Deactivating and Activating Customers

Use the Manage Customers window to deactivate and activate customers.

When you add a customer the default setting is active, but you can also reactivate a mapped customer that has been deactivated (unmapped members must be mapped before they can be reactivated).

When a customer is deactivated, you can still find the customer by changing the Active? criteria to Either or No.

I want to read the Best Practice about Deactivating Members.

To deactivate or activate a customer

Navigate to Accounts Receivable > Manage > Customers.
The Customer Search window is available.

Find the customer using the various search criteria.


If the customer you want to edit does not appear in the list, click New Search and change your criteria.
Check the Location if you have more than one.

In the Customer list, select the customer

Click Deactivate or Activate as applicable.
Mapped members can be reactivated at any time. Unmapped members should be left inactive and their current account imported from the FCL mainframe.

Click Yes to confirm.

Customer Deactivation Business Rules

A customer can be deactivated as long as the following conditions are met:

no unbilled Loadout Tickets

no active Work Orders