Purchase Invoice Import (non-inventory only)

agrē allows you to create a spreadsheet template to use for entering non-inventory purchase details, then imports the values from the spreadsheet into your database as new non-inventory purchase invoices.

If a link to a Purchase Order is mandatory, purchase invoices cannot be imported; add them manually.

What you'll find:

Exporting the Purchase Invoice Worksheet

Export the Purchase Invoice Worksheet to use as a template for your non-inventory data.

To create the purchase invoice template:

Navigate to Accounts Payable > Purchase Invoices.
The Purchase Invoice window opens.

Select Import from the toolbar.
The Purchase Invoice Import (Non-Inventory) window opens.

Select Export Worksheet from the toolbar.
The Save As window opens.

(config U) Export to Excel as you normally would.
Remember to save the file on a local drive or local network drive so that you can access it outside of agrē.


Follow the tips for Selecting a Destination for Exported Files to make sure you're saving the file to where you can edit it outside of agrē.

Filling in the Purchase Invoice Worksheet

Follow the usual worksheet rules: don't remove rows; don't add or remove columns; leave empty columns blank.

Max of 100 rows.

Once the values have been entered, save the spreadsheet. The purchase invoices can now be imported into agrē.


sample spreadsheet

Importing Purchase Invoices into agrē

Now you can use the worksheet to bring your purchase invoices into agrē.

To import purchase invoices into agrē:

Navigate to Accounts Payable > Purchase Invoices.
The Purchase Invoice window opens.

Select Import from the toolbar.
The Purchase Invoice Import (Non-Inventory) window opens.

Select Import from the toolbar.
The Select PI Import Worksheet window opens.

(config U) Navigate to where your worksheet is stored, select it, then click Open.
The Select PI Import Worksheet window closes.

Save to complete the import.
Exit to cancel the import.

Business Rules for Importing Purchase Invoices

Add Purchase Invoice security permission is required.

Unit Price, Quantity, Supplier Code, Description, header Location, and GL are mandatory.

Invoice and Due Date must be the same for lines that will end up on the same PI

If no dates are entered Invoice Date will default to today and Due Date will default to +1 month.

Purchase Invoice Date may not be a future date, and must be before the Due Date.

Fixed Assets must be purchased.

Import reads to the first row in which Supplier, Location and Description are empty, to a maximum of 100 rows.