Adding Suppliers

The Add Supplier window consists of the following tabs:

Used to store a supplier’s name, contact information, cheque comments, general purchase invoice due dates, if it is a trucking/delivery company, and a GL account.

Used to add other supplier contacts (i.e., contacts whose information differs from the main supplier contact information entered on the Supplier tab).

Used to store a supplier's shipping location addresses.

Used to enter a supplier’s billing and payment information.

Used to convey supplier information on screen in a popup window when adding any of the transactions listed.

Used to enter comments about the supplier for your own use.


To view the audit trail of changes to a suppliers’s record, from the supplier search results grid click History. The Supplier History window appears. The Created By box displays when and who added the supplier to the database. The Updated By box displays when and who updated the customer last. To view the detailed Audit report for the supplier, click Show Audit Trail.

agrē can send you a message each time a new supplier is added.

To add a supplier only three fields are required; the others are optional can be completed as needed.

When you are finished adding the information needed, click Save.

What you'll find:

Supplier tab

Contacts tab (optional)

Addresses tab (optional)

Settings tab (optional)

Notes tab (optional)

Comments tab (optional)

More About Sensitive Suppliers

Adding a Supplier

To enter supplier information
* indicates a required field

Navigate to Accounts Payable > Manage > Suppliers.
The Search for Supplier window is available.

Click Exit.
The Search for Supplier window closes and the Manage Suppliers window is available.

Click Add.
The Add Supplier window opens.

Add supplier information as required/needed (see below for details of information on each tab).

Click Save to save the new supplier.

If the Supplier Name is a duplicate of an existing supplier, you'll be prompted to continue with the save (click Yes) or cancel the save and return to the Add Supplier window (click No).

Supplier tab

Each supplier is assigned a unique Supplier Code* for future tracking.
If the Generate supplier number automatically check box is selected, agrē assigns the next sequential supplier number to this supplier.
To enter a specific supplier number, clear the Generate supplier number automatically check box and type a unique number in the Supplier Code box.


The status for new suppliers is automatically set to active (Active is selected by default).

In the Supplier Name* box, enter the supplier’s name.
Ensure you enter a unique name for the supplier so that the supplier is easy to identify (e.g., the supplier’s business name or last name). The name is used to find the supplier throughout agrē, and purchase invoices and payments are addressed to this name.

Check Sensitive if you want to restrict access to the suppliers information and transactions.

Add a Supplier Alias if you also refer to the company by a different name.

For example, if Dale's Crop Dusting has been renamed MidSask Aerial Crop Services you can set the old name as the alias to make it easier to find.
Or you might set the alias to Pat Wallace because that's your account rep.

(Config U) In the Address box, enter the supplier’s billing address.

In the City box, enter the city.

In the Province box, enter the province from the list.

In the Postal Code box, enter the postal code.

In the Country box, optionally enter a different country from the list.
The appropriate country is selected by default after the province has been selected.

In the AP Account* box, select to which accounts payable GL Account this supplier's transactions should post.

From the drop-down list in the Characteristics box, select one or more characteristics that describe the supplier.
The supplier can have multiple characteristics.
Click Add to add a new characteristic.
You can add multiple suppliers to a characteristics at the same time from Manage Supplier Characteristics.
To remove a characteristic from the account, select the characteristic and click Remove.

Check Sensitive to restrict access to this supplier's activity to only users with permission.

In the Primary Phone box, enter the supplier’s main phone number.

In the Secondary Phone box, enter an alternate phone number for the supplier.

In the Mobile box, enter the supplier’s cell phone number.

In the Toll Free No. box, enter the supplier’s toll-free phone number.

In the Fax box, enter the supplier’s fax number.

In the Email box, enter the supplier’s company email address.
When emailing supplier reports (e.g. a purchase order) click To: and the email address will be listed for easy selection.

In the Website box, enter the supplier’s company website address.

In the AWSA No. box, enter the supplier's AWSA number.
This number will be printed on the Transport of Dangerous Good document when product is returned to the supplier.

In the GST No. box, enter the supplier's GST number.
This number will be included in the Supplier List data export.

In the Mapping Code box, enter the code for the supplier used in the external software.
(used when agrē communicates with external systems)

Select the This is a trucking/delivery company check box if this supplier is a trucking and/or delivery company.
If selected, this supplier appears anywhere that you select or view trucking/delivery companies.

Contacts tab

If the supplier you are adding has several contacts at his/her company, you can add their contact information (i.e., contacts whose information differs from the main supplier contact information).

Click Add Contact.
The Add Supplier Contact Row window opens.

In the Name box, enter the contact’s first and/or last name (e.g., Jane and/or Smith) or enter a commonly used name or description (e.g., Accounting Department) for the contact.
Ensure you enter a unique name for the contact so that the contact is easy to identify.

In the Role box, enter the contact’s job description.

In the Address box, enter the contact’s address.

In the City box, enter the city.

In the Province box, enter the province from the list.

In the Country box, optionally enter a different country from the list.
The appropriate country is selected by default after the province has been selected.

In the Postal Code box, enter the postal code.

In the Email box, enter the contact’s email address.
When emailing supplier reports (e.g. a purchase order) click To: and the email address will be listed for easy selection.

In the Phone box, enter the contact’s phone number.

In the Pager box, enter the contact’s pager number.

