Prepaid Items on Work Orders


A grower's prepayment plan consists of all prepaid items on their active work orders.

Prepaid work order items are products on work orders that are flagged as prepaid (i.e., selecting the Prepay? check box).
The items can have quoted prices and quantity limits. For example, you may offer customers discounted prices up to a specified quantity for items that are prepaid.

Customers can create prepaid items on work orders before or after making prepayment deposits; however, customers can only make prepayment purchases after a prepayment deposit is made.

You create prepaid items on work orders by creating a new work order or by referencing an existing one.

In order to save a prepayment deposit a dollar value is required.

You can associate a prepayment deposit with prepaid work order items for the purpose of printing the grower's tax receipt only.


The total of the prepaid work order items can be more or less than the associated prepayment deposit. The customer will just be under- or over-allocated.

What you'll find:

Creating Prepaid Items on New Work Orders

Referencing Prepaid Items on Existing Work Orders

Editing Prepaid Items on Work Orders

Deleting Prepaid Items on Work Orders

Searching for Prepaid Items on Work Orders

Creating Prepaid Items on New Work Orders

If you want prepaid work order items to be associated with a prepayment deposit, you can create prepaid items on work orders directly from the Accept Prepayment window. You can use either the Customer Account Information window or the Prepayment Deposits window to open the Accept Prepayment window. In order to save, a prepayment deposit is required. You can make a new deposit or create prepaid work order items on an existing deposit, in which case you must use the Prepayment Deposits window.

To create a prepaid work order item on the Customer Account Information window

Navigate to Accounts Receivable > Customer Accounts. Or click the Customer Account toolbar button.
The Find Customer window opens.

Find the customer using the various search criteria.

In the Customer List, enter the customer who is creating prepaid work order items and then click Use Selection.
The Customer Account Information window opens.

Click Accept Prepayment.
The Accept Prepayment window opens.

Click New Work Order.
The Add Work Order window opens. The Customer and Work Order Type are automatically entered.

Enter the remaining data, and add prepaid products, services, and/or blends to the work order as needed.
The Prepay? check box is automatically selected for all items.

Click Save.
The Add Work Order window closes and the items appear in the list on the Accept Prepayment window.

Click Save to save the Prepayment Deposit.
(Config U, L,C) A message appears: “Do you want to preview the prepayment receipt?”

Click Yes to save, preview, and optionally print the prepayment receipt. Click No to finish saving.
The work order is saved and is available on the Work Orders window.

You can use this window to create prepaid work order items on a new or existing deposit.

To create a prepaid work order item on the Prepayment Deposits window

Navigate to Accounts Receivable > Prepayment Deposits.
The Prepayment Deposits window opens and all deposits made today are listed.

Click Add.
- or -
In the Prepayment Deposit list, select the prepayment deposit to create prepaid work order items on and then click Edit.
The Accept Prepayment or Edit Prepayment window opens.

In the Customer box, enter the customer’s name, if needed.
Detailed customer information is displayed in the top left corner.

Click New Work Order.
The Add Work Order window opens. The Customer and Work Order Type are automatically entered.

Enter the remaining data, and add prepaid products, services, and/or blends to the work order as needed.
The Prepay? check box is automatically selected for all items.

Click Save.
The Add Work Order window closes and the items appear in the list on the Accept Prepayment window.


You can print a prepayment receipt that displays the prepaid items associated to the deposit for income tax purposes.

(Config U, L,C) Click Save.
A message appears: “Do you want to preview the prepayment receipt?”

Click Yes to save, preview, and optionally print the prepayment receipt. Click No to finish saving.

Referencing Items on Existing Work Orders

If the customer has active products on an existing work order that they would like to prepay, you can accept a prepayment deposit from either the Customer Account Information window or the Prepayment Deposits window to reference them. You can make a new deposit or reference partially prepaid work order items on an existing deposit.

To reference a work order item to a new prepayment deposit

You can print a prepayment receipt that contains the items and the associated deposit for income tax purposes.

Add a new prepayment deposit.

