Location Transfers (transferring inventory to another location)

If your company has multiple locations, you can use agrē to record when active inventory items are transferred from one location to another.

You'll use the Location Transfer window to transfer inventory items to other locations.

Click the Documents button to attach a document file to the transfer.

I want to read the white paper on using Location Transfer Status to create pending location transfers.

I want to read the white paper (with screenshots) about Lot Number Management (because I transfer products with Lot#s).

What you'll find:

Adding Location Transfers

Editing Location Transfers

Deleting Location Transfers

To add a location transfer:
* indicates a required field

On the Inventory menu, click Location Transfer.
The Location Transfer window opens.

Click Add.

To enter a specific reference number, clear the Generate Reference Automatically check box and type a number in the Reference* box.
Each location transfer requires a unique reference number for future tracking. If the Generate Reference Automatically check box is selected, agrē assigns the next sequential location transfer reference number to this location transfer.

(Config U) In the Transfer From* box, enter the location that the product is being transferred from (i.e., the location that currently owns the product).

In the Transfer To* box, enter the location that the product is being transferred to (i.e., the location that will own the product).


Which locations appear in the From and To drop-down lists can be restricted separately with a Location Profile.

In the Created By box, optionally change the name of the person identified as the creator of the location transfer.
The name of the person logged on is entered by default.

In the Transfer Date* box, optionally change the date that you are making the location transfer.
Today’s date is selected by default. You can change this date to a past date, but not to a date in a closed accounting period. Future dates are not permitted.

In the Comments box, enter comments for the printed Location Transfer Transportation Documents reports.

In the Carrier box, enter the company that transports the products (maximum 50 characters).

In the Freight Terms box, enter the terms and conditions for the payment of the transportation of the products identified on this location transfer (maximum 50 characters)
For example, prepaid or collect.

Click Add Product Row.
The Add Location Transfer Product Row window opens.

In the Product* box, enter the product you want to transfer.


Click Find to search for a specific product or click Add to add a new product.

In the Units* box, optionally change the unit of measurement for the product.
The default unit, which is either the main units or the preferred units for the product, (set up in Manage Products) is selected by default.

In the Quantity to Transfer* box, enter the quantity of the product being transferred.
Negative values are not permitted.


Quantity in < Location X> (i.e., the transfer from location) displays the quantity of the product in the selected units, at the location the product is being transferred from (i.e., the location that currently owns the product). Quantity in <Location Y> (i.e., the transfer to location) displays the quantity of the product in the selected units, at the location the product is being transferred to (i.e., the location that will own the product).


Click Costs to view the sending location's Calculated Cost, view cost history based on FIFO, or select a Target Cost. If you Select Target Cost, agrē will allocate as many units at the cost you selected as are available, starting with the oldest. Once those units are used, the units closest in cost to the target - higher or lower - are used, again starting with the oldest. It's like doing a Location Transfer and a Cost Reallocation in one step.

Click Details to view additional inventory details for the product (e.g. quantity on order). The window opens and you can view the additional inventory details. Click Show Other Locations to view the same information for all locations.

 (config C, P) Select the inventory Lot Number of the product from the drop down list (for multiple, click the ellipsis [...] button).

Click Update.
The Add Location Transfer Product Row window closes and the updated product appears in the Product list.
You can transfer multiple products on one location transfer; however, the reference number, transfer from and transfer to locations, transfer date, comments, carrier, and freight terms are the same for all products on the location transfer.


To remove a product from the list, select the product and click Remove Product. To edit a product in the list, select the product and click Edit Product Row.

Continue adding products as needed.

Click Save.
Your inventory counts are updated to reflect the location transfer.

(Config U,L,C) A message appears: “Would you like to preview a Location Transfer report?”
Click Yes to save, preview, and optionally print the Location Transfer TDG Report.
Click No if you do not want to preview the report.

To Edit a location transfer


Unless the status is pending, you will not be able to edit the date or the locations. If those need to change, you'll need to delete the location transfer and enter it again with the new information.

Location transfers cannot be edited or deleted if one of the locations has become inactive or a product being transferred has become inactive.

On the Inventory menu, click Location Transfer.
The Location Transfer window opens with all Location Transfers added today.

Click New Search and enter the criteria to find the Location Transfer you want to edit.

Select the specific Location Transfer and click Edit.

Edit the information as needed.

Save your changes.


To Delete a location transfer


Location transfers that have been cost adjusted cannot be deleted. You must first delete the cost adjustment, then you can delete the location transfer.

On the Inventory menu, click Location Transfer.
The Location Transfer window opens with all Location Transfers added today.

Click New Search and enter the criteria to find the Location Transfer you want to delete.

Select the specific Location Transfer and click Delete.

Confirm the deletion by clicking Yes to proceed.
The deletion is effective immediately and cannot be reversed.