Importing Manual Journal Entries

Use the Journal Entries window to manually import multiple journal entries from a worksheet file.

Importing Journal Entries into agrē is a two-step process

1. create a Worksheet and fill-in outside of agrē with Journal Entry information

2. import the Worksheet into agrē to create the manual Journal Entries


What you'll find:


Exporting Journal Entry Worksheets

agrē will create the worksheet/template that you'll use to enter your journal entry values. Then you'll import the worksheet into agrē to create the journal entries.

To create a Manual Journal Entry Worksheet
* indicates a required field

Navigate to General Ledger > Journal Entries.
The Journal Entries window opens.

Click Import.
The Journal Import window opens.

Click Export Worksheet.
The operating system's Save As window opens.

(config U) Save the worksheet where you can access it outside of agrē, on a Local drive.
Accept the default file name, or type on of your own.


Remember to save the file to a LOCAL drive - either on your own device or on your local network - so you can access it outside of agrē. You can set a default location or choose one on the fly.  
For more details, please refer to: Hosted Users - Selecting a Destination for Exported Files.

Completing Journal Entry Worksheets

Outside of agrē, open the worksheet and fill in the journal entry data. The worksheet can be updated by any application that can edit and save an .XLS file (Microsoft Excel format).

All the usual rules for Journal Entries still apply as well as:

all journal entries in a worksheet must be of the same type (regular, sensitive, and/or pending)

Location and Project may be mandatory

journal entries are parsed by Description (so it cannot be blank)

all worksheet rows pertaining to the same journal entry must have the same Description and the same Date
(you may want to copy/paste or use Ctrl+' to prevent data entry errors)

limit worksheet entries to 50 rows max - you could enter more, but they may not be imported correctly

if one data row has an error, the entire worksheet will be rejected

Worksheet Example

Manual Journal Entry:

Equivalent Import Worksheet Entry:

Importing Journal Entry Worksheets

Once the worksheet has been completed, it can be imported to agrē.

To import a Manual Journal Entry Worksheet
* indicates a required field

Navigate to General Ledger > Journal Entries.
The Journal Entries window opens.

Click Import.
The Journal Import window opens.

Optionally check Sensitive Posting and/or Pending when applicable to all entries in the worksheet.

Click Import.
The Select GL Import Worksheet window opens.

(config U) Navigate to where the import worksheet was saved, select and Open it.
The Select GL Import Worksheet window closes.


On Import, agrē checks the worksheet for MISSING data - like no dates, descriptions, GL accounts, or amounts.

Review the posting lines in the grid.

If you need to make a correction to the worksheet, just click Exit.
No postings have been created yet.

If everything looks good, click Save. It's the Save that creates the postings.
The Journal Import window closes.


On Save, agrē checks for INVALID data - like future dates and descriptions that don't match.

The most likely reason for the "2 accounts must be specified" message - if you have specified two accounts - is the Dates or Descriptions do not match.

Another possible reason the "Totals are not equal to zero" may be that both worksheet dollar values are positive or both are negative. One needs to be a debit and the other a credit.

Back at the Journal Entries window, the imported postings appear in the grid.
They can be edited and deleted just like regular manual journal entries.