Crop Planning

After you define the crops and the varieties your growers seed, you can start setting up crop plans to record products recommendations and yield targets.

Each grower is allowed one crop plan per year; each crop plan usually includes details for multiple crops and multiple fields.

Existing crop plans can be copied from the AgroCentre or the crop planning window.

Documents can be attached to Crop Plans and Crop Plan Details; these documents can be shared with your growers via Grower Central.
Images (.GIF, .JPE, .JPEG, .JPG, .PNG, .TIF) attached to crop plan details can optionally be displayed on the crop plan report (other types of files are not displayed).

What you'll find:

Adding Crop Plans

Crop Inputs tab

Budget tab

Attaching Documents to Crop Plans

Editing Crop Plans

Copy Crop Plans

Deleting Crop Plans

Crop Plan Reporting

Crop Plan Data Exports

Crop Plans

Adding Crop Plans

To add a new crop plan:
* indicates a required field

Navigate to Agronomy > Crop Planning.
The Manage Crop Plans window opens.

Click Add.
The Add Crop Plan window opens.
(you can also add a Crop Plan from the Agronomy Customer Centre)

Specify the Customer*, Crop Year*, and the Location*.

Created By* defaults to your agrē user name, but can be changed.

Click Add to crop specifics/details.
The Add Detail window opens.

Specify a Crop* from the list.

Select a Variety.

Specify a Seed Date, and type any Comments(300 character max).

Select a relevant piece of Equipment.
The list is customer-specific.

Click Add to select a piece of equipment not listed (the new equipment will be added to the customer’s account).

Click New to add a new piece of Customer Equipment
(instead of going to AR > Manage > Customer Equipment).

Choose the Field* (or fields) for this crop plan.
Use the drop down to select a single field.
Use the ellipsis […] to select a partial field (sub-field) or multiple fields. Click Select All to check all fields; click Deselect All to remove the check from all fields.

Type in the Target Nutrients for fertilizer.
agrē will calculate the difference Remaining between the Target and the Actual (blends and straight products from the Crop Inputs section).

Crop Inputs tab

To make recommendations, on the Crop Inputs tab click Add Blends or Add Product.

If adding a blend, a template of the blend will be saved in the customer’s blend history for later use (on a work order, LOT, or Invoice).


If you select the field before adding a blend, the blend will be tagged to the same field automatically (on the Blend Calculation tab).

Recommended products can't be sorted (using the up/down arrows in the lower right corner) if a blend has been added that contains Additional Items.

If adding a product, enter the Product* and Units*.

Specify the quantity by Rate or by total Quantity.
You won’t see a * next to any particular field (because there are several ways to enter the quantity) but a quantity is required before you can Update.

Enter a rate by either:
Units per Acre (e.g. 0.025 jugs/acre)
- or -
Acres per Unit (e.g. 40 acres/jug)
and agrē will do the math for you.

Enter a total Quantity by typing the amount (e.g. 3).
agrē will calculate the quantity/acre for you.

Uncheck the Enter Rate box if you do not want this quantity to change (even if the number of acres is changed or if a different field is chosen).
This works well if you don’t apply partial jugs or bags.


If you've added a straight product (like 4600 or NH3/Anhydrous) and the nutrient values aren't included in the Actuals, there's a bit more product setup that needs to be done.

Select a Crop Phase.
These can be used to filter crop plan data on reports.

Add a Comment if applicable.

If you've added a product with Custom Makeup, add the Nutrient values in lbs/acre.

Click Update to save or Exit to discard.
The Crop Plan Product window closes and you return to the Edit Detail window.


Products can be edited and removed. Change the product order within the list with the up/down arrows in the lower right corner.
When removing a Blend you’ll have the option of also removing the blend template from the customer’s blend history.

Budget tab

Farm Budget will provide the grower with a breakdown of income and expenses by crop, field or overall farm. It will show, based on  projected yield, what  income the grower stands to make per acre, by crop – less any expenses which might be direct (seed, fertility, chemical, services) or indirect (equipment, labour fuel, insurance, etc.).

