Managing Custom Attribute Groups

Think of Attribute Groups as being like a folder or container for attributes. You can’t create a custom attribute until you have an Attribute Group to put it in. Groups don’t do anything on their own; they just store similar attributes together for easier data entry and viewing.

Navigate to Accounts Receivable > CRM > Manage > Custom Attribute Groups.

In the list are the three default groups: General, Credit, and Farm. These default groups cannot be edited, deactivated, or removed but you don’t have to use them if you don’t need them. Once you remove all attributes from a group, it will no longer display on the customer account CRM tab.

What you'll find:

I want to read the white paper (with lots of screen shots) on CRM Customer Relationship Management.

Adding an Attribute Group

To add a new group, start typing its title on the blank line at the bottom of the list and press TAB to make the group Active.

If you're adding multiple groups, add them all at once as Save closes the window.

Flag a group as Specific Location (and select for which location) if you want this group displayed on the CRM tab of only customers whose home location is that location.

Save your changes.


It’s very easy to click Exit instead of Save and accidentally discard your changes!

Editing an Attribute Group

To change the spelling of a group, double-click on the group title and type a new one.

To make a group location-specific, check the Specific Location box and choose the location.
Any previously entered data for customers not from that location is retained (and will be included in the CRM Export) but won't be visible on the CRM tab.

To make a group universal, uncheck the Specific Location box (which removes the location too).

To deactivate an attribute group (the group and its attributes will no longer display on the customer account CRM tab) click on the checkmark in the Active column to remove it. You can deactivate a group even if it contains active attributes.

Save your changes.


Attribute Groups can be deactivated even if they contain active Custom Attributes.

Reordering Attribute Groups

The order of the groups in the list determines the order and the position of the groups on the two-column customer account CRM tab. If there are an odd number of groups, there will be one more group on the left hand side of the tab than on the right.

Click Move Up or Move Down to change the order of the groups.

Save your changes.

Removing Attribute Groups

If an attribute group is empty it can be permanently removed. If it contains attributes, you would need to remove the attributes before the group could be removed.

Select the group to remove and click Remove Group. Save your changes.


You can also deactivate an attribute group instead of removing it permanently. Deactivated groups do not appear on the CRM tab.