Field Scouting

Regular field scouts can identify yield-limiting factors in time to correct them before the end of the growing season. Your company sets up lists of scout types, weeds, insects, and diseases; you store your field scouts, and print a report of the scouting results.

Existing field scouts can be copied from the AgroCentre or the field scouting window.

Field scouts can be managed from your desktop or from your mobile device.

I want to read the white paper on agrēMobile so I can add field scouts when I'm offline.

What you'll find:

Adding Field Scouts

Adding Scout Maps

Embedding Images in Field Scouts (Image Gallery)

Attaching Documents to Field Scouts

Editing Field Scouts

Deleting Field Scouts

Field Scout Reporting


Field Scouts

Record your field scouting observations and make product recommendations.

Adding Field Scouts

I want to read the white paper (with lots of screenshots) on adding field scouts through agrēMobile.

To add a new field scout:
* indicates a required field (other fields are optional)

Navigate to Agronomy > Field Scouting.
The Field Scouting window opens.
(you can also add a Field Scout from the Agronomy tab on the Customer Account or from the Agronomy Centre)

Click Add.
The Add Field Scout window opens.

The Scout Date defaults to today.

(optional) Check the Scout Time box. The time defaults to now.

Specify the Customer*.

Choose the Field* for this scout.
Use the drop down to select a field or use the ellipsis […] to select multiple and/or partial fields (type in the number of acres of the sub-field).
If the field has a current Crop Plan, the Crop and Variety information will default to what has been planned.

Type the GPS coordinates of the field.

Select the Crop*.

Select a Variety.

Select the Previous Crop.
The default is the crop from last year's crop plan. If multiple crops were planned for the same field, the default is the crop from the most recently updated detail row.

Indicate the Crop Stage, the Crop Condition, and the Soil Moisture.


Crop Stage is a special type of drop-down - you can select a stage from the list or you can type your own.

Scouted By* defaults to your agrē user name, but can be changed.

Select the Scout Type*.
If you need additional types added to this list, you can add them.

Select the Status of this scout.
Your choices are: In Progress, Complete, Approved.

Use Comments for observations and recommendations.

To type your comments in a larger window, click Edit.
The Field Scout Comments window opens.

URLs can be added and become links automatically.
Links are also active in Grower Central (note the link is displayed in black text instead of the usual blue).

Click Update to save or Exit to discard and return to the main field scout window.

If remedial action is recommended, indicate the Service Dates.

(Config C) If the recommended product(s) needs to be diluted with water, indicate the H2O Volume and Units.

Weeds, Insects, & Diseases

On the Weeds tab, indicate the Stage and concentration.
You can Remove any that you don’t need for this scout (but no unchecked items will appear on the printed report).


Your company chooses which weeds, insects, and diseases show by default. If the one you need is not shown, click the arrow next to the blank row (it's located at the bottom of the list - you may need to scroll down depending on how many items are shown by default) to select from the complete list. If the one you want is not included in the drop-down list, click Add to add a new one.

To record insect infestations, click the Insects tab and the Stage and concentration.
You can Remove any that you don’t need for this scout (but no unchecked items will appear on the printed report).

To record diseases, click the Diseases tab and the Stage and concentration.
You can Remove any that you don’t need for this scout (but no unchecked items will appear on the printed report).

Product Recommendations

To make Product Recommendations, click Add Product.
The Field Scout Product window opens.

Select the recommended Product* and Units*.


Associated product messages may appear. To add the associated product(s), click Yes. Or, if there are multiple associated products to choose from, select the ones you want and then click Use Selected Rows. Otherwise, click No.

Specify the quantity by Rate or by total Quantity.
You won’t see a * next to any particular field (because there are several ways to enter the quantity) but a quantity is required before you can Update.

Enter a rate by either:
Units per Acre (e.g. 0.025 jugs/acre)
- or -
Acres per Unit (e.g. 40 acres/jug)
and agrē will do the math for you.

Enter a total Quantity by typing the amount (e.g. 3).
agrē will calculate the quantity/acre for you.

Uncheck the Enter Rate box if you do not want this quantity to change (even if the number of acres is changed or if a different field is chosen).
This works well if you don’t apply partial jugs or bags.

Add any Comments about the product.

Click Edit to open a larger window to type in.

Click Update to save your comments and return to the Adding Field Scout window.
- or -
Click Exit to discard your edits.

Click Update to save the recommended product
The Field Scout Product window closes.


Product Recommendations can be edited or removed.
If you’ve checked Enter Rate and then later select a different field, agrē will recalculate the quantity based on this rate.

Change the order of the products using the Up/Down arrow buttons. Products will print on the Field Scout report in the same order.

Click Save to save the scout.
The Add Field Scout window closes and the Preview Documents window opens.
Each time you save a field scout agrē prompts you to print the Field Scout report and/or the Farm Field report.

Indicate the reports (if any) you want to print and click Preview or click Cancel to return to the Field Scouting window.


