co-op logo agrē Release Notes 2.24.01 -  February 22, 2024 

Last updated: April 11, 2024

What's New & Improved in agrē 2.24.01:

Additional process information from FCL may follow the release.

Top 5 Highlights from this Release


1. Manual Counts/Count Sheets – Date Criteria


2. Lot Number Management - Dropdown showing On Hand Quantities


3. Lot Number Deactivation when Deactivating Products


4. New Secondary Manufacturer Reporting Partner: TKXS


5. Work Order Standard Comments


This symbol security icon indicates that your Local Company Security Administrator needs to make a security permission change to allow user access to the new feature.

Configuration Options

This symbol config icon indicates a new feature integrates with a Configuration Option (at either the Company, Location, or User level).


Release Notes highlight the best new features and improvements from each release of agrē. In case you missed a prior version, Release Notes for the last two years are available from the online Help Release Note archives.

Grower Central security icon Updates to Config Options  

Big Things have been Added to Grower Central!

Be sure to check out all the new config options - these are just the really big ones.

I want to read the white paper (with lots of screenshots) on Grower Central Setup.



Growers can request online quotes or order products.


File > Config Options > Grower Central


You configure what products growers can order, and what details they can view.


File > Config Options > Grower Central

Product Overrides  

GC Configs can be overridden (and enhanced) at the product level.


Inventory > Manage > Products

Online Payments   

Tronia is introducing a new optional add-on Online Payment functionality to enable growers to make credit card payments online.
Contact your CSC to learn more about the availability of this feature.


File > Config Options > Grower Central


New Citrix Password Requirements

Your Citrix ID is your ID.

All current Citrix passwords are fine as they are but to increase security as of February 7, 2024 all new Citrix passwords:
(for new users, changing expiring passwords, or resetting existing passwords)

min of 14 characters (case sensitive)

min 1 non-alpha character (numeric or special character/symbol i.e. $ % & , ; - + etc.)

min 1 UPPER CASE character and 1 lower case character

cannot be one of your last 5 passwords (your 6th last one may be reused)

will expire in 365 days

Report Criteria - Select Details 

Number of records selected is displayed for customers and products.


reports with More Options / Select Details

Accounts Receivable


Import from Customer Group 

When adding customer invoices, you can import Loadout Ticket product rows from other members of Customer Groups.


Accounts Receivable > Invoices

Quick Print 

Right-click an invoice to send directly to default printer (no need to preview first).


Accounts Receivable > Invoices

Loadout Tickets

Invoice Reference Numbers   

If a loadout ticket is billed on multiple invoices, all Reference Numbers are displayed.


Accounts Receivable > Loadout Tickets

Quantity Committed  

Quantity Committed is displayed when adding products to loadout tickets.
(not displayed if linked to a work order; click Details and agrē will do the math for you)


Accounts Receivable > Loadout Tickets > Add Product Row

Work Orders

WO Standard Comments  

Combine your own product line comments with one or more Standard ones.


Accounts Receivable > Work Orders



Use the scroll bar to navigate long Activity Notes more quickly.


Accounts Receivable > CRM > CRM Activities


Shift Innovations Blend System  

New integrated blender control available for Shift Innovations & Controls.

I want to read the Automated Blender Setup and Work Flow whitepaper (with lots of screen shots)


Blending > Manage > Automated Blenders



Percentage Taxes 

With 1 click of Apply Selected Setting to all Locations the status of the selected box (checked or not checked) is copied to all locations.


Inventory > Manage > Products > Prices/Taxes

Alternate Product Description  

Quick Search for items by their Alt Product Desc (added also to Product List export).
** available for agrē SEARCH PURPOSES only!


Inventory > Manage > Products

New Secondary Manufacturer Reporting Partner: TKXS (Telus Ag) 

Flag a product's Secondary Manufacturer as reporting to TKXS.

** Additional documentation regarding transition reporting of Syngenta items to TKXS (Telus AG)  is also available - inclusive of setup & submission steps.


Inventory > Manage > Products

Lot Number Management 

 When adding products to loadout tickets and invoices, active Lot#s with quantity remaining are listed in ascending order by date.


Accounts Receivable > Loadout Tickets

Lot#s can be activated and deactivated from the Lot Number window.


Inventory > Lot Numbers

When a product is deactivated, all Lot#s with On Hand Amt = 0 are automatically deactivated at the same time, even if there are other reasons why the product can't be deactivated (because it's also on a Work Order for example).


Inventory > Manage > Products

If the only reason the product cannot be deactivated is one or more Lot#s with on Hand Amt <> 0 (non zero balance could be positive or negative), you will be prompted to to deactivate the Lot#s manually before the product itself can be deactivated.


Inventory > Manage > Products

Manual Counts

Date Criteria  

New criteria: Suppress Zero Balance, Not Counted Since, With Activity Since.
Overrides for GL Account and Project moved to toolbar.

The same date criteria were added to the Inventory Count Sheet.


