agrē Release Notes 2.22.02   June 22, 2022  

Last updated: July 5, 2022

Top 5 Highlights from this Release



What's New & Improved in agrē 2.22.02:


This symbol security icon indicates that your Local Company Security Administrator needs to make a security permission change to allow user access to the new feature.

Configuration Options

This symbol config icon indicates a new feature integrates with a Configuration Option (at either the Company, Location, or User level).


Release Notes highlight the best new features and improvements from each release of agrē. In case you missed a prior version, Release Notes for the last two years are available from the online Help Release Note archives.


SendGrid Default Emailer  config icon

agrē now supports the Twilio SendGrid ESMTP emailer at the Company and User Levels.


File > Config Options > Company > Reports > Email Defaults  and File > Config Options > User > Email

Accounts Receivable

eConfirmation  config icon  

eConfirmation config options have been split to control separately the option to send from being prompted to send.

If you had Enable checked prior to the release, both Enable and Prompt on Save will be checked after deployment so it works the same as it did before.

File > Config Options > Company

If your AR business process involves editing transactions, being prompted to send an eConfirmation on every save might be slowing you down. If you'd rather handle when to send them, that can be done at the company or location level.

sending manually - e.g. Accounts Receivable > Work Orders

Company Config Options 

In this example configuration setup, users must initiate sending eConfirmations for work orders, but will be prompted to send them for Loadout Tickets. No eConfirmations can be sent for invoices.

File > Config Options > Company

Location Config Options 

Company configs can be overridden at the Location level.

File > Config Options > Location


Inherit Taxes from Work Order config icon 

Check Use WO Taxes on Invoice if, when importing from or linking to products on work orders, the WO taxes should be used instead of the default taxes.

File > Config Options > Company

Taxes on the invoice will match taxes on the work order. 
Split rows will retain the tax settings of the row they were split from.

Accounts Receivable > Work Orders

Returns with Early Payment Discounts 

Please contact your CSC directly for implementation details.

Config Options 

Early Payment Discount company config options were moved to Manage Early Payment Discount Types on a new tab: EPD Settings. No setting values were changed.

Accounts Receivable > Manage > Early Payment Discounts

Apply EPD Chageback for Returns / Chargeback Product

Automatically add the Chargeback Product to the returns tab of the invoice when returning product that received an early payment discount.
(the return invoice process must be used)


Inventory > Manage > Products

POS Invoices

Flip to Full Invoice   

If you change your mind after starting a POS invoice, select Full Invoice and everything you've entered so far will be copied over to a full-sized invoice.


Accounts Receivable > POS Invoice

Loadout Tickets

Manually Sort Product Rows  

Product rows on LOTs can be moved up and down using the Control key combined with the Up and Down arrow keys.
(work orders and invoices work the same)

Accounts Receivable > Loadout Tickets

Last Acquired 

When adding a product to a Loadout Ticket, you'll be able to tell if the customer has acquired this product/unit combination before (on either another Loadout Ticket or an Invoice). This message will display whether the quantity is positive (a pick up) or negative (a return).

Accounts Receivable > Loadout Tickets

Product Type Notes  

Product Type Notes can be displayed for straight products on Loadout Tickets.

Inventory > Manage > Product Types

Product Type Notes on Loadout Ticket Reports

Product Type Notes have been added to Base loadout ticket layouts. Not using Base? Contact your CSC for a quote to have them added to your custom layout.

Each note will display once even if multiple items of the same type are loaded out.

Product Type Notes are dynamic - the text that is stored at the time the report is previewed is what is displayed (this includes when reprinting past invoices/LOTs).

Work Orders

Import from Work Order - Loadout Tickets and Invoices

Committed column added to the import grid.   
Like the other grid columns it can be sorted and filtered so, for example, you could display only committed work order rows.

Accounts Receivable > Invoices and Accounts Receivable > Loadout Tickets (not shown)

Manually Sort Product Rows  

Product rows on WOs can be moved up and down using the Control key combined with the Up and Down arrow keys.
(loadout tickets and invoices work the same)

Accounts Receivable > Work Orders

Standard Comments  security icon   

Easily add common product line comments with just a few clicks instead of typing the text manually each time.

Accounts Receivable > Manage > Work Order Standard Comments

When adding a product to a WO, select Standard and choose a comment from the dropdown list.
The comment can be left as is, or can be customized on each Work Order.

Accounts Receivable > Work Order / Add / Add Product

Customer Order Number  

Maximum number of characters for Customer Order No increased to 50.

Accounts Receivable > Work Orders

AR Release Numbers  

Release Numbers can be edited even if the Work Order is completed. Comments can also be edited from the AR Release Numbers window.