Click Create Custom Application on the Field Scouting window to create new custom app (much of the information you entered on the scout will be copied over to the custom app: customer, field, service dates, crop, etc.)
- or -
could create a new custom app and import the products from the scout.

The products on the Field Scout are now available for import to a loadout ticket or work order via the Import Agronomy button.

Scout Maps

You can create a Scout Map (along with Scout Markers) for just this scout. Scout Maps are a lot like Field Maps, but they are tagged to a single scout and display on only the corresponding Field Scout report. Printing scout maps and scout markers on the Field Scout Report is optional.


Select Show Info to display Marker Information.

Scout Markers can be linked to photos in the Image Gallery. They can also be copied if you need multiples (select the marker, click Copy Marker or press Alt+C, move your cursor to where the copy needs to be, and click).

The Field Picture displays an image of the Field Map (for your reference) until the field scout is saved, after which Field Picture will display the last-saved scout map.

To create a Scout Map:

Add or Edit a field scout.
Once a Customer and a farm Field have been selected, you can create a scout map.

Select Scout Map (toolbar button).
The Map Farm Field window opens displaying the Outlines from the corresponding Field Map.
If the farm field doesn't have an existing Field Map, you'll be prompted to create one so it can be used as the basis for scout maps.

Add Markers for this scout.
Outlines are for reference only - you can't add new ones or edit existing ones from a scout. Show Outline Labels and Show Main Map Markers (markers from the Field Map) are optional.

Select Update to save the Scout Map.
The Map Farm Field window closes and a "snapshot" of the map is saved with the scout.

Embedding Images in a Field Scout

Photos are managed from the Field Scout Image tab. You can add up to 9 photos to a scout's Image Gallery.

Photos added to the image gallery are managed from the scout and display on the scout report; they are not listed in the Document Manager.

Images of the following file types can be embedded in a scout: JPEG; JPG, JPE, PNG, GIF, TIF, BMP.
If the image you want to upload is not one of these file types, you would need to attach it as a document (documents are not displayed on the Field Scout Report but they are listed in the Document Manager).

Images are displayed on the Field Scout Report.

To embed images to a field scout:
* indicates a required field

Add or Edit a field scout.

Navigate to the Field Scout Image tab.

Click Browse to select the File Location*.
The Open window opens.

From here it works similar to uploading a document to the customer account: navigate to where the image is stored and select it from the file list.

Click Open.
The Open window closes and the image appears in the preview pane.

If needed, click the rotate arrows in the bottom left corner to rotate the image 90° to the left or right.
Images can be rotated when Adding or Editing a field scout.

Type a Description* for the image.

Click Add.
The image is added and displayed in the Gallery.

The Description can be edited by selecting the image, typing a new description, and clicking Update.
To Delete an image, select it and click X.

to link an image to a scout marker:

Select an image from the Gallery.

From the Map Marker drop-down list, select a Scout Marker (scout markers are added to the scout map).

Click Link.
The Images Linked window opens. Click OK to link the image to the marker. The Images Linked window closes.
The image will be linked to the marker after you Save the Scout.
To clear a link to a marker, click Clear.


On the Scout Map, select a linked Marker and click Show Image to view the image.

Printing scout gallery images is optional.

Attaching Documents to a Field Scout

You can upload a document from the AgroCentre or from the Customer Account, but you can also upload from a Field Scout to associate a document to a particular scout.

Documents are not displayed on the Field Scout Report.

To attach documents to a field scout:

Add or Edit a field scout.

Click Documents.
From here it works just like uploading a document to the customer account, but the document is tagged to the selected scout, not just to the customer or to a field in general.


If you usually want documents to Show in Grower Central, you can set that to be the default.

Saving a Field Scout

Select Save.
(config C) A message may appear asking if you want to create a work order (initial save only).
Click Yes to create a work order for the same grower with the same products.
Click No if you do not want to create a work order.

Editing Field Scouts

To edit an existing field scout:

Navigate to Agronomy > Field Scouting.
The Field Scouting window opens.
(you can also edit a Field Scout from the Agronomy tab on the Customer Account or from the customer's Agronomy Centre)

If the scout you want to edit isn’t listed by default, click New Search and change the search criteria to include it. Click Search.

Select the field scout, click Edit, and make your changes.

Save the changes when you're done.

Deleting Field Scouts

To delete an existing field scout:

Navigate to Agronomy > Field Scouting.
The Field Scouting window opens.
(you can also delete a Field Scout from the Agronomy tab on the Customer Account)

If the scout you want to edit isn’t listed by default, click New Search and change the search criteria to include it. Click Search.

Select the field scout you want to see and click Delete.
The Confirm Delete window opens.

Click Yes to immediately delete the Field Scout.
The Confirm Delete window closes.

Field Scout Reporting

Field Scout Report

Each time you save a Field Scout you’ll be prompted to print the report, but you can also print directly from the Field Scouting window (you can also preview it from the Agronomy tab on the Customer Account or from the customer's Agronomy Centre).

To preview an existing field scout:

Navigate to Agronomy > Field Scouting.
The Field Scouting window opens.

Select the field scout you want to view and click Preview Item.