Click Reference Work Order.
The Import Rows window opens and all active items on work orders (as long as they were not referenced on a prior prepayment deposit) for this customer are listed.


You can refine the list of products by changing the Filter criteria (Product, Product Type, whether to Include Associated Products, and work order Date Range) and then clicking Refresh List, or by Import criteria (whether to Include Expired WO, whether to Include WO from Customer Group, or by Work Order Sub Type).

In the first column with the check boxes, select the check boxes of the items from work orders that you want to reference on this prepayment deposit.

Click Use Selected Rows.
The Import Rows window closes and the selected items are shown in the Accept Prepayment window.

If you selected any products that were not prepaid, a message pops up letting you know those products will be flagged as prepaid on their respective work orders.
Confirm by clicking OK or click Cancel (to change the selected products). This would apply to any taxes for the products as well.

If you selected any products that were on quotes, a message pops up letting you know that the quote will be changed to an order.


You will likely want to click Edit Work Order and extend the expiry date if it's being changed from a quote to an order.

If you selected any uncommitted inventory products, a message pops up asking if you'd like to commit the products.
Saying Yes will update immediately the Quantity Committed on the Inventory Position report.

To reference a partially prepaid work order item to a prior prepayment deposit


This method is often used when customers make "down payments" against prepaid items on work orders but don't prepay the full work order total. You can link subsequent prepayment deposits to the original prepayment deposit.
e.g. total of prepaid items is $50,000, customer put 50% down a month ago and is depositing the remaining 50% now

Check the box next to Use Work Orders from:

Click on the dropdown arrow, and from the list select the initial prepayment deposit.
(all prior prepayment deposits dated within the last 4 months are listed)

TAB off the field and the products associated with the selected prepayment deposit will be listed.

Editing Prepaid Items on Work Orders

There are a couple of ways that you can edit prepaid items on work orders:

You can edit prepaid work order items that are not referenced on prepayment deposits (i.e., if you need to make changes to the items).
Edits can be made directly on the Edit Work Order window.

You can edit prepaid work order items referenced on prepayment deposits (i.e., if you require an updated prepayment receipt for income tax purposes).
Edits can be made directly on the Accept Prepayment window. All changes appear on prepayment receipts.

To edit a prepaid work order item referenced on a prepayment deposit

On the Accounts Receivable menu, click Prepayment Deposits.
The Prepayment Deposits window opens and all deposits made today are listed.

In the Prepayment Deposit list, select the prepayment deposit that contains the prepaid work order items to edit and then click Edit.
The Edit Prepayment window opens.


If the prepayment deposit that contains the prepaid work order items that you want to edit does not appear in the list, click New Search and expand the search criteria.

In the Product list, select the item to edit and then click Edit Work Order.
The Edit Work Order window (i.e., the original work order that the item was referenced from) opens.


You can use this window to reference prepaid work order items on a new or existing deposit.

Enter the remaining data, and add prepaid products, services, and/or blends to the work order as needed.

To edit prepaid items in the Product list, select the product, service, or blend to edit and then click Edit Row. When you are finished making changes, click Update.
The product or blend window closes and the updated item appears in the list on the Edit Work Order window.

Click Save.
A message appears asking if you want to reference all the rows in the work order.

    Click Yes to add all the rows from the work order to the prepayment deposit. Click No to update only the rows that are already referenced on the prepayment deposit.

(Config U, L,C) Click Save.
A message appears: “Do you want to preview the prepayment receipt?”

Click Yes to save, preview and optionally print the prepayment receipt. Click No to finish saving.

Deleting Prepaid Items on Work Orders

Use the Work Orders window to delete prepaid items on work orders.

If you delete prepaid work order items that are referenced on prepayment deposits, they are removed from the deposit. Once you delete a prepaid work order item, it cannot be undone.

You can also delete the work order entirely.

Searching for Prepaid Items on Work Orders

Use the Work Order Search window to search for prepaid items on work orders.

Use the Accept Prepayment window to search for prepaid work order items that are referenced on a prepayment deposit.