counts are updated and they're ready to be billed.
Product Distribution is done automatically when the products are exported to a LOT.

Adding Custom Applications

To add a new custom application:
* indicates an always-required field - other fields may be required depending on the Status of the custom app

Navigate to Agronomy > Custom Application.
The Custom Application window opens.
(you can also add Custom Apps from the customer's Agronomy Centre and from Custom Application Dispatch)

Click Add.
The Add Custom Application window opens.

To enter a specific reference number, clear the Generate Reference Automatically check box and type a number in the Reference box.
Each custom app requires a unique reference number for future tracking. If the Generate Reference Automatically check box is selected, agrē assigns the next sequential invoice reference number.

Specify the Customer*.


Click Find to search for a specific customer.

Choose the Field* (or fields).
Use the drop down to select a single field; click the ellipsis […] to select a partial field (sub-field) or multiple fields.

Acres Applied may not be known until the status is complete.

In the Location* box, enter the location that owns the custom app.

Select the Status*.
Your choices are: Requested, Scheduled, In Progress, Completed, and On Hold.


Different fields may be required when the Status changes.
For example, a Scheduled For date is required for Requested custom apps, but not for In Progress or Completed ones.

Scheduled is a secured status and requires permission.

Choose an Application Type*.

Assign an Operator and the Equipment (when known).

Schedule tab

Indicate the Scheduled For date (if known).
Future dates are allowed.

Check Start Time and Time range.

Enter the Requested Start and Requested End dates.
The requested start and end dates let the dispatcher know that the application should be Scheduled For sometime between these dates.

Select a Priority for this custom app.
Lower numbers indicate higher priority (so 1 is more urgent than 10).

Created By* defaults to your agrē user name, but can be changed.

Use Comments for observations and recommendations.

To type your comments in a larger window, click Edit.
The Custom Application Comments window opens.

Click Update to save or Exit to discard and return to the main custom app window.

Application tab

Indicate the Custom Application Date and Time range.
Future dates are not allowed, but past dates are.

Select a Crop and Variety.

Indicate the Crop Stage and Crop Height.

Type the GPS coordinates.

Check the applicable Soil Conditions at the time of application.

Record your Equipment details: Nozzle size (alpha-numeric), Nozzle Check (check box), Tank Size (numeric), Clean Out (check box), Application Speed (alpha-numeric), and H2O Volume (numeric).
The H2O Volume units default to the default Field Scout H2O Unit Type, but can be changed.

Indicate the Weather Conditions (all alpha-numeric) at the time of application: Weather, Wind Direction, wind Speed, Temperature, Relative Humidity percentage, and Precipitation percentage.

Products tab


Click Import Field Scout to import recommended products from an existing field scout. This will also import the field, requested start and end dates, crop, variety, GPS coordinates, and H2O volume if you haven't filled those in already.
- or -
to really save time: start from the Field Scout window and click Create Custom Application (much of the information you've just entered would have been copied to a new custom app: customer, field, service dates, crop, products, etc.)

To specify products applied, click Add Product.
The Custom Application Product window opens.

Select the recommended Product* and Units*.


Default units for the product will be ignored. The Units must be selected manually as extra precaution against making a data entry error.

Specify the quantity by Rate or by total Quantity.
You won’t see a * next to any particular field (because there are several ways to enter the quantity) but a quantity is required before you can Update.

Enter a rate by either:
Units per Acre (e.g. 0.025 jugs/acre)
- or -
Acres per Unit (e.g. 40 acres/jug)
and agrē will do the math for you.

Enter a total Quantity by typing the amount (e.g. 3).
agrē will calculate the quantity/acre for you.

Uncheck the Enter Rate box if you do not want this quantity to change (even if the number of acres is changed or if a different field is chosen).
This works well if you don’t apply partial jugs or bags.

Click Update to save the product.
The Custom Application Product window closes.


Change the product order within the list with the up/down arrows in the lower right section of the window.

Click Save.
The Add Custom Application window closes.

The Preview Reports window opens.
Indicate the reports (if any) you want to print and click Preview or click Cancel to return to the Custom Application window.
Report prompting can be controlled at the Company or User level.


Depending on the status of the custom app, you can export the products to a loadout ticket via the Create Loadout Ticket button.

Attaching Documents to a Custom App

You can upload a document from the AgroCentre or the customer account, but you can also upload from a Custom App to associate a document to a particular custom app.

To attach documents to a field:

Add or Edit a Custom App.

Click Documents.
From here it works just like uploading a document from the customer account, but the document is tagged to the selected custom app, not just to the customer in general.


If you usually want documents to Show in Grower Central, you can set that to be the default.

Editing Custom Applications

To edit an existing custom application:

Navigate to Agronomy > Custom Application.
The Custom Application window opens.
(you can also edit Custom Apps from the customer's Agronomy Centre or from the Agronomy tab on the Customer Account or from Custom Application Dispatch)

Custom apps created within the last week are selected by default.
If the custom app you want to edit isn’t listed by default, click New Search and change the search criteria to include it. Click Search.

Select the custom app, click Edit, and make your changes.


Different fields may be required when the Status changes.
For example, a Custom App Date is required for In Progress or Completed custom apps, but not for Requested ones.

Save the changes when you're done.

Creating a Loadout Ticket from a Completed Custom Application


The Create Loadout Ticket button is active for custom apps that have a status of Complete . If all products have already been exported to a LOT, you'll get a message letting you know.

You can export the products on a completed custom app directly to a loadout ticket. Once the custom app products have been exported to a LOT they cannot be edited. Products can't be exported more than once.

You can also start from a loadout ticket and import the custom app products through the Import Agronomy button.

When custom app products are exported to a LOT, or imported from Agronomy, the Product Distribution happens automatically.

To export custom application products to a loadout ticket:

Navigate to Agronomy > Custom Application.
The Custom Application window opens.

Select the Custom App.

Click Create Loadout Ticket.
The Add Loadout Ticket opens with the applicable products and quantities added to the Products tab.

From here it works just like adding a regular LOT.

After saving the loadout ticket, the reference number appears in the Loadout Ticket column.
If products are exported to more than one LOT, <Multiple> will display instead of a reference number.

Deleting Custom Applications

If you have already exported the custom app products to a loadout ticket, you'll need to remove them from the LOT before the custom app can be deleted.

To delete an existing custom application:

Navigate to Agronomy > Custom Application.
The Custom Application window opens.
(you can also delete Custom Apps from the customer's Agronomy Centre from the Agronomy tab on the Customer Account or from Custom Application Dispatch)

Custom apps created within the last week are selected by default.
If the custom app you want to delete isn’t listed by default, click New Search and change the search criteria to include it. Click Search.

Select the custom app you want to delete and click Delete.
The Confirm Delete window opens.

Click Yes to immediately delete the Custom Application.
The Confirm Delete window closes.

Custom App Reporting

Custom Application Report

Each time you save a Custom Application you can be prompted to print the report. Report prompting can be controlled at the Company or User level. You can also preview/print Custom Apps from the customer's Agronomy Centre or from the Agronomy tab on the Customer Account

Custom Application Activity Report

The Custom Application Activity report displays a summary of all Custom Apps matching the selection criteria.