Deleting Purchase Invoices

Use the Purchase Invoices window to delete a purchase invoice. When you delete a purchase invoice, agrē automatically makes various updates, which includes undoing all postings and cost adjustments, un-billing any referenced inventory receipts, and updating product records.

Once you delete a purchase invoice it cannot be undone, but deleted data can be viewed in the Audit/Admin data exports.

You cannot delete a purchase invoice in the following cases:

The purchase invoice has any payments or credits applied to it (e.g., paid in full).

A purchase invoice has credits applied against it (e.g., an issued cheque). Credits must be unapplied first.

A purchase invoice is dated in a closed accounting period.

Any credits generated by the purchase invoice have been applied elsewhere.

To delete a purchase invoice

Navigate to Accounts Payable > Purchase Invoices. Or click the Purch. Invoice toolbar button.
The Purchase Invoices window opens and all purchase invoices created today are listed.
(you can also delete purchase invoices from the supplier account)

In the Purchase Invoice list, select the purchase invoice to delete and then click Delete.
The Delete Purchase Invoice window opens.


If the purchase invoice you want to delete does not appear in the list, click New Search.

Deleted purchase invoice information can be viewed in the Audit/Admin data export for Deleted Purchase Invoices.


If the Delete button is not available, the purchase invoice you selected cannot be deleted.

Specify the reason* for deleting the purchase invoice.
Click OK to confirm the deletion. The purchase invoice is deleted immediately.
- or -
Click Cancel to cancel the deletion.