Manage Product Retail Prices

In order to determine a price for a product, agrē completes two general processes:

Retail prices are included within the second process (getting the product’s price).

When getting a product’s price (second process), agrē checks to see if there is a price specified for the product (in the units being sold), for the customer’s price level, at the transaction location (i.e., where the product is being sold). If there is, that price is used.

All retail prices are optional; however, if the default price level [level 1] at the company location does not have a price specified, the Default Price is used. (The default price level [level 1] at the company location is the lowest price level available for agrē to check).

To enter retail prices you can use: 

the Manage Product Retail Prices window or

the Import Retail Prices window or

the Prices and Taxes window

The benefit of using the Manage Product Retail Prices window is that you can add retail prices for multiple products at one location all at once. The benefit of using Import Retail Prices is the power of Excel - for example you can use a simple formula to increase prices by 5%. The benefit of using the Prices and Taxes window is that you can add retail prices immediately after adding or editing a product and you can specify gross-unit pricing (the price includes the taxes).

When you save, the retail prices you enter are updated immediately.

To enter a retail price on the Manage Product Retail Prices window

Navigate to Inventory > Manage > Pricing > Retail Prices.
The Product Search window is available.

Find the product(s) using the various search criteria.
The search results are shown in the Manage Product Retail Prices window.

(Config U) In the Location box, enter the location that owns the products that require retail prices.


If you want to use the same default retail prices for products at all locations, select <Company> from the list. Location level default retail prices override company level defaults. If you only have one location, <Company> is hidden.

Select the Show Company Prices check box if you want the company default prices to be displayed on the window.
This check box is selected by default. If you chose <Company>, this check box is unavailable.

Click Retrieve Prices.
The rest of the window is available for use.

In the Retail Price column, enter the retail prices for the products, units, and price levels.
Your price levels are entered by default (set up in Manage Price Levels).

(optional) In the Min Price and 2nd Min Price columns, enter minimum pricing.


Any Sale Prices currently in effect are displayed for reference.

Click the ellipsis [...] next to the Last Changed date to see retail price history.

Click Save.

To enter a retail price on the Prices and Taxes window

On the Inventory menu, point to Manage and then click Products.
The Product Search window is available.

Find the product using the various search criteria.
For information on searching for products see Using the Product Search Window (Getting Started). The search results are shown in the Manage Products window.

In the Product list, select the product that requires retail prices and then click Prices/Taxes.
The Prices and Taxes window opens.

Click the Retail Prices tab.
The Retail Prices tab is selected by default.

In the Retail Price column, enter the retail prices for the units, locations, and price levels.
Your price levels are entered by default (set up in Manage Price Levels).

Click Save.
The Prices and Taxes window closes and the Manage Products window appears.

Click Exit.


Other information available on the Prices and Taxes window:
Entering Taxes for Products