Minimum Pricing

You may want to use Minimum Pricing if ...

you have a "price floor" that you don't want to sell below

Once minimum pricing has been activated and you have minimum price(s) specified, or you've specified to use the current price as the minimum, you would not be allowed to save a work order or an invoice if it contained any product priced below the minimum unless you have override permission.

There are two minimum prices and two overrides available. You can allow users to override just the first minimum price (which is higher than the second), or both minimum prices (which would allow them to set the price at $0 if they want to).

Products added to work orders or invoices with no minimum price specified (as long as you have not indicated to use the current price as the minimum price) would not be affected.

Using minimum pricing is optional. If using minimum pricing, using the current price as the minimum price is also optional.


Use the Minimum Pricing Exceptions data export to identify work orders and invoices with pricing below minimum.

What you’ll find:

Getting Ready to Use Minimum Pricing

Set the Company Configuration Options

(optional) Grant Minimum Price Override Permission

Grant Permission to the Product Prices Export

Grant Permission to the Minimum Price Exceptions Export

Grant Permission to the Product Prices vs. Cost Export

Set the Minimum Prices

Double Check Minimum Prices

Using Minimum Pricing

Adding Products with Minimum Prices to Work Orders and Invoices

Adding Blends with Product Minimum Prices to Work Orders and Invoices

Viewing Work Orders and Invoices with Products Priced Below Minimum


Getting Ready to Use Minimum Pricing


Minimum Pricing setup tasks that you will do only once:
- Config Options
- Override Permissions
- Product Prices data export permission
- Minimum Price Exceptions data export permission

Minimum prices would be changed as required.

Set the Company Configuration Options

You’ll need to activate minimum pricing before it can be used.

To enable Minimum Pricing:

Navigate to File > Config Options > Company.
The Company Level Settings window opens.

Click the Inventory tab.

In the Pricing section, check the Enable Minimum Pricing checkbox.
Until this setting is active, you won't see a Minimum Price column when setting prices.

(optional) If you want the existing current price to act as the minimum price, also check the When minimum is blank use current price as minimum check box.


This setting affects all products.

Click Save.

(optional) Grant Minimum Price Override Permission

If you want users in certain roles to be able to override minimum prices on Work Orders and/or Invoices, you'll need to grant them permission to do that.

For example, you have a product with a regular price of $850, a minimum price of $830, and a 2nd minimum price of $810.
(you could also set the Min Price and leave the 2nd Min Price blank)

grid of product pricing

Depending on your override permissions, you will be stopped or warned (but allowed to confirm and continue) if any prices are below their respective minimums.

chart of when you receive minimim pricing warnings & stops


If the minimum pricing check happens for multiple products at once (as with multiple products in a blend) the behaviour is different when the unit price is between first min price and second min price and the user has permission to override the first min price only (but not the second). In that case there are no warnings. This is because depending on the pricing it could generate both stops and warnings at the same time. Stops are not affected.

To set minimum price overrides:

Navigate to File > Security > Manage Roles.
The Manage Roles window opens.

Select the applicable role and click Edit.
The Edit Role window opens.

Click the Permissions tab.
The Accounts Receivable tab is the default so you don't need to click it.

Minimum Price Overrides on Invoices

Scroll down to Item = Invoices.
Check the Allow box next to Auth. Min Price Override.

Also check the Allow box next to Auth. 2nd Min Price Override if the users in this role are allowed to override the second minimum price.

Minimum Price Overrides on Work Orders

Scroll down to Item = Work Orders.
Check the Allow box next to Auth. Min Price Override.

Also check the Allow box next to Auth. 2nd Min Price Override if the users in this role are allowed to override the second minimum price.

Save your changes
- or - you can also grant permission to the minimum pricing data exports while you're here.

Grant Permission to the Product Prices Export

To double check your minimum prices after you've set them, run the Product Prices export.

To grant permission to the Product Prices export

Scroll down to Item = Export Data and check off Allow next to Product Prices.

Save your changes
- or - you can also grant permission to the Minimum Price Exceptions export while you're here.

Grant Permission to the Minimum Price Exceptions Export

To see work orders and invoices with products priced below the minimum, you'll need permission to run the Minimum Price Exceptions export.

To grant permission to the Minimum Price Exceptions export

Click the Administration tab.

Scroll down to Item = Export Data and check off Allow next to Min Price Exceptions.

Save your changes
- or - you can also grant permission to the Product Prices vs Cost export while you're here.