Inventory > Manual Counts

Accounts Payable

Purchase Invoices

Sort Product Rows 

To change the order of items listed in a product grid, select the item and press Control+Up Arrow or Control+Down Arrow, or right-click and select Move Row Up or Move Row Down.


Account Payable > Purchase Invoices

Import Fixed Asset   

Fixed Assets can be imported with purchases for 4-9 accounts.


Accounts Payable > Purchase Invoices > Import

Purchase Orders

Search by Line Location 

Search for purchase orders by product Line Location.


Accounts Payable > Purchase Orders

Default Delivery Date

Set a default Expected Delivery date.


File > Config Options > Company   /   Accounts Payable > Purchase Orders

Emailing Supplier Reports  

Default To: Address 

When emailing purchase orders, inventory receipts, purchase invoices, and payments, the To address will default to the supplier Email address.


Accounts Payable > Manage > Suppliers  /  e.g. Accounts Payable > Purchase Orders

General Ledger

Bank Reconciliation  

EFT Batch Numbers 

Batch Reference Numbers are displayed in the Cheque Number column.


General Ledger > Bank Reconciliations

Reports & Exports


Security settings are managed by your local company security administrators. As with all new features, we don’t presume to know who should have access to new Exports and Reports and who should not so we leave that up to them.

Updates to Current Reports

Report Name What's New?
AP Purchase Order criteria: Created From filter for Header Location
AR Aged Receivables  criteria: Group by: [None, Location, Sales Rep]
AR Customer Statement - No Running Totals only  criteria: Credit Balances [Show if There Is Activity]
AR Email Batch Confirmation for Statements   data: sort order matches Selected for Statement Emailer window
AR Release Numbers   new criteria: Work Order Status, Sales Rep
enhanced criteria: Shipped from
raw data: Sales Rep
GC  Summary Statement  data: blends are not itemized
GL Account Transaction Detail   data: payment Chq# (AR refunds, AP supplier payments, Grain producer payments)
GL Accrual Reconciliation   data for Unbilled Receipts: Supplier
INV Inventory Count Sheet criteria: Suppress Zero Lot Number? 
criteria: Not Counted Since: [date] 
criteria: With Inventory Since: [date] 
data: LOT# Expiry Date(hotfixed Dec 20)
INV Inventory Forecast Position data: Reference links to Inventory Forecast Position Detail  
New Exports  Updates to Security
Export Name Description
AR PCP Sales sales of products with a PCP Number
PCP Sales

Export sales of products with a PCP Number.
Manitoba retails are required to submit this information to the Manitoba government for Pesticide Dealer Licenses.


File > Exports > Data

Updates to Current Exports

Export Name What's New?
AR Customer Sales criteria: Manufacturer
AR Customer Sales Summary  data: Billing address fields (Address Line 1, Address Line 2, Town/City, Province, Postal Code); Credit Code
[changes column order]
INV Product List  data: Alternate Product Description [changes column order]
data: Omit from Sales  
data: Sec TKXS Manuf 
data: Show in Grower Central 

Configuration Options


Company Configuration Options are managed by your local company agrē administrators. As with all new features, we don’t presume to know if your administrator would enable a new Config Item or not so we leave that up to them.

New config options are released OFF unless they are replacing/enhancing existing items, in which case we do our best to match existing functionality. Any exceptions would be noted.

Company Config Options

Tab / Subtab Config Item Description
Accounts Payable / Purchase Orders  Default Delivery Date:
- Default to No Delivery Date
- Rolling Delivery Date
- Fixed Delivery Date
if Default to No Delivery Date was checked prior to the release, the same will be selected after deployment

if it was not checked, Rolling Delivery Date 30 days will be selected
Inventory  Manual Counts: Default to Pending Status default status of new counts can be Complete or Pending
Reports / Default Criteria  Report Criteria Defaults - Work Order Activity Line Status [Any Status, Active+Complete, Active, Complete]
(default matches existing functionality)

Location Config Options

Tab Config Item Description
Reports  Default Print Copies default # of copies (max 3) for WO, LOT/Batch Sheets/TDG/INV, PMT, LocTran

Grower Central Config Options

Tab Config Item Description
General Display Balance 

Display: Entries Per Page (for growers)

Message: Heading, Body
Email: Subject, Body
include or exclude Prepayments

default = 10; min=0

Online Payments
new tabs see Grower Central white paper for setup details



Security settings are managed by your local company security administrators. As with all new features, we don’t presume to know who should have security permission and who should not so we leave that up to them.

New security permissions are released UNCHECKED unless they are enhancing existing permissions, in which case we do our best to match existing functionality. Any exceptions would be noted.

Role Permissions

Tab Item Action(s)
Grain Report - Commodity Position by Crop Year
Report - Grain Position by FOB
Grain Print Cheque Enable on menu
Administration Export Data PCP Sales 
Administration Grower Central Online Orders
Grower Central Online Payments


Updates to CRS Hub Exports

Export Name What's New?
INV Item Details  data: Manufacturer (for unmapped/retail-managed items)
data: Sec KENNA Manuf, Sec TKXS Manuf