Manufactured Products

Manufacturing combines one or more raw products into a new product (with a separate product code). You can manufacture any product in agrē that has been defined as a  manufactured product (as set up in Manage Products).

When you manufacture a product, you can do one of two things:

add the raw products that make up the manufactured product directly on the Manufacture Product window.

pull in the raw products optionally specified when the manufactured product was added to agrē (set up in Manage Products).
If you pull in the raw products, you can still edit both the products and the quantities directly on the Manufacture Product window.

The cost of a manufactured product is based on the costs of the raw products that make up the manufactured product. You can specify the costs and GL accounts for non-inventory raw products (like labour or bagging fees); however, the costs and GL accounts for inventory raw products are automatically entered by agrē in order to maintain a balanced sub-ledger.

When you manufacture a product, its raw products are moved out of your inventory and the manufactured product is moved into your inventory. If you need to fix an error in manufacturing, you can edit it (as long as the manufacture date is not in a closed period), or undo it (the manufactured product is moved out of your inventory and its raw products are moved back into your inventory).

You can only undo the manufacturing of a product immediately after it is manufactured (when no activity is associated with the manufactured product yet). You cannot undo manufactured products that have been used or are in use.


Manufacturing documents must have unique reference numbers.

What you'll find:

Manufacturing Products

Editing Manufactured Products

Undoing Manufactured Products


I want to read the White Paper (with screenshots) about Manufacturing.

I want to read the White Paper (with screenshots) about Manufacturing with Included Labour Cost.

I want to read the White Paper (with screenshots) about DE-Manufacturing (e.g. breaking up a case into individual jugs).

I want to read the Example (with screenshots) about Manufacturing FMC PrecisionPacs.

I want to read the White Paper (with screenshots) about Lot Number Management (because I manufacture products with Lot#s).