Manufacturing Products

Manufacturing moves the raw products out of inventory and the manufactured product into inventory.

When you manufacture a product, agrē automatically makes various updates, which may include GL postings, cost history table amendments for inventory items, and inventory balance adjustments. The updates that occur depend on the type of manufactured product created.

Use the Manufacture Product window to manufacture products.

What you'll find:

Manufacturing Products

Editing Manufactured Products

Undoing Manufactured Products


I want to read the White Paper (with screenshots) about Manufacturing.

I want to read the White Paper (with screenshots) about DE-Manufacturing (e.g. breaking up a case into individual jugs).

I want to read the Example (with screenshots) about Manufacturing FMC PrecisionPacs.

I want to read the White Paper (with screenshots) about Lot Number Management (because I manufacture products with Lot#s).

Manufacturing Products

To manufacture a product

Navigate to Inventory > Manufacture Product.
The Manufacturing window opens.

Click Add.
The Manufacture Product window opens.

To enter a specific reference number, clear the Generate Reference Automatically check box and type a number in the Reference box.

Each manufactured product requires a unique reference number for future tracking. If the Generate Reference Automatically check box is selected, agrē assigns the next sequential manufactured product reference number to this manufactured product.

In the Date box, optionally change the date that you are manufacturing the product.
Today’s date is selected by default. You can change this date to a past date, but not to a date in a closed accounting period. Future dates are not permitted.

(Config U) In the Location box, enter the location that owns the manufactured product.
This location may differ from the location specified for the raw products (the location that will supply the raw product).

In the Product box, enter the manufactured product.
Only products that are defined as manufactured (set up in Manage Products) will be listed.


Click Find to search for a specific product or click Add to add a new product.

In the Units box, optionally change the unit of measurement for the manufactured product.
The default unit, which is either the main units or the preferred units for the product, (set up in Manage Products) is selected by default.

In the Quantity box, enter the quantity of the manufactured product that you want to create.
Negative quantities are not permitted.

In the Comments box, enter comments for the printed Manufacturing Document reports.

In the Lot Number box you have the following options:

If the manufactured product will not have a Lot#, leave the field blank.

If the manufactured product will have a Lot#:

choose <Auto-Generate Number> to have agrē assign the next available Lot#
(you can make this the default option every time you manufacture a product)

if the product (same product code) has already been assigned a Lot#, choose that number to make more units of the same

or click [...] to manually specify a new Lot#


The raw products that were optionally added when the manufactured product was added to agrē (set up in Manage Products) can be pulled into this window (for ease of data entry). Click Retrieve Default Raw Products. The raw products appear in the Raw Products list. You can edit the raw products directly on the window.

If the Raw Products also have Lot#s, remember to edit it and select which Lot# was used to manufacture.

There are two methods to specify the raw products required to make up the manufactured product:

either click Retrieve Raw Products (if any are specified)

or Add Raw Products individually

Retrieving Raw Products

Click Retrieve Default Raw Products.

If needed, select a product, click Edit Raw Product, and follow the common steps to edit.

Adding Raw Products

Click Add Raw Product Row.
The Add Raw Product Row window opens.

Steps common to both methods

In the Product box, enter a raw product required in the manufactured product.

In the Units box, optionally change the unit of measurement for the raw product.
The default unit, which is either the main units or the preferred units for the product, (set up in Manage Products) is selected by default.

(Config U) In the Location box, optionally change the location that will supply the raw product.
Raw products can be supplied from different locations.

In the Quantity box, enter the quantity of the raw product that should be added when one unit of the main product is added.
Negative quantities are not permitted.

For Non-Inventory Raw Products only:


he Unit Cost, GL Account, and Project boxes are only available for Non-Inventory raw products (agrē already knows this information for inventory raw products), and the Project box is only available for GL accounts that begin with 4 (Revenue) or 6 (Expense).

In the Unit Cost box, enter the cost of the raw product.

In the GL Account box, enter a GL account.
The default Sales account for the product (set up in Manage Products) is selected by default. Postings are made to the selected GL account (or click Add to add a new GL account).

In the Project box, select the project that you want the raw product to be associated with (or click Add to add a new project).
When you associate the raw product with an active project, the cost of goods sold postings are also associated with the project. If the raw product is already associated with a default project (set up in Manage Products), then the default project is selected by default.

Click Update.
The Add Raw Product Row window closes and the raw product appears in the Raw Products list.


To edit a raw product in the list: select the raw product and click Edit Raw Product Row.

To remove a raw product from the list: select the raw product and click Remove Raw Product.

To remove multiple raw product rows: click Remove Multiple, check the boxes of the products to remove, and click Remove Row.

After specifying the Raw Products

Click Save.
Your inventory counts are updated to reflect the manufactured product.


Saving is what triggers the manufacturing process; if you Exit before you Save, no changes will be made to inventory.

(Config U, L,C) A message may appear: “Do you want to preview the manufacturing document?”
Click Yes to save, preview, and optionally print the Manufacturing Document report.
Click No if you do not want to preview the report.


You can view the report anytime by:
a) from the Manufacturing window selecting the manufactured product and clicking Preview Item
b) navigating to Inventory > Reports > Manufacturing Document

Editing Manufactured Products

Manufacturing can be edited as long as the manufacturing occurred in an open period and has not been cost adjusted.


Unless you're changing just the comment, when you edit a manufactured product, what you're really doing is undoing and redoing a corrected version This may affect FIFO, so if you need to shuffle costs after the fact use the Cost Reallocation Tool.

Also note an edit will not be reflected as an update in the document History as it's an undo/redo, not a true update.

To edit a manufactured product

Navigate to Inventory > Manufacture Product.
The Manufacturing window opens listing products manufactured in the last week.
Optionally click New Search to modify the criteria.

Select the manufacturing and click Edit.
The Edit Manufacture Product window opens.

Make your changes and click Save.
The Edit Manufacture Product window closes.


Next topic: Undoing Manufactured Products