Deleting and Deactivating Lot Numbers

I want to read the white paper (with screenshots) about Lot Number Management.

To delete seed or feed lot numbers

Navigate to Inventory > Lot Numbers.
The Lot Numbers window opens.

Optionally click New Search and modify the search criteria to include the Lot# you want to delete.
Click Search to bring up all Lot#s matching the selected criteria.

Click Delete.
The Confirm Delete window opens.

Click Yes to delete the Lot#.
The Lot# is deleted immediately, links to this Lot# on activities (inventory receipts, loadout tickets, invoices) are removed, and the Confirm Delete window closes.


Lot#s can be deactivated at any time to prevent linking to new activity.

Only Lot#s that have not been linked to any inventory activities can be deleted.

If Delete is greyed out, there are inventory transactions linked to this Lot# that will need to be unlinked before it can be deleted. Edit the Lot# then click Unlink Activity to remove the links to this Lot# from transactions.