FAQs: Administration

What you'll find:


How do I set up my taxes?

Users & Security

How do I setup a new agrē user?

Data Imports & Exports

I exported a data file, but Excel can't find it. Where did it go?


Administration FAQs


How do I set up my taxes?

Before you can specify your tax settings in agrē, first add the taxes your company deals with on the File > Manage Taxes window.

Each tax that you add contains some information that applies to both your AR and AP: the tax name, code, rate, and rate type (percentage or flat rate). Other information applies only to your AR: the GL account, if the tax is discountable, the tax on tax settings, and if the tax should apply by default to all your locations, customers, and products. Whether or not a tax should apply by default to all your locations, customers, and products depends on the most common way your business uses the tax.

After adding the taxes, you can set exceptions to the defaults. Since the process for setting up taxes requires detailed explanations and steps, we recommend you read the Taxes Overview.

Use the Taxes for Products data export to check your existing tax settings for products.


Users & Security

How do I setup a new agrē user?

You'll need to add a new user and then set their security details before they can login.

If this new agrē user also needs a new Citrix ID (or an existing one reactivated), please request through Tronia's My Account.


Data Imports & Exports

I exported a data file, but Excel can't find it. Where did it go?

When you export a file, it needs to be saved in a location that can be accessed outside of agrē. If you are a Hosted User, you may be saving the exported file on agrē's server instead of your own computer or local area network  - that would make the export file inaccessible to 3rd party programs (like Microsoft Excel). Follow the tips for Selecting a Destination for Exported Files to make sure you're saving the file to where you can get at it later.