Summary of Allowed Edits
   Pending/Assigned Rows: 
      - add new rows but not with the status of Filled
      - edit (except Actual Quantity)/remove rows 
   Filled Rows:
      - cannot add/edit/remove
      - EXCEPT Comments - can add/edit/remove for any status


Accounts Receivable > Work Orders

AR Payments

Apply Credits on the Fly  

Apply Credits while taking a payment.


Accounts Receivable > AR Payments - or - Customer Account > Accept Payment

AR Payment Types

Mandatory Tracking/Cheque #   

Tracking/Cheque # can be mandatory when accepting or editing a paymentimmediate payment, or prepayment.
(not applicable to POS invoices or auto-billing)

Accounts Receivable > Manage > AR Payment Types

When Tracking/Cheque # is mandatory is checked, the mandatory field indicator is displayed and the transaction cannot be saved without one.

e.g. Accounts Receivable > Invoices > Immediate Payments


Automated Blenders 

Batch System and Liquid/Oil Additive support have been added to Ranco blenders.

I want to read the Automated Blend Setup white paper (with lots of screenshots) for more information.

Blending > Manage > Automated Blenders



Product Notes - Printed  

For Invoice and Loadout Ticket, the maximum number of characters for Printed Notes has been increased to 600.

Inventory > Manage > Products > Notes tab

Manual Counts  

Product Comments  

Optionally add a Comment for each product counted.

Inventory > Manual Counts


Manage Pricing menu 

Pricing functions are grouped together under the new Manage Pricing submenu. 

Inventory > Manage > Pricing

The security permissions will appear together too (no permission values were changed). 

File > Security > Manage Roles

Pricing Export/Import  security icon  

Prices can be set outside of agrē and imported.
First, export current product pricing to an Excel spreadsheet from the Import Product Retail Prices window.

Inventory > Manage > Pricing > Retail Prices Import

Update the prices in Excel and save.
Change only the Price (column D). Changing data in other columns may cause the import to fail.
Only rows with price updates need to be changed.
Follow the usual rules with import spreadsheets: don't add/remove rows or columns, leave empty rows/columns blank.

update the pricing spreadsheet outside of agrē

Import the updated pricing file back into agrē. 

Inventory > Manage > Pricing > Retail Prices Import

Price Levels  

Wherever you select a Price Level, the options in the dropdown will be listed in the same order as Manage Price Levels.

Accounts Receivable > Manage > Customers & Inventory > Manage > Pricing > Price Levels

Inventory Receipts

Purchase Order Blinky   

The Import from PO blinky flashes when the Supplier has active items remaining on Purchase Orders.

Inventory > Inventory Receipts

Sort Product Rows   

Sort product rows by any column - click a column header to sort ascending, click again to sort descending.

Inventory > Inventory Receipts


The list of participants in AgCollect has changed. EMR Manufacturers may need to be updated.

Inventory > Manage > Manufacturers

Accounts Payable

Purchase Invoice

Importing Products from Inventory Receipts  

When adding a Purchase Invoice, if you Edit the Inventory Receipt on the fly and Add a Product Row (or two or three ) ...

Accounts Payable > Purchase Invoices

agrē will prompt to import the products (this means all remaining products on the inventory receipt - not just the ones you added on the fly).

Say "Yes" and all remaining products will be imported.

Immediate Payment    

Make a Payment on the fly while adding a Purchase Invoice.

Accounts Payable > Purchase Invoices

Edit & ReApply Credits on Save    

When a Purchase Invoice is edited and the Credits are unapplied ...

Accounts Payable > Purchase Invoices

... those credits will be selected automatically on the Taxes and Credits tab to be reapplied when the PI is saved.

Accounts Payable > Purchase Invoices


If the PI is not saved, the credits will remain unapplied.

Reports & Exports


Security settings are managed by your local company security administrators. As with all new features, we don’t presume to know who should have access to new Exports and Reports and who should not so we leave that up to them.

Updates to Current Reports

Report Name What's New?
AR Customer Prepayment  raw data: WO Reference (for prepayment deposits linked to work orders)
INV Estimated Costs Worksheet  data: inactive Products are excluded
INV Inventory Forecast Position criteria: Include Manufactured
(checked by default)
INV Manufacturing Position

criteria: Sort By [Product Code, Product Description] for Raw Products

Note the default sort for Raw Products has been changed from Product Description to Product Code.