Use the Budget tab to record the Projected Yield per Acre, and the Projected Price. agrē will do the math for you.

After harvest, you can edit the crop plan to record the Actual Yield and Actual Price.
Actual values will override projected values on reports.

Direct Expenses
Products entered on the Crop Inputs tab become Direct Expenses on the Budget tab.

Optionally enter a Unit Price for more complete reporting results.

Indirect Expenses
Indirect expenses allow budgeting for products your company does not provide (and therefore cannot be added to the Crop Inputs tab).

Select an Expense from the drop-down list.

Enter the Quantity and the Unit Price. The Total is calculated for you.
You can enter any two values and agrē will calculate the third.


As this is just a budget - and prices can change - Unit Prices will not be copied to work orders on import.

Click Update.
The Add Detail window closes.

Repeat the above process to add more crop details to the plan.

You can Split Details if it has multiple farm fields associated to it; just select the detail row and click the button.
Splitting details is optional.

Split Details Business Rules

straight product with a rate will be split proportionately based on acres/farm field size

straight product with no rate will not be split, stays with the first farm field listed

blends will not be split

documents will not be split, stay with the current crop plan detail
(agrē cannot know to which of multiple selected farm field the documents are linked)

When the Crop Plan is complete, click Save.
Each time you save a crop plan agrē prompts you to print the Crop Plan and the Add Crop Plan window closes.
You can also Export the data to an Excel file.

When you have finished adding Crop Plans, click Exit.
The Manage Crop Plans window closes


The products on the crop plan are now available for import to a work order via the Import Agronomy button.

Attaching Documents to Crop Plans

You can attach documents to crop plans at the crop plan header level or at the crop plan detail level.

Documents are not displayed on the Crop Plan Report.

To attach documents to a crop plan:

Add or Edit a crop plan or a crop plan detail.

Click Documents.
From here it works just like uploading a document to the customer account, but the document is tagged to the selected crop plan or crop plan detail, not just to the grower or to a field in general.


If you usually want documents to Show in Grower Central, you can set that to be the default.

Editing Crop Plans

To edit an existing crop plan:

Navigate to Agronomy > Crop Planning.
The Manage Crop Plans window opens.
(you can also edit a Crop Plan from the Agronomy Customer Centre or from the Agronomy tab on the Customer Account)

If the plan you want to edit isn’t listed by default, click New Search and change the search criteria. Click Search.

Select the crop plan you want to see and click Edit.

Copying Crop Plans

To copy a customer's existing crop plan:

Navigate to Agronomy > Crop Planning.
The Manage Crop Plans window opens.

If the plan you want to edit isn’t listed by default, click New Search and change the search criteria. Click Search.

Select the crop plan you want to copy and click Copy.
The crop year increments by one.

Save the copied crop plan.

Deleting Crop Plans

If you no longer need a Crop Plan, it can be deleted.

To delete an existing crop plan:

Navigate to Agronomy > Crop Planning.
The Manage Crop Plans window opens.
(you can also delete a Crop Plan from the Agronomy tab on the Customer Account)

If the plan you want to delete isn’t listed by default, click New Search and change the search criteria. Click Search.

Select the crop plan you want to see and click Delete.
The Delete Crop Plan window opens.

Type the reason for deleting and click OK to delete the Crop Plan.
The Delete Crop Plan window closes and the crop plan is deleted immediately.


Run the Deleted Crop Plans export to view data on deleted crop plans.

Crop Plan Reporting

Each time you save a Crop Plan you’ll be prompted to print the Crop Plan and Farm Budget reports. You can also print both reports directly from the Manage Crop Plans window and from the grower's Agronomy Centre.

Crop Plan Report

This report is formatted for landscape printing.

To preview an existing crop plan:

Navigate to Agronomy > Crop Planning.
The Manage Crop Plans window opens.
(you can also view the crop plan report from the Agronomy tab on the Customer Account)

Select the crop plan you want to view and click Preview Item.

Crop Plan Summary Report

You can print a summary version of crop plans.

Farm Budget Report

The Farm Budget report displays the budget tab information.