Adding Budgets

Now that you've defined the budget settings (if you have more than one location), use the Manage Budgets window to create and manage your budgets. When creating a new budget, you have the option of rolling a previous year’s budget into the current year OR starting from scratch

You can create budgets for the following postable accounts:

Revenue (4)

COGS (5)

Expenses (6, 7, 8, 9)

When you add a new budget, you select a fiscal year and a location (which could be all locations), then agrē displays the annual budget together with accounting period details for each GL account. agrē automatically creates any missing fiscal periods for monthly-defined periods. However, if the accounting periods are custom, you must manually create the missing periods.

When entering a new budget, you have the option of either:

entering an annual amount and having that amount dispersed evenly across periods or

customizing the amount entered in each of the accounting periods

For each fiscal year, you have the option of either:

adding budgets for each individual location in which case the company budget would be the total of the location budgets or

adding a single budget for the company as a whole and having no individual location budgets

You may change from a company budget to a location budget at any time.

Prev Year's Actuals are the actual GL totals from the previous fiscal year (e.g. Income Statement values).


What you'll find:


To add a budget

Navigate to General Ledger > Manage > Budgets.
The Manage Budgets window opens.

In the Fiscal Year box, enter a fiscal year for the budget.

If you selected Calculate Company Budget From Location Budgets? for this fiscal year in the Manage GL Administration window, the budget for this fiscal year is based on location, and you cannot enter budget totals when you are viewing all locations. You must select a location.


To change the location budget information for this fiscal year, click Change Location Settings.

In the Location box, select a specific location or all locations.

Click Retrieve Budget.
If there are budget values from the previous fiscal year, a message appears: “Would you like to fill in this year’s budget figures with last year’s budget?”

Click Yes to roll last year’s budget into the current budget.
Click No to open and create a new budget.


To add a new GL account to the budget (and to the chart of accounts), click Add Account.

To enter budget amounts, you can enter amounts directly into the Manage Budgets table by entering individual amounts for each account.
Click on an account’s period and enter the amount.
- or -
You can click the account you want and then click Edit. On the Edit Budget window, Annual Amount box, enter an annual amount for that account’s budget.

If you want to spread the budget evenly across all periods, select the Divide Evenly Across Periods? check box.

If you choose not to divide the budget across all periods, you must enter individual amounts for each period in the Edit Budget table.
The period budget amounts must add up to the annual budget amount.

Click Update.
The Edit Budget window closes and the updated item appears in the list on the Manage Budgets window.

Click Save.

Exporting & Importing Budget Values

If you'd find it easier to work with your budget numbers in a spreadsheet, you can export the existing values, use Excel to edit the data, then import the new values into agrē.

You can start with a completely blank budget, or refine one you've already started.

To export budget values

After choosing the Fiscal Year and the Location and Retrieving the Budget, select Export from the Manage Budgets toolbar.
The Save As window opens.

(config U) Navigate to a location on your local device or local network and Save the file with the default name.
The file name needs to remain the same so when it's imported agrē can confirm to which fiscal year and location to allocate the values. The name also helps you keep track of which spreadsheet is for which location.


The export file needs to be saved locally so it can be edited outside of agrē.
Please refer to Hosted Users: Selecting a Destination for Exported Files for more details.

Edit budget values outside of agrē

Open the spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel and edit the budget values. If there are GL accounts that are not budgeted, you can leave those rows blank.

To import budget values

After choosing the Fiscal Year and the Location and Retrieving the Budget, select Import Budget.
The Select GL Budget Worksheet window opens.

(config U) Navigate to where the spreadsheet is stored, select the file to import, and select Open.
The values from the spreadsheet are imported. Any existing values on the screen are overwritten with the new ones.

Save the new values.