Working with The Interface

Knowing how to work with the agrē interface will help you to use agrē.

What you'll find:


Menu Bar


Keyboard Shortcuts


The toolbar shows shortcut buttons for common tasks. The buttons on the toolbar can be customized.

image of Toolbar

To customize the buttons on the toolbar:

Navigate to Window > Customize Toolbar.
The Customize Toolbar window opens.

Click the checkbox in the Show column to show or hide individual buttons.

Click Up and Down to change the order of the buttons.

Check Only show Icon if you want to see only the button icon but not the button text label.

Click Reset to Default to display the default buttons in the default order and display the text labels.

Click Save to save your changes.

Menu Bar

The menu bar appears at the top of the agrē main window and is used to access menus and submenus.

image of Toolbar

Each menu (a.k.a. module) consists of commonly used commands.
For example, Inventory commands include creating inventory receipts and making adjustments.
General Ledger commands include creating journal entries and managing accounts.

Most menus contain at least 2 submenus: “Manage” and “Reports.”

The Manage submenu allows you to enter and set up information, many of which are one time only tasks. For example, before you can create a journal entry, you must set up your GL chart of accounts on the “Manage Chart of Accounts” window.

The Reports submenu allows you to view and run reports for a specific menu. For example, the Blending reports submenu allows you to run a Blend Price Sheet or Blend Batch Sheet report. (You can access all reports on the Reports menu).


The menus and submenus displayed depend on your company-specific customization of agrē.


Navigating agrē is similar to any Windows-based program. This section provides tips for navigating the interface easily.

what you'll find in Navigation:

Using the Mouse

Using the Keyboard

General Navigation

Navigating Tables and Lists

Using the Mouse

Click the left mouse button (i.e., the button under your index finger) for common actions such as:

selecting menu options from the menu bar.

selecting toolbar and window buttons.

placing the insertion point in a text box or table.

opening and closing agrē windows.

Click the right mouse button for context-sensitive menu options.
For example on the Manage Chart of Accounts table, right-click displays a shortcut menu with three commands: Add Account, Edit Account, and Delete Account. On the shortcut menu, click the command using either mouse button.

General Ledger > Manage > Chart of Accounts

Using the Keyboard

You can use the keyboard to navigate agrē without using the mouse.

what you'll find in Navigation > Using the Keyboard

General Navigation

Navigating Tables and Lists.

Menu Bar Keyboard Shortcuts.

Toolbar Keyboard Shortcuts.

General Navigation

Keystrokes for general navigation are shown in Table 1.1:

Table 1.1       Keystrokes for General Navigation

To perform this action

Use this keystroke

Move forward in a window (from left to right and top to bottom)

Press the TAB key

Move backward in a window (from right to left and bottom to top)

Hold down SHIFT and press the TAB key

Click a button

When on the button,


— OR —

Press the SPACEBAR

Select or clear a check box

When on the check box,

Press the SPACEBAR

Move between tabs on a window

Each tab is given a consecutive number. Press CTRL+[num] for the tab you want to select.

For example, press CTRL+1 to select the first tab on a window.

Navigating Tables and Lists

In this User Guide, there is a difference between tables and lists; however, the keystrokes for navigating tables and lists are the same and are shown in Table 1.2:

Table 1.2:      Keystrokes for Navigating Tables and Lists

To perform this action

Use this keystroke

Move forward in a table or list (from left to right and top to bottom)

Press the TAB key

— OR —

Press the DOWN ARROW key

Move backward in a table or list (from right to left and bottom to top)

Hold down SHIFT and press the TAB key

— OR —

Press the UP ARROW key

Skip out of a table or list (and keep the current row selected)

Hold down SHIFT and press END

Note If there are no text boxes or buttons below the table or list, then this action appears to have no effect because there is no place in which to skip out.


The current row in a table or list is indicated by the “>” symbol on the left and, for some tables and lists, a dotted outline.

In some tables and lists, the current row is also highlighted in blue (the highlight colour may not be blue if you’ve changed the default Windows colour scheme).

Most tables (grids) can be sorted. Click a column header to sort by that column. Click again to sort in descending order (the sorting triangle will flip upside down).

Some tables (grids) can be filtered. Click on the filter drop down arrow (indicated by the red arrow) to specify the criteria.
This table is sorted by Date in descending order, and is about to be filtered for Type=Invoice.


Filter options appear in the same order as they are listed in the table. To have the filter options listed in alphabetical order first sort the grid by that column by clicking on the column header, then apply the filter.

Keyboard Shortcuts

A keyboard shortcut is a combination of keystrokes that is used to perform a task that you could also perform with a mouse. Nearly all keyboard shortcuts in agrē use ALT combined with another key(s). The keyboard navigation indicator (the underlined letter) indicates the specific key(s) to use.

Two types of keyboard shortcuts exist in agrē: menu bar and toolbar shortcuts.

what you'll find in Navigation > Keyboard Shortcuts

Menu Bar Keyboard Shortcuts

Toolbar Keyboard Shortcuts

Invoice Shortcuts

Other Handy Shortcuts

Menu Bar Keyboard Shortcuts

You can access the menu bar by using the mouse or by using keyboard shortcuts. For menu bar keyboard shortcuts, press ALT and a series of letters (depending on the window you want to open). When you press ALT, key letters are underlined. By pressing the underlined letters, you can access any window in agrē.

For example, to access the Manage Blend Nutrients window on the Blending menu, press (and release) ALT. Notice that the “B” in the Blending menu name is underlined. Then, press B to open the Blending menu. Next, press M, which expands the Manage submenu. Then, press N to open the Manage Blend Nutrients window.

The keyboard shortcut for this example is ALT, B, M, N.


For menu bar keyboard shortcuts, ALT can be pressed and let go before pressing the menu letter. In other words, ALT and a menu letter do not have to be pressed at the same time.


The mapping of the underlined letters is dynamic and may change with the addition of new menu items.

Toolbar Keyboard Shortcuts

The toolbar is the row of buttons at the top of each agrē window (excluding the agrē main window). For toolbar keyboard shortcuts, press ALT and a letter (depending on the button you want to select) at the same time.

When you press ALT, key letters are underlined. By pressing the underlined letters, you can access any toolbar button in agrē. For example, to access the Exit button to close the window, press ALT and X at the same time (the “X” is underlined when you press ALT).

The keyboard shortcut for this example is ALT+X. (The + symbol indicates that ALT and X must be pressed at the same time.)

Invoice Shortcuts

Change the order of products using Control+Up Arrow and Control+Down Arrow.

Other Handy Shortcuts

In most places, F5 is the shortcut for Refresh List.

There are some other Windows-based shortcuts that you can use in agrē. See Shortcuts on Finding Customers, Finding Suppliers, and Reports.