Retrieving Blends/Copy from Blend History

When you retrieve a blend, you are creating a new additional copy of that blend.

View an example of copying from Blend History (with screen shots)

You can retrieve a blend for a customer by opening a work order, loadout ticket, or an invoice belonging to the customer, from the customer account Blend History button, or by opening the Make a Blend window.

What you'll find:

Retrieve a blend from the Customer Account

Retrieve a blend on a work order, loadout ticket, or an invoice

Retrieve a blend on the Make a Blend window


Once a blend is retrieved, you can make a copy of the blend and:

keep the blend and its prices the same.

keep the blend the same but update the prices.

use the blend as a starting point for a new blend.

copy the farm field(s) associated with the blend.


You cannot edit or retrieve blends that have no customer specified (since a customer would have been required to save a blend).


Retrieving a blend (copying a blend from history) is different from Editing a blend. Retrieving a blend makes a new copy of the blend; editing a blend modifies an existing blend.

Depending on the blend you select to copy, the following may occur:

If the original blend is linked to a farm field, a message appears asking if you also want to copy over the farm field information.
Click Yes to retain the link to the farm field, or click No to drop it.

If you adjusted actuals for the blend, a message appears asking if you want to keep the original quantities or use the adjusted quantities.
Click Yes to use the original quantities, or click No to use the adjusted quantities.

If the blend prices have changed since the blend was made, a message appears asking if you want to recalculate the blend price based on current prices.
Click Yes to recalculate, or click No to keep the blend prices the same.

If you chose a blend from a different location, a message appears asking if you want to recalculate the blend price based on current prices (of the new location).
Click Yes to recalculate, or click No to keep the blend prices the same.

If you chose a blend with additional products, a message appears asking if you'd also like to copy the additional products along with the blend.
Click Yes to also copy the additional products, or click No to exclude them.

To retrieve a blend from the Customer Account

Click Customer Account. Find the customer.
The Customer Account window opens.

Click Blend History.
The Blend History window opens.

Common Steps for all methods

(Config C, U) By default, agrē displays blends from the last 18 months on templates, crop plans, quotes, orders, loadout tickets and custom applications. Blends from invoices can be manually selected.
The details of the selected blend display in the Details section at the bottom of the window.

Select the blend you want to make a copy of
- or -
change the criteria and click Refresh List to expand or narrow the list of blend choices.


Click Advanced Filter to display blends according to blend type, location, or product. The Advanced Filter Settings window opens. Enter the Blend Type, Location, or Product in the blend. Click Apply.


Copy a blend from a different customer's blend history by clicking Copy from another Customer. Type in the name of the customer from whom you want to copy the blend. If you change you mind and would like to return to the original customer's blend history, click Cancel Copying.

You can choose to display the Field Name instead of the Blend Description by choosing that option from the Display group.

Each column can be sorted and filtered.

Optional In the Make blend from box, enter the location that will make the blend (i.e., the location that will supply the inventory).
This location will override the original blend location.

Click Copy Selected Blend.
The Make a Blend window opens.

Edit the blend as needed.
- or -
Adjust the Actuals (if applicable).
Click Save to save the blend.

To retrieve a blend from a work order, loadout ticket, or an invoice

Add or edit a work order, loadout ticket, or an invoice belonging to the customer whose blend you want to retrieve, and ensure the mandatory information (an optional information, if needed) is completed.
The Add Work Order, Add Loadout Ticket, or Add Invoice window opens.

Click Add Blend Row.
If you have blend notes specified for the customer, a message containing the notes appears. Click OK to continue.
The Make a Blend window opens.

Click Blend History.
The Blend History window opens.

Follow the Common Steps above.

To retrieve a blend from the Make a Blend window

On the Blending menu, click Make a Blend. Or click the Make a Blend toolbar button.
The Make a Blend window opens.

In the Customer box, enter the customer’s name whose blend you want to retrieve.
If you have blend notes specified for the customer, a message containing the notes appears. Click OK to continue.


Click Find to search for a specific customer or click Add to add a new customer.

Click Blend History.
The Blend History window opens.

Follow the Common Steps above.