Status of Work Orders

The work order itself, as well as each row on the work order (i.e., the items on the work order), has a status. A status can be set to one of three values: active, completed, or closed.

You can manually change the status of work orders from closed to active and from active to closed.

What you'll find:

Types of Work Orders

Work Order Row Status

Work Order Status


Work orders can have either an active or closed status but not a completed status.

Active indicates that the work order is available for use.

The status is automatically set to active when creating a new work order.

The work order status is active provided that at least one row on the work order has an active status.

Closed indicates that the work order is no longer available for use.

When all rows on a work order have a status of completed or closed, the work order status automatically changes to closed.

You can manually set the work order status to closed. If any rows have an active status when you set the work order status to closed, those active rows are changed to closed; however, the status of completed lines remains as completed.

When a closed work order is selected (highlighted) on the Work Orders window, the Reopen button is available (instead of the Edit button). Using the Reopen button, you can change a closed work order back to active, but you must also change at least one row back to active as well since the rows are not automatically changed to active when the work order is set back to active.

You can specify that agrē close all expired work orders automatically (set up in your configuration settings).


When later linking blend purchases to products on work orders, a Blend Charge product will not be drawn down, nor will any special blend charge pricing be transferred to an invoice.

This means that a work order with Blend Charge product row  will never be flagged as complete; it will remain Active until manually flagged as closed.

Pending indicates that the work order is waiting to be approved.

Pending work orders can expire and can be closed.

I want to read the white paper (with lots of screenshots) on Work Order Approval.

Work Order Row Status

Active indicates that the row is available for use.

The row status is automatically set to active for each new product (i.e., row on the work order) that is added to the work order.

Completed indicates that all of the available quantity for a row has been taken.

If the “Quantity Limit” is set on a row, and if the entire quantity for that row has been pulled into either loadout tickets or invoices, the status of that row is automatically set to completed.

The completed status can only be applied to rows on a work order of type order; rows on a quote cannot have the status of completed. The completed status cannot be set manually or changed.

Closed indicates that the row is no longer available for use.

You can manually set the status of any active rows (for work orders of type order and not quote) to closed at any time if they are no longer needed for the customer.


You cannot change the row status on a work order of type quote; the entire quote is either active or closed. In addition, after you change a closed work order back to active, you can then change the rows on the work order that you want to use to active (the rows are not automatically changed to active when the work order is set back to active). At least one row must be active in order for the work order to remain active.