Using Grower Central


Retailers can copy the text from this page, edit as needed, then send it as instructions to their growers.

Press CONTROL+A to select All text on this page.
Press CONTROL+C to Copy the text.
Create a new email and press CONTROL+V to Paste the text.

Before you send the email, tweak this text (start by deleting this paragraph and reference to any modules you're not using) and add your own message that includes a link to the page on your company's web site where your growers will find a link to the Grower Central login, and optionally their Username and Password (agrē can send an email with their Username and Password too).

I want to read the white paper about using Grower Central.

What you'll find:

What you can do in Grower Central

What you can view in Grower Central

Logging in

Forgot Your Password?

Logging Out

Changing your Password


What you can do in Grower Central:

View, Download, and Print account history 

Run Reports

Change Password

Request a Password Reset

Make Payments

Order Products or Request Quotes


What you can see in Grower Central:

Message from your retaler (added and edited in agrē)

Account Activity including work orders, loadout tickets, invoices, payments

Prepayment Balance



Blend History

Agronomy Activity including crop plans, lab tests, etc.

Grain Activity including contracts, receipts, shipments, etc.


Downloaded files are in PDF format and can be viewed or printed like any other PDF file. They are best viewed with Adobe Acrobat Reader (available for free from but can be opened with any PDF viewer (e.g. Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Google Drive).

Logging in to Grower Central

The Login page is the first page you'll see after you click the Grower Central link on your retailer's website.

To login to Grower Central:

Navigate to: [replace with your company's Grower Central Login URL].

At the login page, type in your Username/Email and Password provided to you by your retailer.

Click Log In.

Your may be required to change your password after your first login.


Since Grower Central provides access to your financial information passwords must at least 6 characters long and include at least 1 number.

If your Username/email address is setup on multiple Grower Central accounts, you'll be prompted to select which account you'd like to access.
To switch accounts anytime, click on Select Account (in the left menu) and you'll be prompted again. This allows you to switch accounts without needing to logout and back in.

Change Your Password

You can change your password at any time.


Since Grower Central provides access to your financial information passwords must at least 6 characters long and include at least 1 number.

To change a Grower Central password:

At the login page, click Settings then Reset Password.

Enter your Current Password.

Enter your New Password and Re-type New Password.

Click Submit.
You new password is effective immediately.

Forgot Your Password?

Can’t remember your password? No worries – you can request a temporary one be automatically generated and sent to your email address. You’ll create a new password after logging in with the temporary one.


If you have forgotten your Username, please contact your retailer.

To request a Grower Central password reset:

At the login page, click Forgot your password?

Type the username/email address you use for Grower Central then click Reset Password.

A banner appears on the screen with the following message:
An email with your new temporary password has been sent to the email address provided (don't forget to check your spam folder if you don't see it) ...

Click Back to Login.

Open your inbox and retrieve the temporary password from the email.


You can double-click to select it, then press Ctrl+C to copy. Use Ctrl+V to paste.

Back at the login page, use the same email address and the temporary password to sign in.
The Change My Password page opens.

At the Change My Password screen:

Re-enter the temporary password in Current Password, and type a new password in New Password and Retype New Password, then click Submit.


You can change your password any time you like.

Since Grower Central provides access to your financial information passwords must at least 6 characters long and include at least 1 number.

Logging Out

To logout of Grower Central:

Click the logout icon next to your email address in the top right corner, or click Logout from the left menu.
You will be returned to the login page.