GL Account Transaction Detail  data: Bank Deposit Location
GL Accrual Reconciliation  data: Unloaded Bill & Hold
New Exports  security icon
Export Name Description
AR Aged Receivables amounts owed by customers grouped by aging bucket
AA Supplier EFT  update of Supplier EFT information (add, or edit)

Updates to Current Exports

Export Name What's New?
AR CRM Custom Attributes data: Sales Rep, Last Edit Date
AR Customer Sales 
criteria: Product Group
data: Product Group, Project, Prepay Applied, Payment/Tender Type(s)
AR Work Order Details  data: Sales Rep [from WO], Committed
INV Inventory Adjustments criteria: Product Group
data: Product Group

Configuration Options


Company Configuration Options are managed by your local company agrē administrators. As with all new features, we don’t presume to know if your administrator would enable a new Config Item or not so we leave that up to them.

New config options are released OFF unless they are replacing/enhancing existing items, in which case we do our best to match existing functionality. Any exceptions would be noted.

Company Config Options

Tab / Subtab Config Item Action
Multiple (AR, Inventory) EPD config options all EPD config options moved to AR > Manage > Early Payment Discounts > EPD Types
Accounts Receivable / Invoices Use WO Taxes on Invoice agrē will use the taxes as set on the Work Order when importing or linking instead of default taxes
Accounts Receivable / eConfirmation   Prompt On Save for WO, LOT, INV if not checked eConfirmation must be sent manually
if checked prompted to send eConfirmation each time transactions is saved
if Enable was checked, Prompt on Save will be checked also to match current functionality
Reports / Email Defaults   Email Server Settings: Default Emailer SendGrid
Messages  New Supplier is created
New Customer is created
agrē will send notification to the Message Centre of all users in the selected role
Messages Tab  config icon  

(optional) Receive a message when a new Customer or Supplier is added.

File > Config Options > Company

Location Config Options

Tab / Subtab Config Item Action
Accounts Receivable / eConfirmation   Prompt On Save for WO, LOT, INV if not checked eConfirmation must be sent manually
if checked prompted to send eConfirmation each time transactions is saved
if Enable was checked, Prompt on Save will be checked also to match current functionality

User Config Options

Tab / Subtab Config Item Action
Email  Email Server Settings: Default Emailer SendGrid



Security settings are managed by your local company security administrators. As with all new features, we don’t presume to know who should have security permission and who should not so we leave that up to them.

New security permissions are released UNCHECKED unless they are enhancing existing permissions, in which case we do our best to match existing functionality. Any exceptions would be noted.

Role Permissions

Tab Item Action(s)
Accounts Receivable  WO Standard Comments Enable on Menu
Inventory  old name: Product Prices new name: Product Retail Prices
(no change to permission status - if you had permission before the release, you still do)
Inventory  Product Retail Prices Import Enable on Menu
Administration  Export Data Aged Receivables (AR) 

Supplier EFT (Audit/Admin) 
CAUTION: Sensitive Supplier security is ignored - if you’re allowed to run the export, you will see results for all suppliers



Grain Adjustments  

Check Freight if this adjustment is for freight. 

Grain > Manage > Adjustments


Purchase Contracts
Internal Notes  

Internal Notes - like detailed shipping instructions for example - are not displayed on reports so are invisible to the producer. 

Grain > Purchase Contracts


Purchase Contracts can be signed with eSignatures.

I want to read the eSignature white paper (with lots of screenshots) for more information.


File > Config Options > Company


Grain Invoice - Immediate Payment    

Accept a buyer's Payment on the fly while adding a Grain Invoice.
(no messages are given for prepayments)

Grain > Grain Invoices

Grain Buyer Credit Limits    

Buyer Credit Limits can be set at the Company level ... 
(Grain Shipments are equivalent to Loadout Tickets {LOTs})

File > Config Options > Company

... or the Customer level.


Accounts Receivable > Manage > Customers > Credit/Finance tab

Select Use Credit Check for each buyer with a credit limit. 

I want to read the Credit Limits white paper (with lots of screenshots) for more information.


Accounts Receivable > Manage > Customers > Grain tab

Updates to Grain Reports

Report Name What's New?
AR Customer List 

criteria: Grain Sales Rep, Grain Producer, Grain Buyer

data: Grain Producer, Grain Buyer
GR Grain Invoice  data: Dockage % limited to 1 decimal place
Customer List   

Reports > Accounts Receivable

New Grain Exports security icon

Report Name What's New?
GR Grain Invoice Summary   summary of grain invoices dated between the given start and end dates

Updates to Grain Exports

Report Name What's New?
AR Customer List

criteria: Grain Sales Rep

data: Grain Buyer, Grain Producer, Grain Sales Rep, Leases Condo Storage, Grain (GL) Account

Updates to Grain Company Config Options

Tab / Subtab Config Item Action
Grain / Purchases  Prevent Open Storage Receipts from being settled

if not checked Open Storage Receipts can be settled

if checked Only Receipts linked to Purchase Contracts can be settled