Purchasing Fixed Assets

There are two ways to purchase a Fixed Asset.

New fixed assets are added to Purchase Invoices.
Saving the Purchase Invoice changes the status of the fixed asset to Purchased.

Historical fixed assets (ones that have already been purchased, either before you started using agrē or before you started using the fixed asset module) need an Historical Purchase Item added to their history.
Adding an Historical Purchase Item to the fixed asset's history changes the status to Purchased.

Only Fixed Assets with a status of Purchased can be depreciated.

What you'll find:

Purchasing a New Fixed Asset

Purchasing an Historical Fixed Asset

Adding the Historical Purchase

Adding Historical Depreciation

Purchasing a New Fixed Asset

New fixed assets are ones that you are purchasing now.

To purchase a new fixed asset
* indicates a required field

Add a new Purchase Invoice.

On the Non-Inventory purchases tab, click the Purchase Fixed Asset button.
The Purchase Fixed Asset window opens.

This Transaction is a Purchase of a new Fixed Asset.

Choose the Fixed Asset from the drop down menu that you are purchasing.


You can accomplish both adding the fixed asset and recording the purchase in one transaction.

Click Add to add a new fixed asset, and Save it to return to this window.

Type in a Description* for the purchase.
All non-inventory purchases require a description. The Description will default to the name of the Fixed Asset.

The Quantity* defaults to 1 and cannot be changed.
If you're purchasing two new trucks, finish adding this one, Update, and add another one on the same PI.

The Unit Price* is a calculated field.
It defaults to $0.00 and will be updated by what you type in the Total field.

Type in the Total* amount.
Typing the Total updates the Unit Price. It cannot be less than $0.

Check the GST Applies box if GST applies to this item.
If the GST Applies check box is checked, the Taxes Included check box becomes available.

Check the Other Tax box if another tax applies to this item, then select the applicable tax (e.g. PST) from the drop down list beside it.
The Other Tax may be posted to the same asset GL account as selected for the fixed asset itself (e.g. the asset account for Vehicles, Equipment, Buildings, etc.).
If the Other Tax check box is checked, the Taxes Included check box becomes available.


If the Other Tax dropdown doesn't display the tax you need, you'll need to edit the tax settings to make it visible here.

Check the Taxes Included box if the Line Total includes tax.
Checking Taxes Included will change the unit price by the amount of tax. The Gross Total field becomes available.

Edit the Gross Total if necessary.
Due to rounding (say, from a 7% tax) the calculated gross total may be slightly different than what you actually paid.

Type in a Reference if applicable.

Click Update to add the Fixed Asset purchase to the Purchase Invoice.

Update the Purchase of Fixed Asset.
This will update the status of the Fixed Asset to Purchased.

Postings: Purchase of a New Fixed Asset

postings resulting from a fixed asset purchase

Purchasing an Historical Fixed Asset

Historical fixed assets have already been purchased, but you recorded the purchase and any depreciation outside of Fixed Asset Management (for example, you purchased the asset before you started using agrē). You want agrē to take over calculating and tracking the depreciation (and other expenses) for that asset from now on, but before agrē can do that it needs to know what's happened so far.

An Historic Purchase or Historic Depreciation entry can also be a negative value. This is useful when a fixed asset is partially disposed.


Adding Historical Items to a Fixed Asset generates NO postings to the General Ledger. You have already recorded the transaction outside of the Fixed Asset Module (for example, using a Journal Entry) and the GL postings were made at that time.

To add history to an historical fixed asset
* indicates a required field

Follow the steps for adding a new Fixed Asset.
Fill in the Main and Depreciation Settings tabs.

Save the Fixed Asset.
You will be unable add History Items to a Fixed Asset until it has been saved at least once.

Edit the Fixed Asset.
The Edit Fixed Asset windows opens.

Navigate to the History tab.

Click Add History Item.
The Add History Item window opens.


Historic items are also Edited from here. Value Adjustments are edited from their source document - the purchase invoice.

adding the historical purchase

The first Type of historic item is an Historic Purchase.
This tracks the purchase of a fixed asset that was recorded outside of Fixed Asset Management.

Type the Description*.
e.g. "Initial Purchase" or something meaningful to you.

Specify the Date of the purchase.
The default is today but you can change it to any date in the past.

Specify the Amount.
This is the initial cost. You'll add the accumulated depreciation as another History Item.

Save the History Item.
The Status of the fixed asset is changed to Purchased.

adding the historical depreciation

The second Type of historic item is Historic Depreciation.
This tracks accumulated depreciation of the fixed asset that was recorded outside of the Fixed Asset Module.

You will need to enter two historical depreciation items.

Enter one History Item for the total amount of Accumulated Depreciation in prior fiscal years.
(you don't need to enter it year by year or period by period; just one total amount is fine)

Enter a second History Item for the total amount of Accumulated Depreciation so far in this fiscal year.

Type a Description*.
e.g. "Accumulated Depreciation" or something meaningful to you.

Specify the Date of the depreciation.
The default is today, but you can change it to the last day depreciation was expensed, or any other date in the past.

Specify the Amount.
This is the total amount of accumulated depreciation that you've recorded outside of the Fixed Asset Module.

Save the History Item.
This will update the value of Accumulated Depreciation.

Click Save to save the fixed asset.
The Edit Fixed Assets window closes.

Postings: Historical Fixed Assets

There are no postings generated from the historic purchase or from the historic depreciation of a fixed asset. If postings are required they must be entered manually.