co-op logo agrē Release Notes 2.24.02 -  June 19, 2024 

Last updated: June 20 , 2024

What's New & Improved in agrē 2.24.02:

Additional process information from FCL may follow the release.

Top 5 Highlights from this Release


1. Mass Deactivation/Activation of Lot Numbers  


2. Additional Product Details from Product Search (LOT, InvAdj, InvRec, LocTran, PO) 


3. Inventory Receipt Show FIFO Cost for (-) Qty  


4. Order Number Mandatory on Invoice Config 


5. Product Summary - Allow criteria (Location and Dates) when using hyperlink 


This symbol security icon indicates that your Local Company Security Administrator needs to make a security permission change to allow user access to the new feature.

Configuration Options

This symbol config icon indicates a new feature integrates with a Configuration Option (at either the Company, Location, or User level).


Release Notes highlight the best new features and improvements from each release of agrē. In case you missed a prior version, Release Notes for the last two years are available from the online Help Release Note archives.

Grower Central


Privacy Policy Updates to Config Options  

Add a link to your company's privacy policy to the Login page.

Grower Central Config Options

File > Config Options > Grower Central > General tab

Products Only security icon Updates to Config Options  

Show off your Products without enabling online orders.
(pricing is always optional)


File > Config Options > Grower Central > Products tab


Order History  

Growers can view, export, and download Order History from the Order page.


Grower Central

Tronia's My Account

My Account has a snappy new look!



agrē User Password Requirements Updates to Config Options  

agrē password requirements are configured at the company level.
Require harder to guess passwords by increasing the Password Complexity (we recommend High).
Require more frequent password changes by shortening the Password Reset interval (we recommend 1 year).
(you must be a local security Administrator to change these config options)


As each user has a single login, Password Complexity and Password Reset affect ALL your company's agrē databases including training/practice, additional accounts, and CRS Hub.


File > Config Options > Company > General tab

If you'd like users to change their passwords to meet the new complexity requirements right away (instead of waiting for the reset interval): manage users and check Require Password Change.
(** If you would like all your agrē users to update their passwords on next login, please contact your CSC for assistance - we've got a script for that **)


File > Security > Manage Users

Citrix User Password Requirements (on going) 

Your Citrix ID is your ID.

All current Citrix passwords are fine as they are but as of February 7, 2024 to increase security all new Citrix passwords:
(for new users, and those changing expiring passwords or resetting existing passwords)

must be min 14 characters (case sensitive)

must contain min 1 non-alpha character
(numeric, punctuation, special character/symbol; i.e. $ % & . , ; - + etc.)

must contain min 1 UPPER CASE character and 1 lower case character

cannot be one of your last 5 passwords (your 6th last one may be reused)

will expire in 365 days

Report Defaults   

Use Report Favourites to make your criteria the default criteria.

Click Start Over to load agrē defaults. 



Accounts Receivable


Order Number Mandatory  

Requiring an Order Number on invoices can be controlled at the Customer level.


Accounts Receivable > Manage > Customers

As POS invoices don't allow for order numbers, only full invoices can be created.


Accounts Receivable > POS Invoice

Mandatory Sales Rep Updates to Config Options  

Requiring a Sales Representative on invoices can be controlled at the Location level.


File > Config Options > Location

Link to Work Order  

When linking to work orders, Expiry Date is displayed, and all columns can be sorted and filtered.


Accounts Receivable > Invoices > Link to Work Order

Loadout Tickets

Product Find  

When finding products to add to loadout tickets, you will see Unit Price.


Accounts Receivable > Loadout Tickets

Work Orders

Standard Comments

Standard Comments can be added to Header Comments (max 600 char). 


Accounts Receivable > Work Orders

Each work order Standard Comment can be limited to the header level or the line level, or available to both.
(all existing comments will be deployed with both header and line comment boxes checked)


Accounts Receivable > Manage > Work Order Standard Comments

Internal Tab 

Use the Internal tab to store Internal Notes.


Accounts Receivable > Work Orders


Activity Details

Turn any Activity into a "continuous conversation" with Activity Details.

I want to read the white paper (with lots of screen shots) on CRM Customer Relationship Management.


Accounts > CRM > CRM Activities


Blend Nutrients

Have more control over what is displayed in the Guaranteed Analysis.


Blending > Manage > Blend Nutrients

Loadout Ticket - CFIA Layout

Analyse Minimale Garantie and Avertissement added.


CFIA Loadout Ticket

Link to Work Order  

When linking to work orders, Expiry Date is displayed, and all columns can be sorted and filtered.


Blending > Make a Blend > Pricing > Link to Work Order



Printed Notes  

Maximum character length for all product Printed Notes increased to 600 characters.


Inventory > Manage > Products

Lot Numbers 

Activate Multi / Deactivate Multi 

Activate or deactivate multiple Lot#s at the same time.


Inventory > Lot Numbers

Inventory Receipts

Product Find  

When finding products to add to inventory receipts, view Unit Price, Quantity On Hand, Quantity Ordered, and Quantity Committed.


Inventory > Inventory Receipts

Return to Supplier 

When receipt quantity is negative, FIFO Cost is displayed. An alternate Target Cost can be selected.


Inventory > Inventory Receipts

Inventory Adjustments

Product Find  

When finding products to add to inventory adjustments, view Unit Price, Quantity On Hand, Quantity Ordered, and Quantity Committed.


Inventory > Inventory Adjustments

Location Transfers

Product Find  

When finding products to add to location transfers, view Unit Price, Quantity On Hand, Quantity Ordered, and Quantity Committed.


Inventory > Location Transfers

Accounts Payable

Purchase Orders

General Comments   

Maximum Comments characters increased to 600.


Accounts Payable > Purchase Orders

Product Find  

When finding products to add to purchase orders, view Unit Price, Quantity On Hand, Quantity Ordered, and Quantity Committed.


Accounts Payable > Purchase Orders

Find Release #   

Click Release # to Identify which product row contains a specific release number when Adding or Editing purchase orders.
(must be an exact match, no partial matches or wild cards)


Accounts Payable > Purchase Orders


Custom Application


Create Date Range expanded to include custom apps added the week before by default.


Agronomy > Custom Application

Reports & Exports


Security settings are managed by your local company security administrators. As with all new features, we don’t presume to know who should have access to new Exports and Reports and who should not so we leave that up to them.

Updates to Current Reports

Report Name What's New?
AR Comparative Customer Sales  raw data: Due Date, Manufacturer, Sales Rep, UofM
AR Loadout Ticket - CFIA layout data: Anayse Minimale Garantie, Avertissement
AR Work Order Activity  raw data: Product Group, Internal Notes, 
AR Work Order and Release Combined  raw data: Internal Notes
INV Inventory Activity Summary (non-menu)  criteria: Start Date, End Date, Location, Show Only Active?
INV Inventory Forecast Position  criteria: Allow Negative Forecast Remaining
Inventory Activity Summary (non-menu)  


Product Price Check > Product Summary Report > Inventory Activity Summary


New Exports  Updates to Security

Export Name Description
General Ledger  Income Statement 
(Amount is total for account, period, location, and project; includes all accounts w/activity, incl net $0)

Updates to Current Exports

Export Name What's New?
AR Customer Sales   criteria: Show Margin (secured); [Line] Location  
data: Shelf, more Blend details
AR Customer Sales  Summary criteria: Show Margin (secured) 
AR Work Order Detail  data: Product Group, Supplier, Grower Central Order,
AR Work Order Summary   data: Supplier Name, PO ref #, Grower Central  
INV Product List  data: Manufacturer Stock No for unmapped items
(deployed Mar 19)
INV Product Prices  data: ProdUnitID
(deployed Apr 15, changed column order)

Configuration Options


Company Configuration Options are managed by your local company agrē administrators. As with all new features, we don’t presume to know if your administrator would enable a new Config Item or not so we leave that up to them.

New config options are released OFF unless they are replacing/enhancing existing items, in which case we do our best to match existing functionality. Any exceptions would be noted.

Company Config Options

Tab / Subtab Config Item Description
General  Password Complexity [Low, Medium, High]
[deployed Low to match existing functionality but we recommend High]
General  Password Reset [Never, 60 Days, 90 Days, 1 Year]
(deployed Never to match existing functionality but we recommend 1 yr)
Inventory  Costing Average Cost is calculated Company wide (from all locations)
Inventory  Manage Product - 
Supplier Product Code is mandatory
if a supplier is mapped, a code must be entered
(deployed checked to match existing functionality)

Location Config Options

Tab Config Item Description
Accounts Receivable  Invoice   Sales Rep Mandatory

Grower Central Config Options

Tab Config Item Description
General Work Orders - Show Price? applies to base work orders viewed in GC
General  Privacy Policy URL add link to your company's privacy policy



Security settings are managed by your local company security administrators. As with all new features, we don’t presume to know who should have security permission and who should not so we leave that up to them.

New security permissions are released UNCHECKED unless they are enhancing existing permissions, in which case we do our best to match existing functionality. Any exceptions would be noted.

Role Permissions

Tab Item Action(s)
Administration Export Data
Income Statement 
Administration  Grower Central Products Edit
(deployed to match permission of Grower Central Online Orders)



Updates to CRS Hub Exports

Export Name What's New?
INV Item Details  data: Alternate Product Description
(changes column order)
Export Log: TLog 

To better distinguish between no TLog activity and a TLog export that didn't run, <No TLog Activity> will display.


Data Management > View Export Log


New Endpoints

Endpoint Description
list of inventory receipts 
single receipt and details
list of deleted receipts
reports/ap/purchaseorder  single purchase order 

Updates to Current Endpoints

Endpoint What's New?
ar/payment POST
inventory/productprices  MinPrice  