Manage Field Scouting

agrē allows you to manage your own lists of field scout types, weeds, insects, and diseases that can be selected on Field Scouts.

What you'll find:

Managing Scout Types

Managing Crop Stages

Managing Weeds

Managing Insects

Managing Diseases

Company-Level Defaults


Managing Scout Types


Existing scout types can be Edited by changing the Description. They can be deactivated by removing the Active checkmark, and they can be Removed if they haven’t been used.


Use the Up / Down buttons to change the order of the list options.

To manage scout types:
* indicates a required field

Navigate to Agronomy > Manage > Field Scouting > Field Scout Types.
The Manage Field Scout Types window opens.

To add a new scout type, type a Description.
Press TAB or click Active to activate the new scout type.

To delete a scout type, select it, and click Remove Scout Type.
The Confirm Row Removal window opens.

Click Yes to remove the scout type.
The Confirm Row Removal window closes.

The scout type is removed from the list, but the removal is not permanent until you Save.

After scout type list is complete, click Save.
The Manage Field Scout Types window closes.

Managing Crop Stages

agrē supports Universal Crop Stages, so the list of Crop Stages can be different for different crops - or different groups of crops (wheat and winter wheat may have the same crop stages).

Once you've created a crop stage group and setup the individual stages, you'll associate a crop with the stage group you just created.

To manage crop stages:
* indicates a required field

Navigate to Agronomy > Manage > Crop Stages.
The Manage Crop Stage Groups window opens.

Click Add.
The Add Crop Stage Group window opens.

Type the name of the Crop Stage Group.
Ensure Active remains checked.

Under Physical Stage, type the crop stages in the order you want to see them listed on the Field Scout.
Ensure Active remains checked.


Use the Up / Down buttons to change the order of the list options.

Remove Crop Stage will delete a stage from the list (as long as it hasn't already been used on a field scout).

The names of Groups and Stages can be changed by typing a new one.

Groups can be deleted if they haven't been used.

When all stages for the crop group have been added, click Save.
The Add Crop Stage Group window closes.

Correlate the stage group with a crop.

Managing Weeds


Existing weeds can be Edited by changing the Description or removing the Show by Default checkmark. They can be deactivated by removing the Active checkmark, and they can be Removed if they haven’t been used.

Don't worry if you miss a few; new ones can be added on the fly while Adding a Field Scout.

To manage weeds:
* indicates a required field

Navigate to Agronomy > Manage > Field Scouting > Weeds.
The Manage Weeds window opens.

Type a weed Description.

Leave Show by Default checked if this is a common weed and you want it displayed by default on the scouting form.
Weeds that are not shown by default are selected manually from a drop down list.


Consider showing a limited number by default so that the blank row (for selecting one that is not shown by default) is visible without having to scroll down.

Press TAB or click Active to activate the new weed.

To delete a weed, select it, and click Remove Weed.
The Confirm Row Removal window opens.

Click Yes to remove the weed.
The Confirm Row Removal window closes.

The weed is removed from the list, but the removal is not permanent until you Save.

After weed list is complete, click Save.
The Manage Weeds window closes.

Managing Insects


Existing insects can be Edited by changing the Description or removing the Show by Default checkmark. They can be deactivated by removing the Active checkmark, and they can be Removed if they haven’t been used.

Don't worry if you miss a few; new ones can be added on the fly while Adding a Field Scout.

To manage insects:
* indicates a required field

Navigate to Agronomy > Manage > Field Scouting > Insects.
The Manage Insects window opens.

Type a insect Description.

Leave Show by Default checked if this is a common insect and you want it displayed by default on the scouting form.
Insects that are not shown by default are selected manually from a drop down list.

Press TAB or click Active to activate the new insect.

To delete a insect, select it, and click Remove Insect.
The Confirm Row Removal window opens.

Click Yes to remove the insect.
The Confirm Row Removal window closes.

The insect is removed from the list, but the removal is not permanent until you Save.

After insect list is complete, click Save.
The Manage Insects window closes.

Managing Diseases


Existing diseases can be Edited by changing the Description or removing the Show by Default checkmark. They can be deactivated by removing the Active checkmark, and they can be Removed if they haven’t been used.

Don't worry if you miss a few; new ones can be added on the fly while Adding a Field Scout.

To manage diseases:
* indicates a required field

Navigate to Agronomy > Manage > Field Scouting > Diseases.
The Manage Diseases window opens.

Type a disease Description.

Leave Show by Default checked if this is a common disease and you want it displayed by default on the scouting form.
Diseases that are not shown by default are selected manually from a drop down list.

Press TAB or click Active to activate the new disease.

To delete a disease, select it, and click Remove Disease.
The Confirm Row Removal window opens.

Click Yes to remove the disease.
The Confirm Row Removal window closes.

The disease is removed from the list, but the removal is not permanent until you Save.

After disease list is complete, click Save.
The Manage Diseases window closes.

Company-Level Defaults

To set company-level defaults for field scouting:
* indicates a required field

Navigate to File > Config Options > Company
The Company Level Settings window opens.

Navigate to the Agronomy tab.

H2O Unit Type

If you mix a chemical with water, this will be the default unit by which the water is measured.

Type an H2O Unit Type (unit of water measurement).
e.g. USGAL, L, IMPGAL, etc.

Image Size

Digital cameras can take amazing photos, but you probably don’t need the entire 8 (or 12 or 60) megapixels in the Image Gallery to convey an infestation of Canada Thistle. To reduce upload times, the default size for field scout images is “Small”, but you can increase the size if you find the quality of the printed image lacking. Changing the default affects new images on upload - images you've already added to field scouts won't be resized.

Select the Image Size: Small, Medium, or Large