Managing CRM Employee Groups

CRM Employee Groups are optional and are used for grouping results in the CRM Activity Summary report.

Employees are added to groups by editing the user and specifying which (if any) group they are in.

What you'll find:

Adding a CRM Employee Group

Editing or Deactivating a CRM Employee Group

Removing a CRM Employee Group

I want to read the white paper (with lots of screen shots) on CRM Customer Relationship Management.


To manage CRM Employee Groups

Navigate to Accounts Receivable > CRM > Manage > Employee Groups

Adding a CRM Employee Group

Type a text label for the new group in the blank line at the bottom of the list and Save your changes.

Add agrē users to an Employee Group through security (you many need to contact your company's Local Security Administrator if you don't have permission).

Editing a CRM Employee Group

To change the spelling of a group, double-click on the title and change the text. Save your changes.

To deactivate a group, click on the checkmark in the Active column to remove it. Save your changes.

Removing a CRM Employee Group

If a group is not in use it can be permanently removed. If it has been used, you would need to edit every agrē user that has that group specified and select a different one (or remove it) before the group could be removed.

Select the group and click Remove Group. Save your changes.
You'll be prompted to confirm the delete.


You could also deactivate a group instead of removing it permanently. This may be a quicker option if it is currently in use, but you no longer need it.