Reconciling Bank Account Balances

Bank reconciliation is the process that explains the difference between the balance shown on your bank statement and the balance shown on agrē's balance sheet for the same date.

I want to read the Initial Bank Reconciliation white paper (with screen shots).

What you'll find:

Adding a Bank Reconciliation

Finishing/Completing a Bank Reconciliation

Adding a Bank Reconciliation

To reconcile a bank account balance

Navigate to General Ledger > Bank Reconciliation.
The Bank Reconciliations window opens.

In the Choose Account box, enter the bank account that you want to reconcile.
Only GL accounts flagged as reconcilable and that you have permission to reconcile will be listed.

Click Retrieve.
A list of previous bank reconciliations appear in the grid.

Click Add.
The Bank Reconciliation window opens.


Any pending reconciliations for an account must be completed before a new one can be added.

In the Statement Balance box, enter the ending/closing balance from your bank statement.

In the Statement Date box, enter the ending/closing date of the bank statement.

Click Display Transactions.

In the Cleared column, check the box for each transaction that matches with your bank statement.


If additional journal entries are required to reconcile (e.g. to add a bank service charge), you can click Add Journal Entry and add them from here.

Click Save Cleared Items.

If the Difference is not $0, the Continue? window opens and you are asked "Do you want to continue to work on the reconciliation?"

Click Yes if you want to continue clearing items now.

Click No if you want to return later where you left off.


To see a list of transactions that are cleared so far, select the pending bank reconciliation and click Preview Item to view the Bank Reconciliation report.

If the Difference is $0, you will be asked if you would like to Finish the reconciliation.

If you change your mind, you can Undo the reconciliation.

Completing/Finishing a Bank Reconciliation

Because you may not have time to complete an entire reconciliation at once, agrē allows you to 'save as you go' without having to reconcile the entire balance.

If you saved your bank reconciliation “in progress” by clicking the Save Cleared Items button, you’ll need to return to the Bank Reconciliation window once you’re ready to finish the reconciliation.

To complete a bank reconciliation at a later time:

Navigate to General Ledger > Bank Reconciliation.
The Bank Reconciliations window opens.

Select the same bank account and click Retrieve.

Select the pending bank reconciliation and click Complete.
The Bank Reconciliation window opens.

Click Display Transactions.

In the Cleared column, check the box for each transaction that matches with your bank statement.


Sort by the Cleared column (click the column header) to move items you've already checked to the bottom of the list.

When your reconciliation is complete and the Difference is $0, click Finished to reconcile.
The ending balance from this reconciliation will be the starting balance of the next bank reconciliation.

If you change your mind, you can Undo the reconciliation.

Click Yes to view the Bank Reconciliation report.
Click No to complete the reconciliation without viewing the report.


To see a list of cleared transactions at any time, select a finished bank reconciliation and click Preview Item to view the Bank Reconciliation report.

To view a list of unreconciled transactions, navigate to General Ledger > Reports and  run Unreconciled Bank Transactions.