Making Customer Account Adjustments

You may need to make account adjustments when changes in customer accounts occur but are unique (i.e., they don’t fit into other categories, such as sales, returns, or interest charges).

Use the Customer Account Adjustment window to adjust customer accounts. If you credit a customer, you can then apply credits to the customer’s account. If you charge a customer, the customer’s account balance increases, and the customer owes money.

Account adjustments can be edited (reversed and reposted) and deleted. Once you delete an account adjustment it cannot be undone, but deleted data can be viewed in the Audit/Admin data exports.



Account adjustments have unique reference numbers.

Other Types of Adjustments

Interest Adjustments

Prepayment Adjustments

Transferring Prepayment Funds

Transferring Customers' Chargeable Balance


What you'll find:


Adding Account Adjustments

To add an account adjustment

On the Accounts Receivable menu, click Customer Accounts. Or click the Customer Account toolbar button.
The Find Customer window opens.

Find the customer using the various search criteria.

From the Customer List, select the customer who requires an account adjustment and then click Use Selection.
The Customer Account Information window opens.

Click Account Adjustments.
The Customer Account Adjustment window opens.

Leave Generate Ref Number Automatically checked to use the next available number.
Uncheck to enter a manual reference number

In the Adjustment Date box, optionally change the date that you are making the account adjustment.
Today’s date is selected by default.

In the Due Date box, optionally change the date that account adjustment is due.
Today’s date is selected by default.

(Config U,C) In the Adjustment amount box, enter the amount of money you are charging or crediting the customer.
Use a positive number to charge funds and a negative number to credit the customer. You can specify that agrē prevent adjustments that would put the customer over their credit limit.

In the GL Account box, enter a GL account.
Postings are made to the selected GL account.


Click Add to add a new GL account.

In the Project box, select a project.
Postings are associated with this project.

In the Comment box, enter comments about the account adjustment for your own use. These comments are printed on Customer Account Adjustment Receipts.

Under Interest, select the Charge interest on this adjustment check box to charge interest on the adjustment.
- or -
Clear the Charge interest on this adjustment check box to not charge interest on the adjustment.

In the Interest Rate box, enter the interest rate percentage to charge on the adjustment.

In the Chargeable Date box, optionally change the date that account adjustment is chargeable.
Tomorrow's date is selected by default.

(Config U, L,C) Click Save. A message appears: “Would you like to preview an adjustment report?”
Click Yes to save, preview, and optionally print the Adjustment report.
Click No to finish saving.


Editing Account Adjustments

Account Adjustments can be edited when:

Adjustment is not part of the Setup posting

No Credits have been applied against adjustment

No Interest Charges have been applied against adjustment

Customer is active

Adjustment Date is in an open accounting period

To edit an account adjustment

On the Accounts Receivable menu, click Customer Accounts. Or click the Customer Account toolbar button.
The Find Customer window opens.

Find the customer using the various search criteria.

From the Customer List, select the customer whose requires an account adjustment and then click Use Selection.
The Customer Account Information window opens.

Select the Account Adjustment to update, then select Edit.
The Customer Account Adjustment window opens.

Edit the data.

Click Save.
The Customer Account Adjustment window closes.