Grant Permission to the Product Prices vs. Cost Export

To compare prices to costs, run the Product Prices vs. Cost export.

To grant permission to the Product Prices vs Cost export

Scroll down to Item = Export Data and check off Allow next to Product Prices vs Cost.

Save your changes

Set the Minimum Prices

Using a 2nd minimum price is optional (you may have only the first minimum price set, and that would be the minimum).

Here's how Minimum Pricing works:

If a product is priced at the <Company> level:

Set the minimum pricing at the <Company> level.

If you've also chosen to turn on When minimum is blank use current price as minimum:

If the location level price and the location level minimum price are blank,
then agrē will use the <Company> level price as the current price and enforce that as the minimum.

If a product is priced at the location level:

Set the minimum price at the location level.

If there is a price at the location level but no minimum price at the location level,
then no minimum price will be enforced.

There is no "roll up" to the <Company> minimum price if a price has been set at the location level.

If you've also chosen to turn on When minimum is blank use current price as minimum,
then agrē will use the location level price as the current price (not the <Company> level price) to enforce as the minimum.

To set minimum prices

Navigate to Inventory > Manage > Product Retail Prices.
The Product Search window opens.

If you want a list of all products, click Search.
If you would like to narrow down the list of products that you want to price, choose a specific Product Type (or use another criteria) before you click Search.

Choose the Location and click Retrieve Prices.


If all locations will use the same pricing, you can set the minimum price at the <Company> Level and those prices will apply to all locations.

In the Minimum Price columns, type the minimum price(s) for each applicable product and price level.
2nd Minimum Price must be lower than Minimum Price.


Minimum Pricing is fully compatible with a Prepaid Price Level.
i.e. You can set a minimum retail price and a different minimum prepaid price.


If you have copied an existing product to create a new one, the minimum price will not be copied; it will need to be set manually.

Save your changes.

Double Checking Minimum Prices

Once you’ve set your minimum prices, you can confirm accuracy using the Product Prices export.

To check prices with the Product Prices export

Navigate to File > Exports > Data.
The Export Data window opens.

Select Product Prices from the list.

(optional) Specify a product type to shorten the results list.

Click Preview Data or export the results to a file.

Use the results to check your prices.

Using Minimum Pricing


Use the Minimum Pricing Exceptions data export to identify work orders and invoices with pricing below minimum.

Adding Products with Minimum Prices to Work Orders and Invoices

You'll add products with minimum prices to work orders and invoices just like regular products.

If the price is greater than the minimum price, nothing happens.
Continue adding more products, or save.

If the price is less than the minimum price, a warning icon blinky appears next to the price.


Click Pricing to see what the minimum price is.

If you ignore the warning, when you Update you'll receive a message telling you that the price doesn't meet the minimum.
Acknowledge the warning. Change the price to equal or exceed the minimum and Update again; or Exit without adding the product.

If you have override permission, you'll still see the warning icon blinky but you will be allowed to Update.
The Minimum Price Check message will appear asking you to confirm that you want to price the product below the minimum.
Click Yes to keep the below-minimum price. Click No to go back and edit the price.


If you import from, or link to, a product priced below minimum on a work order onto an invoice, you would be allowed to save the invoice even if you don't have override permission. Because another user with override permission set the price on the work order below the minimum, agrē will accept it as valid.

Adding Blends with Product Minimum Prices to Work Orders and Invoices

Blends work a little differently.

You won't see any minimum price warning messages until you Save the entire blend.
Any products (including the blend charge) that are priced below the minimum will be identified along with their minimum prices.


If the blend is not prepaid, click Pricing and then Pricing again (on the second window) to see what the minimum price is.

If you have override permission, the Minimum Price Check message will appear asking you to confirm that you want to price the product(s) below the minimum.
Click Yes to keep the below-minimum price. Click No to edit the price.

Adding Additional Products with minimum prices to a blend works like adding regular products: you'll see the warning icon blinky and won't be able to Update until you raise the price to equal or exceed the minimum, or you have override permission.

Viewing Work Orders and Invoices with Products Priced Below Minimum

If you've allowed users override permission, you can use the Min Pricing Exceptions export to find any products priced below the minimum (as long as you've given yourself permission to run it).

To view products priced below the minimum

Navigate to File > Exports > Data.
The Export Data window opens.

Under Inventory/Products, select Min Pricing Exceptions from the list.

(optional) Extend or contract the date range to change the results list.

Click Preview Data or export the results to a file.