Inventory Product Forecasts

Inventory Product Forecasting involves setting estimated quantities of product to be sold during a given time frame. The forecasted quantities are used during the course of the season to help project where possible inventory risk may lie (not having enough, or having too much left over).


What you'll find:

Managing Product Forecasts

Product Forecast Reporting

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Managing Product Forecasts

Product forecasts are made in the Manage Forecasts window.

To create the product forecasting template:
* indicates a required field

Navigate to Inventory > Manage > Product Forecasts.
The Manage Product Forecasts window opens.

Select the Fiscal Year* of the forecast.

Choose the Location* of the forecast.
Selecting <All Locations> allows you to enter a forecast for all locations of company, or you can specify a forecast for each location.

(optional) Select a Product, Product Type, product Characteristic, or Manufacturer to shorten the list of products returned.


You may find it easier to work with one location and/or one product type at a time.

Click Retrieve Forecasts to bring up the list of products that match the selection criteria.

The Many rows returned window opens if the selection criteria will return more than 150 rows of location/product combinations.

Click Yes to see all the rows and continue.

Click No to go back and change the criteria.

The product forecasts can be specified per annum or per period.

To set an annual forecast, type a quantity in the first column: Annual Amount.

Select a Distribution Behaviour: All into first period, Evenly, or All into last period.
The quantity typed in the Annual Amount column will be allocated between periods as you have chosen.

To specify forecasts per period, type a quantity in any of the period columns.
The Annual Amount will be the calculated total of the period quantities.

To set forecasts for a different location or a different group of products, click Start Over and change the filter criteria.


The Start Over button works a little differently here.
Instead of undoing all your hard work to get the location/product filter criteria setup just right, it leaves what you've already selected. This makes it easy to switch just the location or just the product type and continue forecasting.

When you're done, Save the changes.
You can also Export the forecasts to an Excel spreadsheet. Don't forget to save the export file where it is accessible outside of agrē.

Product Forecast Reporting

The Inventory Forecast Position report shows the inventory forecast position of your inventory.