In the Fax box, enter the contact’s fax number.

In the Mobile box, enter the contact’s cell phone number.

In the Comment box, enter comments about the contact for your own use.

Select the Main Contact? check box if this contact is also the main contact.
Only one contact can be the main contact.

Click Update.
The Add Supplier Contact Row window closes and the contact appears in the Contacts list.


To remove a contact from the list, select the contact and click Remove Contact. To edit a contact in the list, select the contact and click Edit Contact.

Addresses tab

If the supplier you are adding has multiple shipping addresses, you can add them on this tab so that a specific shipping location address can be selected on purchase orders and inventory receipts.

Click Add Address.
The Add Supplier Address Row window opens.

In the Name box, enter the shipping location name, or a commonly used name or description, for the supplier shipping location.
Ensure you enter a unique name for the shipping location so that the address is easy to identify.

In the AWSA No. box, enter the shipping location's AWSA number.
This number will be printed on the Transport of Dangerous Good document when product is returned to the supplier.

In the Address box, enter the shipping location's address.

In the City box, enter the city.

In the Province box, enter the province from the list.

In the Postal Code box, enter the postal code.

In the Country box, optionally enter a different country from the list.
The appropriate country is selected by default after the province has been selected.

In the Phone box, enter the shipping location's phone number.

In the Address Notes box, enter any details about the shipping address.

Leave the Active? box checked.
Unchecking deactivates the shipping location address.

Select the Shipping Default? check box if this shipping location is also the main shipping location.
Only one shipping location can be flagged as the main one.

Settings tab

Purchase Invoice

due date is automatically calculated for new purchase invoices; however, you can change the date manually on the PI.

In the Default Due Date box, enter: 

the number of days after the purchase invoice date that payment is generally due for this supplier (e.g. due in 30 days)
(default for new suppliers, can be null)

fixed date (e.g. due June 30, 2027)

fixed date the following month (e.g. due on the 19th of next month)
(if selected, a value must be entered)


If the due date is 0 days after the invoice date 0 must be specified (i.e. if due date = PI date).
agrē will not interpret null/blank as 0.

In the Default GL Account for Non-inventory Purchases box, enter the default GL expense account for non-inventory items to be posted to.
(e.g. telephone expense account)

Optionally override the company setting for PO is Mandatory for Non-Inventory Purchases (PO Mandatory for Non-Inv) for just this supplier.


Select a Default Payment Type to use when making supplier payments.

In the Cheque Comment box, enter comments for the printed cheque stubs for this supplier (e.g., your account number with the supplier).

If a Name on Cheque/EFT is specified, this name will override the supplier name when printing cheques (requires separate security permission).
For example, the supplier name is Robert Murphy Heavy Equipment but make the cheques out to 2345832 Alberta Ltd.

Paying with EFT

Click Manage EFT if you will pay this supplier with electronic funds.
The Edit Supplier EFT window opens.

Leave Use EFT Information checked.

agrē sends a Notification Email to the supplier when an EFT payment has been processed.
Enter the email address(es) of the person(s) who should receive this notification (often the supplier's accounts receivable department).
Separate multiple email addresses with a comma or a semi-colon and a space (e.g.,


Your “reply address” for supplier email notifications is specified in the company or user config options.

To double check the information you entered, try the Supplier EFT data export.

Select the supplier's Bank* and Branch*.
For privacy, only the branch number will be displayed on the supplier form.
New banks and branches can be added on the fly by clicking Add.

Type the supplier's Account Number*.

Effective Start date

Select Any Date if this bank account is current.

Select a Specific Start date to indicate when to begin using this account information.

Effective End date

Select Any Date if this bank account is current.

Select a Specific End date to indicate when to stop using this account information.

Click Update to save the account information.
The Edit Supplier EFT window closes.

Notes tab

If you'd like information about the supplier to popup when you are adding one of the transactions listed, enter the text that should display.


When making payments through the menu (Accounts Payable > Supplier Payments > Make Payments) instead of from the Supplier Account, you will see the Payment Note when the supplier is selected and the Edit Details button is clicked.

Comments tab

In the Comments box, enter comments about the supplier for your own use.


Click Save.
The Add Supplier window closes and the supplier information has been saved.


More About Sensitive Suppliers

For suppliers flagged as "Sensitive" only users with View Sensitive Supplier permission can:

Create AP transactions:

AP Payments

Purchase Invoice

Inventory Receipt

Purchase Order

Search for AP transactions

View AP transactions on home forms (e.g. Purchase Order window, Inventory Receipts window))

View transactions on AP Reports and Exports

View Inventory Receipt Reports/Exports

View Cheque Stub Attachments

View PO Release Number Activity

Excluded from Sensitive Supplier restrictions:
(where even users without permission to sensitive suppliers can select one in a supplier drop down or it shows up in the data)

Bank Deposit Activity Report

Cash Requirements Report

Work Order Report

Supplier Product Code Mappings

Supplier EFT data export

Unrealized Gain/Loss on Exchange Report

Reports generated from hyperlinks in other reports

GL Reports/Exports or any related postings
(use security to restrict GL permissions instead)

Inventory Reports/Exports except for Inventory Receipt

A sensitive supplier will show up in the controls of some report criteria
(e.g. Customer Sales > Select Products > More Options > Supplier)