agrē Release Notes 2.23.01   February 23, 2023 

Last updated: March 3, 2023

Top 5 Highlights from this Release


What's New & Improved in agrē 2.23.01:


This symbol security icon indicates that your Local Company Security Administrator needs to make a security permission change to allow user access to the new feature.

Configuration Options

This symbol config icon indicates a new feature integrates with a Configuration Option (at either the Company, Location, or User level).


Release Notes highlight the best new features and improvements from each release of agrē. In case you missed a prior version, Release Notes for the last two years are available from the online Help Release Note archives.


Default Export/Import Paths Updates to Config Options  

Set default folder locations for import and export files (overrides company default).
(the \ at the end is important)


File > Config Options > User


Document Manager  

Sensitive Documents   

Sensitive document column added to the Customer Account documents tab, and to the Document Manager home form.


Accounts Receivable > Customer Accounts


File > Manage > Documents

Accounts Receivable


Find Customer (applies also to Agronomy, Grain Producers & Buyers)  

Address is now like quick search for billing and shipping addresses.
It looks for a match with the customer’s address, city, province, or postal code.


almost everywhere you look for customers

Audit Trail 

Show Audit Trail has been added to Customers.

Check out the new User Detail Audit security icondata export too.


Accounts Receivable > Manage > Customers

Manual Sort Order: Work Orders, Loadout Tickets, & Invoices 

Use the Up and Down arrows to sort products on Work Orders, Loadout Tickets, and Invoices.
(if you're clicking and nothing is moving, make sure a product row is selected)

The keyboard shortcuts (Control+UP Arrow, Control+DOWN Arrow) are still functional for you speed demons.


Add/Edit Work Orders, Loadout Tickets, Invoices

Loadout Tickets 

Import Work Order Comments Updates to Config Options  

Import the header comment from a Work Order when importing or linking to products (autolink excluded).
If products from multiple WOs are imported, multiple comments will be appended (agrē avoids duplicates when importing multiple products from the same work order at the same time).


Accounts Receivable > Loadout Tickets > Products tab > Import WO

If you want to copy work order comments most of the time, check the config option: Import header comments when linking/importing to a Loadout Ticket.
The Import Header Comments box on the LOT can be unchecked on the fly as needed.


File > Config Options > Company

Work Orders

Reopen All Lines  

When reopening closed work orders, you'll have the option to activate all the closed rows (completed rows are not affected).

After reopening, the status of individual product rows can be edited to 'active' or 'closed' as needed.


Accounts Receivable > Work Orders


Linked Deposit Subtotal  

Amount of prepayments deposits already linked is displayed when taking subsequent prepayments.


Accounts Receivable > Prepayment Deposits


Automated Blenders 

Multiple per Location

More than one automated blend control system can be setup at each Location.


Blending > Manage > Automated Blenders


Finding Products  

Include Manufactured  Updates to Config Options

If Product Search: Include Manufactured is checked, products manufactured with a raw ingredient matching the search criteria will also be included in the results. 


File > Config Options > Company

Product Popup Notes 

Notes now popup when adding the product (some transactions used to wait until saving which was a little too late). 

Product Type Popup Notes can be displayed when adding products to Invoices, Loadout Tickets, Work Orders and Location Transfers.
Product Popup Notes don't override Product Type Popup Notes - both will be displayed in the same message box.  


Inventory > Manage > Product Types 

Product Popup Notes for associated products popup too (excluding POS Invoices).  


Accounts Receivable > Loadout Tickets

Inventory Cost Reallocation   

Shortcut buttons added to Select All or Deselect All activities.


Inventory > Manage > Costing 

Accounts Payable

Purchase Invoices

Search by Release Number   

Filter search results by Release Number.


Accounts Payable > Purchase Invoices

General Ledger

Bank Accounts: Additional Details   

For asset (1), liability (2), and equity (3) accounts flagged as reconcilable, additional fields for banking details are displayed on the Miscellaneous tab.


General Ledger > Manage > Chart of Accounts



Grading Factors  

Manage Grading Factors has a new column for Units.

Grain > Manage

Scale Tickets, Receipts & Receipt Report, Shipments & Shipment Report 

New Fields for: Order Number, Trucker 


Foreign Currency Producers  Updates to Security  Updates to Config Options  

I want to read the white paper (with lots of screenshots) about setting up Multicurrency for producers.

Contract with, report to, and pay US producers in US funds (you always could with Buyers).

Accounts Receivable > Manage > Customers

for example: Grain > Purchase Contracts (all corresponding grain purchasing reports updated to accommodate foreign currency)


Default Quantity has moved up to the middle of the Import Grain Receipts form.

Grain > Settlements > Add > Import Receipts

Grain Payments  

Future-dated payments cannot be backdated.

Grain > Payments

If the Payment Date is changed to before the current date, agrē will let you know.



Sales Contracts  

Grain Sales Contracts are limited to a single commodity - but multiple grades of that commodity can be added. 

Grain > Grain Sales Contracts

Delivery Distribution   

Delivery can be scheduled over up to 6 months.

Grain > Grain Sales Contracts

Scale Tickets (Shipping) & Shipments
Grading Factors   

Grading Factors are displayed on scale tickets ...


Grain > Scale Tickets 

... and can be added/edited on shipments. 

Grain > Shipments

Default Unloaded Dockage  Updates to Config Options  

If the Unloaded Dockage % is usually the same as the Loaded Dockage %, save time by having agrē fill that in for you.

Grain > Shipments

Turn on the company config option: Default Unloaded Dockage % from Loaded Dockage %

File > Config Options > Company


I want to read the white paper (with lots of screenshots) about setting up Multicurrency.

Buy and sell Hedges in US funds.

Grain > