co-op logo agrē Release Notes 2.22.03   October 26, 2022  

Last updated: October 28, 2022

Top 5 Highlights from this Release


What's New & Improved in agrē 2.22.03:

Additional process information from FCL may follow the release.


This symbol security icon indicates that your Local Company Security Administrator needs to make a security permission change to allow user access to the new feature.

Configuration Options

This symbol config icon indicates a new feature integrates with a Configuration Option (at either the Company, Location, or User level).


Release Notes highlight the best new features and improvements from each release of agrē. In case you missed a prior version, Release Notes for the last two years are available from the online Help Release Note archives.


online Help   

online Help has been secured (and is now accessed via https instead of http). Existing bookmarks to topics should redirect to the secured version.

If you have any issues loading online Help, clicking search results, or using saved bookmarks:  please clear your browser's data cache.

Clearing Cached Images and Files is all that is required (no need to clear your browsing history, cookies, or other site data).

I want to read Google's cache clearing instructions for Chrome and Microsoft's instructions for Edge.


Manage Characteristics  

Manage Characteristics for customers, suppliers, and products more efficiently.


User Config Options  Updates to User Config Options

As part of the FCL mass email communications strategy, all emails will be sent from agrē using the Company defaults.

Enter your Email address and check CC or BCC to be sent copies or carbon copies of the emails you send, and check Reply To to make your Email the default address when recipients click Reply to your emails. This address is used also for CRM email notifications.

You are encouraged to enter your personal details - including your own email address - in the User Config Options Email Body Default for Attachments.


File > Config Options > User

Accounts Receivable

Work Orders

Mandatory Ship To  config icon  

Customer Ship To address can be mandatory.

Customer Contact  config icon   

Customer Contact can be selected (also can be mandatory).

Accounts Receivable > Work Orders

Company Config Options for Work Orders  config icon   

Check Ship To is Mandatory and/or Customer Contact is Mandatory to prevent a work order from being saved without one.

File > Config Options > Company / Accounts Receivable / Work Orders / General Defaults

AR Payments

Attach Documents   

Customer payments can have Documents attached.

Accounts Receivable > AR Payments

Sales Rep Phone Numbers  

Store phone numbers for your sales reps.

screenshot of Manage Sales Reps

Accounts Receivable > Manage > Sales Representatives

Interest Settings

Daily Interest 

Interest can be calculated Daily (at the Company level only).

Accounts Receivable > Interest Charges > Manage Interest Settings


LV/Ranco Automated Blenders  

Additional Products in Blend  

Both the LV and Ranco automated blending systems support additional products in blends.

I want to read the white paper (with screenshots) about Automated Blender Setup and Workflow.

Blending > Manage > Automated Blenders

Add a Controller Mapping Code before sending the Additional Product to the blender system.

Inventory > Manage > Products


Costing Explainer FAQ  

More details about the types of costs in agrē, and where they come from.

agrē Costing Explainer FAQ

online Help > Inventory > agrē Costing Explainer FAQ 

Manage Products

Secondary Manufacturer  

Kenna has been added to the list of Secondary Manufacturers for external reporting.

Manage Products: Secondary Manufacturer

Inventory > Manage > Products / Product tab

Dangerous Goods Shipping Name   

Shipping Name has been expanded to 150 characters.

Inventory > Manage > Products / Dangerous Goods tab

Manual Counts

Filter by Multiple Shelf Numbers  

When selecting products on Manual Counts, you can filter by more than one Shelf#.
If no Shelf is selected, products from all shelves will be retrieved.

Product line comments are displayed on Inventory Adjustment and Inventory Variance reports.

Inventory > Manual Counts

Sale/Promo Pricing  

Different discounts can be applied to the same product based on Unit Type.

Sale Prices/Promos

Inventory > Manage > Pricing > Sale Prices

Product Type Notes  

Manage Product Types

Product Type Notes can be displayed for straight products on Work Orders and Location Transfers.


Inventory > Manage > Product Types

Product Type Notes on Work Order and Location Transfer Reports

Product Type Notes have been added to Base work order and location transfer layouts.
Not using Base? Contact your CSC for a quote to have them added to your custom layout.

Each note will display once even if there are multiple items of the same type.

Product Type Notes are dynamic - the text that is stored at the time the report is previewed is what is displayed (this includes when reprinting).

Lot Number Enhancements 

Manage Products: Lot Number Required?   

Products can be flagged as requiring at Lot Number (Lot#) to ensure one is selected before a transaction can be saved.
(applies to: LOT, INV, InvRec & LocTran)

Lot Number Required also added to the Product List data export.

Inventory > Manage > Products

Edit Inventory Adjustments: Select Multiple Lot Numbers  

Select multiple Lot#s when editing Inventory Adjustments.

Inventory > Inventory Adjustment

Location Transfers: Select Multiple Lot Numbers  

Select multiple Lot#s when adding or editing Location Transfers.

Inventory > Location Transfer

CRS Transfers

TDG Report  

Label changed to "CRS Transfer".

Inventory > CRS Transfers > Send

Product Forecasting  

Data Export: Inventory Forecast Worksheet - archived

The Inventory Forecast Worksheet has been relocated to the Product Forecasts Import.


File > Exports > Data

Product Forecasts Import/Export  security icon

Export the forecast worksheet and import it from the same window.
This form is secured and security permission is required to export (permission was always required to import, so if you already had import permission you already have export permission too).

To optionally exclude data from the worksheet, check Exclude Columns
Some columns are excluded by default depending on criteria selection but can be unchecked manually (for example, Location is checked automatically when a single location is selected from the dropdown, but can be unchecked).

I want to read the Inventory Forecasting white paper (with lots of screenshots of exporting and importing) for more info.


Inventory > Manage > Product Forecasts Import

Product Allocation

Just a reminder that Product Allocation is the amount you are going to receive during the current fiscal year (or how much more you're going to get). It does not include the quantity you already have.

Add Product Row: Details  

When adding products to Work Orders, Loadout Tickets, Invoices, Purchase Orders and Inventory Receipts the details window opens with a new layout that now includes Allocation

The links to View Other Locations and run the Inventory Position Detail Report have been moved up to the toolbar.

Add Product Row

Product Price Check 

Allocation has been added, but is not included in the Position.

Inventory > Product Price Check

Inventory Allocation Position Report  

The Product Allocation report has been renamed the Inventory Allocation Position report to better reflect its new functionality.

Inventory > Reports > Inventory Allocation Position

Inventory > Reports 

Additional criteria have been added.

Only Show Products with Allocation

Suppress Neutral Products

report criteria

Inventory > Reports 

Quantity Available = Allocation Amount – Received

the Ordered Amount is not considered

sample report results

Sample Allocation Position Report

Accounts Payable

Purchase Order  

Payment Terms  security icon  config icon  

If you have payment terms you find yourself typing every month, consider adding them as Purchase Order Payment Terms.

Accounts Payable > Manage > PO Payment Terms

When adding Purchase Orders, you can choose to type your own Custom Payment Terms or select from the dropdown.

There's a config option to control the default (checked or unchecked).

Accounts Payable > Purchase Orders

Mandatory Unit Price  config icon  

Unit Price can be mandatory when adding products to purchase orders.

Accounts Payable > Purchase Orders

Customer and Order Tab  

For purchase orders associated with a specific customer, optionally add their details to the Customer and Order tab.

Accounts Payable > Purchase Orders

New Company Config Options for Purchase Orders  config icon   

Accounts Payable config options are broken down into subtabs: Purchase Invoice, Purchase Order, Suppliers, Payments.

Check Unit Price is Mandatory to prevent a purchase order from being saved without one. 

If you would prefer Purchase Order Payment Terms to default to the dropdown instead of the text box, uncheck Use Custom Payment Terms.
(deployed checked to maintain current functionality) 

The Work Order to Purchase Order Process provides a more seamless workflow for turning customer orders into supplier orders.
Contact your CSC for more details. 

File > Config Options > Company / Accounts Payable / Purchase Order

Purchase Invoices

Export/Import  security icon  

Non-Inventory Purchase Invoices can be created outside of agrē and imported.

Accounts Payable > Purchase Invoices

General Ledger

Bank Deposits 

Search by Payment Reference Number.

General Ledger > Bank Deposits

Fixed Assets  

When you Calculate Depreciation, quickly check Depreciate for all or none of the retrieved assets with Select All or Deselect All.
The total calculated depreciation value for all checked assets is displayed.

General Ledger > Fixed Assets

Reports & Exports


Security settings are managed by your local company security administrators. As with all new features, we don’t presume to know who should have access to new Exports and Reports and who should not so we leave that up to them.

Updates to Current Reports

Report Name What's New?
AP  Purchase Order Activity  criteria: Line Status [Active + Complete]
AR  Customer Prepayment  data: Deposits/Adjustments - Work Order Ref No
AR  Invoice (batch)  criteria: Customer (multi-find), Payment Type (immediate payments only)
AR Invoice  (FCL Distribution only)  data: Total Quantity (of blendable products)
AR  Invoice Emailer  criteria: Customer (multi-find), Payment Type (immediate payments only)
AR  Loadout Ticket  data: Quantity (up to 4 decimal places), Product Type Notes
AR  Payment Activity criteria: Show Undeposited Funds Only?
AR  Work Order (base layouts only) data: Product Type Notes
AR  Work Order Activity hyperlink to Work Order report: criteria form is displayed to allow config changes (menu version only)  

if Show Totals is checked, average unit price (per product, weighted by Quantity Ordered) is displayed in totals section 
AR  Work Order and Release Combined
(FCL Distribution only) 
criteria: Line Status [Any, Closed]
BL  Blend History (menu version)  data: to match results of non-menu version, unused blend Templates are not displayed
INV  CRS Transfer TDG data: header label change to CRS Transfer
INV  Inventory Allocation Position old name: Product Allocation
criteria: Only Show Products with Allocation, Suppress Neutral Products
data: Ordered (removed), Available (new calculation, does not include amount ordered)
INV  Inventory Adjustment (hyperlinked from INV Activity Detail)  data: Product Row/Line Comments from the manual count
INV  Inventory Variance  data: Product Row/Line Comments from the manual count
INV  Location Transfer
(non-menu only) 
email subject line*:  includes Reference Number

*when Attached Filename Default config option includes RefNo at company / user level
INV  Location Transfer
(base layouts only)
data: Product Type Notes

Updates to Current Exports

Export Name What's New?
AR  Customer Sales data: Pmt Tender Type - unique payment types only [max 200 char]
AR  Loadout Ticket Details  criteria: Product Group
data: Product Group
INV Inventory Forecast Worksheet   moved from: 
File > Exports > Data > Inventory  > Product Manage Forecasts Import
Inventory > Manage > Product Forecasts Import > Export tab security icon
INV  Inventory Received  criteria: Product Group
data: Product Group
INV  Product List  data: Lot# Required
(change in column order)
AA Notes (Loc, Cust, Prod)  Product Type - new data columns: Loadout Ticket, Work Order, Location Transfer

Configuration Options


Company Configuration Options are managed by your local company agrē administrators. As with all new features, we don’t presume to know if your administrator would enable a new Config Item or not so we leave that up to them.

New config options are released OFF unless they are replacing/enhancing existing items, in which case we do our best to match existing functionality. Any exceptions would be noted.

Company Config Options

Tab / Subtab Config Item Action
Accounts Receivable / Work Orders  Ship To is Mandatory work orders cannot be saved with out a customer Ship To address
Accounts Receivable / Work Orders  Customer Contact is Mandatory work orders cannot be saved with out a customer contact
Accounts Payable / Purchase Orders  Unit Price is Mandatory purchase order product rows cannot be saved with out a price
Accounts Payable / Purchase Orders  Use Custom Payment Terms Payment Terms-Custom will be the default, can be unchecked to default to dropdown
(deployed ON/CHECKED to maintain current fuctionality)
Accounts Payable / Purchase Orders  Use Custom Payment Terms Payment Terms-Custom will be the default, can be unchecked to choose from dropdown
(deployed ON/CHECKED to maintain current functionality)
Reports / Default Criteria  Exclude Inactive Products from product criteria exclude inactive products from product dropdown
(this does not mean the report results will exclude inactive products, only that inactive products will not be displayed in the product multi find dropdown control)

User Config Options

Tab / Subtab Config Item Action
Email  Report Email Defaults

all emails are sent from the Company address

option to CC instead of BCC

option to have recipients Reply To your email



Security settings are managed by your local company security administrators. As with all new features, we don’t presume to know who should have security permission and who should not so we leave that up to them.

New security permissions are released UNCHECKED unless they are enhancing existing permissions, in which case we do our best to match existing functionality. Any exceptions would be noted.

Role Permissions

Tab Item Action(s)
Administration  Export Data

Inv Forecast Worksheet - moved
to: Inventory > Manage > Product Forecasts Import
(see Product Forecasts Import* below)

Accounts Payable  PO Payment Terms Enable on Menu
Accounts Payable  Purchase Invoices Allow Import
Inventory  *Product Forecasts Import Enable on menu


Soil & Tissue Tests

Copy Test Submissions  

Submitted soil and tissue tests can be copied for the next time you sample the same field.
With just one click you can Copy an existing submission and save it as a new Pending one.

Agronomy > Submit Soil/Tissue Tests

Export Name What's New?


Updates to Current CRS Hub Exports

Export Name What's New?
AP Purchase Order Details  data: QtyReceived and QtyRemaining for ASN Original POs [** ASN functionality is Coming Soon! **]