Manage Custom Application

agrē allows you to manage your own lists of application types and soil conditions, and specify status colours.

You'll also need to set up Reference Numbers for Custom Application.

What you'll find:

Managing Custom Application Types

Managing Soil Conditions

Managing Custom App Statuses/Colours


Managing Custom Applications Types


Existing custom application types can be Edited by changing the Description. They can be deactivated by removing the Active checkmark, and they can be Removed if they haven’t been used.


Use the Up / Down buttons to change the order of the list options.

To manage custom application types:
* indicates a required field

Navigate to Agronomy > Manage > Custom App Types.
The Manage Custom App Types window opens.

To add a new type, type a Description*.
Press TAB or click Active to activate the new type.

To delete a type, select it, and click Remove Custom App Type.
The Confirm Row Removal window opens.

Click Yes to remove the type.
The Confirm Row Removal window closes.

The type is removed from the list, but the removal is not permanent until you Save.

After custom app type list is complete, click Save.
The Manage Custom App Types window closes.

Managing Soil Conditions


Existing soil conditions can be Edited by changing the Description or removing the Show by Default checkmark. They can be deactivated by removing the Active checkmark, and they can be Removed if they haven’t been used.


Use the Up / Down buttons to change the order of the list options.

To manage soil conditions:
* indicates a required field

Navigate to Agronomy > Manage > Soil Conditions.
The Manage Soil Conditions window opens.

To add a new condition, type a Description*.
Press TAB or click Active to activate the new condition.

To delete a condition, select it, and click Remove Soil Condition.
The Confirm Row Removal window opens.

Click Yes to remove the condition.
The Confirm Row Removal window closes.

The condition is removed from the list, but the removal is not permanent until you Save.

After soil condition list is complete, click Save.
The Manage Soil Conditions window closes.

Managing Custom App Statuses/Colours

To manage statuses:
* indicates a required field

Navigate to Agronomy > Manage > Custom App Statuses.
The Manage Custom App Statuses window opens.

Check Create Loadout Ticket next to the statuses that you want to create Loadout Tickets from.


Once a product has been exported to a LOT the quantity cannot be changed on the CustomApp, even if the Acres Applied changes.

Things to consider when deciding which statuses to check:

Once products from a CustApp have been exported to a LOT, quantities cannot be edited on the CustomApp
- they can, however, be edited on the LOT
- so the LOT and the CustApp may or may not have the same quantities
- but the ProdDist comes from the LOT so that is what should be accurate

product on a LOT is considered "taken" no matter how or when it gets there
- Inventory counts and Inventory Position WILL be affected
- and so will Field History
- keep this in mind if exporting CustomApp products to a LOT that aren't going to be applied for a while

In the Colour column click to set a colour to change the row background on the Custom App home form and the Dispatch form based on status.
The Colour window opens.

Choose a Basic Colour, or click Define Custom Colours to specify one of your own.


Lighter background colours make the text easier to read than darker colours. To select a lighter colour: click a colour tile, click Define Custom Colors, then drag the slider closer to the top.

Click OK.
The Colour window closes.

Save your changes.
The Manage Custom App Statuses window closes.