Manage Crop Planning

Before you can start adding crop plans, agrē needs to know what crops and varieties your growers will be seeding.

What you'll find:

Managing Crops

Managing Crop Varieties

Managing Crop Phases

Including Straight Products in the Actuals


Managing Crops


Existing crops can be Edited by changing the description. They can be deactivated by removing the Active checkmark, and they can be Removed if they have no associated crop varieties and they haven’t been used.

To add new crops:

Navigate to Agronomy > Manage > Crops.
The Manage Crops window opens.

Type a crop Description.
(e.g. canola, corn, barley)

Select a Crop Stage Group.
Crop stage groups are used on Field Scouts as each crop can have different stages.

Type a crop Unit.
(e.g. BU for bushel)

Select a crop Colour
Crop colours are displayed on One Big Maps when filtering by Crop Year or by Crop.

Press TAB (or click Active) to activate the new crop.

To delete a crop, select it, and click Remove Crop.
The Confirm Row Removal window opens.

Click Yes to remove the crop.
The Confirm Row Removal window closes.

The crop is removed from the list, but the removal is not permanent until you Save.

After crop list is complete, click Save.
The Manage Crops window closes.

Managing Crop Varieties


Existing varieties can be Edited by changing the description. They can be deactivated by removing the Active checkmark, and they can be Removed if they haven’t been used.

To add new crop varieties:

Navigate to Agronomy > Manage > Crop Varieties.
The Manage Crop Varieties window opens.

Select the crop from the drop down list and click Retrieve.
Any existing varieties for that crop are listed.

Type a variety Description.
[e.g. 5440 LL (Bayer), 5525 CL (Dow)]

Press TAB or click Active to activate the new variety.

To delete a variety, select it, and click Remove Variety.
The Confirm Row Removal window opens.

Click Yes to remove the variety.
The Confirm Row Removal window closes.

The crop variety is removed from the list, but the removal is not permanent until you Save.

After the crop variety list is complete, click Save.
The Manage Crop Varieties window closes.

Managing Crop Phases


Existing phases can be Edited by changing the description. They can be deactivated by removing the Active checkmark, and they can be Removed if they haven’t been used.

To add new crop phases:

Navigate to Agronomy > Manage > Crop Phases.
The Manage Crop Phases window opens.

Type a new crop phase Description
(e.g. crop protection, fertilizer, anhydrous).

Press TAB.


If you want the choices listed in a specific order, start with a number:
1. Seed
2. Seed Treatment
3. Crop Protection

Leave the box next to Fertilizer (in the Fertilizer column) checked.
This tells agrē which crop phase Blends belong to.

Press TAB or click Active to activate the new variety.

To delete a crop phase, select it, and click Remove Crop Phase.
The Confirm Row Removal window opens.

Click Yes to remove the crop phase.
The Confirm Row Removal window closes.

The crop phase is removed from the list, but the removal is not permanent until you Save.

After the crop phase list is complete, click Save.
The Manage Crop Phases window closes.


Including Straight Products in the Actuals

If you want to add a straight product, like NH3/Anhydrous or 4600, to a crop plan and have the nutrient values included in the Actuals, setup the following:

Company Config Option

Edit the Company Config Options.

On the Agronomy tab, make sure you have set Crop Planning units to a unit type (preferably the main unit type) of the product and specify the conversion rate to pounds.
Usually this will be Metric Tonnes and the conversion rate is 2204.6 lbs/MT.

Product Setup

Edit the product.

On the Product tab, check the Blendable? checkbox.

On the Units tab, make sure there's a unit type to match the Crop Planning units on the Company Config Option.

On the Blending tab, add the product makeup.