Prepaid Price Level

You may want to use a Prepaid Price Level if ...

when setting up prepaid work orders, you have the same prepaid price for every grower (or the same price that you use as a starting point) that is different from your regular retail price

instead of “locking in” a specific prepayment price on growers’ plans now, you want to charge them the “going rate for prepaid product” when they pick up their product in the spring

every grower gets a different prepaid price so you want no default prepaid price (default prepaid price is blank)

Using a prepaid price level is optional.

If you have a prepaid price level configured, then whenever a product is purchased with prepayment funds (the Prepay? box is checked), and a 'current price' needs to be retrieved (when adding to a Work Order or Invoice for example), the price is retrieved from this price level.

Specific prices on work orders will always override this price, but if you want to have a 'special prepaid price' show up automatically any time prepayment dollars are used on an invoice, even when a work order is not involved or when the work order specified that current price would be calculated at invoice time, a prepaid price level may be of use to you.

I want to read the white paper (with lots of screenshots) about setting up and using a Prepaid Price Level.


What you’ll find:

Prepaid Price Level Rules of Engagement

Getting Ready to Use the Current Prepaid Price

Set the Prepaid Price Level

Set the Product Prepayment Prices

Double Check Prepaid Prices

Work Orders: Flag as Use Current Prepaid Price

Invoices: Getting the Current Prepaid Price

Linking to a Work Order

When a Customer has No Work Order


Prepaid Price Level Rules of Engagement

If there is no price set at the Prepaid Price Level, the price will default to the current retail price.

A specified Current Prepaid Price is not affected by:

any product sale prices (e.g. snow shovels on sale during the month of July)

any discount group pricing (e.g. Friends and Family get 5% off)


Getting Ready to Use the Current Prepaid Price

Set the Prepaid Price Level

You’ll need to designate a new or an existing price level as the “prepaid price level”.


This is something that you will do only once.

Navigate to Inventory > Manage > Pricing > Price Levels.

To create a new price level to use as the prepaid one,
Type in the new prepay price level name

Click the Prepaid Price Level button.

Choose the price level from the drop down menu and click OK.
The name of the prepaid price level is displayed at the bottom of the window.


To discontinue using a prepaid price level, click Prepaid Price Level and choose <No Prepaid Price Level (Default)>. Save your changes.

You will see visual confirmation in the bottom left of the window that you’ve set a prepaid price level.

Click Save.

Set the Product Prepayment Prices

Now that you’ve got a designated Prepaid Price Level, you’ll need to set some prepaid prices for your products.


This can be done at any time prior to invoicing if you're not linking to a work order.

Navigate to Inventory > Manage > Pricing > Retail Prices.

If you want a list of all products, click Search.
If you would like to narrow down the list of products that you want to price, choose a specific Product Type (or use another criteria) before you Search.

Choose the Location and click Retrieve Prices.


If all locations will charge the same price, you can set the prepayment price at the <Company> Level.

Type the prepaid price for each applicable product

Save your changes.

Double Check Prepaid Prices

Once you’ve set your prepaid prices, you can confirm accuracy using the Product Price List report.

Navigate to Inventory > Reports > Product Price List

Use additional search criteria to shorten the list of products (if applicable)

Choose the prepaid price level

Click Run.

Use the results to check your prices.

Work Orders: Flag as Use Current Prepaid Price (optional)

When adding prepaid products to work orders, you can flag them to use whatever the current prepaid price is at invoice time instead of typing a specific dollar amount by:

checking the Prepay checkbox

checking the Use Current Price on Invoice checkbox


BOTH boxes must be checked to Use the Current Prepaid Price on invoices.


When a customer has prepaid products with no specific prices listed on their prepayment plan/work orders, agrē cannot accurately calculate how much the customer is over or under allocated.

Invoices: Getting the Current Prepaid Price

Linking to a Work Order that specified Use Current Price

When you create the grower’s invoice, you’ll import the loadout ticket (or add products directly) then link them back to work orders to get any special prepaid pricing.


Using Auto Link is a fast way to link to the oldest prepaid work order first, but you can also click the Pricing button to choose to link to a particular work order.

After you link products on invoices or loadout tickets back to the work orders, agrē will default to the current prepaid price.

When a Customer has No Work Order

If the customer has deposited prepaid funds on account and should get prepaid pricing, but has no work orders to link to, you just need to flag the items on the invoice as Prepaid and they’ll get the prepayment price automatically.

Blend with No Work Order

Edit the blend row

Click the Prepay Blend checkbox to get the current prepaid price

Straight Product with No Work Order

Edit the product row

Click the Prepay checkbox to get the current prepaid price


If first you specify a Unit Price and then check the Prepay box to use prepay funds from the customer’s account, your price will be overwritten by the Prepaid Price.

If you want to use prepay funds, but don’t want to give the customer the standard prepaid price, you will need to manually change it after checking the Prepay checkbox.