AR Credits

Customers can deposit money into their accounts without applying their funds to any items. Their funds then become credits that can be applied to items at a later date. Credits can also be generated from returns or adjustments. If required, credits that have already been applied to items (invoices, interest charges, etc.) can also be unapplied so they can be applied elsewhere.

Prepayment deposits are separate from regular customer deposits; you cannot apply and unapply prepayment funds as credits. You can, however, transfer prepayment funds to regular funds if needed (you can also transfer unapplied credits to prepay).

(Config I,U, L, C) Use the Customer Account Information window to apply and unapply customer credits. You can also have agrē automatically apply unapplied credits created by invoices in various ways. See Configuration Settings (Configuration).

What you'll find:

Applying AR Credits

Unapplying AR Credits

Applying AR Credits

You can apply credits to chargeable items.


Typically, unapplied credits should be applied before calculating interest.

To apply a customer’s credit

On the Accounts Receivable menu, click Customer Accounts. Or click the Customer Account toolbar button.
The Find Customer window opens.

Find the customer using the various search criteria.

In the Customer List, enter the customer who has credits to apply and then click Use Selection.
The Customer Account Information window opens.

Click Apply Credits.
The Apply Credits window opens.


To view a Customer Statement report for the customer, click Run Statement.

Under Unapplied Credits, in the Apply column, select the Apply check boxes of the unapplied credits that you want to apply.


To quickly select and clear all the items in the Unapplied Credits list, click Select All and Deselect All.

To view a detailed report for an item in the Unapplied Credits list, select the item from the list and then click View Item.


You can apply the lump sum payment automatically or manually.

When you apply the payment automatically, agrē applies the payment to chargeable items from oldest to most recent until the payment received runs out or there are no more chargeable items remaining.

When you apply the payments manually, you can select the chargeable items to pay for and the amount of funds you want to apply to each of the selected chargeable items.

If you want agrē to automatically apply credits to chargeable items, click Auto Apply. agrē uses all of the credits available.
- or -
Under Apply to, in the Apply column, select the Apply check box of the chargeable item that you want to have credits applied to.


To quickly select and clear all the items in the Apply to list, click Select All and Deselect All.

To view a detailed report for a chargeable item, select the chargeable item from the Apply to list and then click View Item.

Click Save. The customer’s account is updated.

If you have not applied all the credits available, a message appears indicating that you have unapplied credits.
Click Yes to continue saving.
Click No to return to the Apply Credits window to apply the remaining credits, if applicable.

Unapplying AR Credits

If you need to rearrange a customer’s credits or fix an error, you can unapply credits; however, credits from invoices containing early payment discounts or credits applied to negative payments (i.e., cash refunds) cannot be unapplied. Instead, you must delete the payment. See Deleting Payments.

When you unapply credits, customer balances are updated, and the chargeable balance for any chargeable items that no longer have credits applied to them are updated. Those chargeable items are now outstanding.

To unapply a customer’s credit

On the Accounts Receivable menu, click Customer Accounts. Or click the Customer Account toolbar button.
The Find Customer window opens.

Find the customer using the various search criteria.

In the Customer List, enter the customer who has credits to unapply and then click Use Selection.
The Customer Account Information window opens.

Click Unapply Credits.
The Unapply Credits window opens and all chargeable items that have had credits applied to them in the last six months are listed.


Invoices & Interest Owing displays the total amount of money the customer owes for all chargeable items.
Unapplied Credits displays the total amount of unapplied credits the customer has.

In the Show all credits from boxes, optionally change the start and end dates to display all the items that generated credits during that date range.
The default start date is six months prior to today’s date, and the default end date is today’s date.

Click Refresh List.
All items that generated credits during the date range specified appear in the list.

In the Unapply column, select the Unapply check boxes of the chargeable items that should no longer have those credits applied.


To quickly select and clear all the items in the list, click Select All and Deselect All.

To view a detailed report for a chargeable item, select the chargeable item from the list to view and then click View Item.

Click Save.
The customer’s account and applicable chargeable items are updated. You can now reapply credits, if needed.