Monthly Storage Fees


Typically, storage fees are calculated on a monthly basis. If the end of grace days is on or before the date storage fees are calculated, then storage fees are charged from Day 1. 

For example, if Grace Days = 10, the producer has 10 days to transfer a receipt to Open Storage or Link to Contract.
If the producer waits until Day 11, storage fees will be calculated as of Day 1.  

When moved out of producer storage, remaining fees will be added to the receipt which will follow through to the settlement.

Storage fees are calculated per receipt line and are combined into a suggested amount (detailed information about the individual chargeable items is also available).


Storage Fee calculations require that you select and use dates correctly.

Once you apply storage fees invoices are created with applicable fees, and producer accounts are updated.

Storage Fees have interest rates and chargeable dates. Interest rates are determined the same way invoice interest rates are.

What You'll Find:

Calculating Storage Fees

Use the Monthly Storage Fees window to calculate storage fees. Any storage fees already calculated are not affected.

You can calculate storage fees for some or all producers from one location or all locations.

To calculate storage fees

Navigate to Grain > Monthly Storage Fees.
The Monthly Storage Fees window opens.

Select the Start Date, End Date, Location, and Commodity.

Highlight the Storage Fees to calculate.
(all storage fees are selected by default, click to deselect)

Calculate for All Customers, or select This Customer to calculate for a single producer.

Select the Invoice Date.
(defaults to Today, can be changed)

The Due Date and Chargeable Date are determined by default Interest Settings.
(can be changed)

Created By defaults to the logged in user.
(can be changed)

Add any Comments to accompany the storage fees.

Click Retrieve.
All receipts in producer storage that meet the criteria are listed along with their total amounts.

(optional) Uncheck Charge next to any producers you don't want to charge.
Any producers being waived for this cycle can be excluded by clearing the Charge check box.

(optional) Select a receipt row and click Edit to view more details.
The Monthly Storage Fees - Receipts window opens.

(optional) Select Edit to change a Rate, or to not charge a particular fee.
The Monthly Storage Fees - Adjustments window opens.
(e.g. you could edit the storage fee adjustment rate to zero to show that storage fees are still charged but have $0 value for this cycle)

Make your changes.

Select Update to save.
The Monthly Storage Fees - Adjustments window closes.

Select Update to save your receipt changes.
The Monthly Storage Fees - Receipts window closes.

Select Save to create the storage fee invoices.

Editing Storage Fees

Edit the grain invoice created to record the storage fees.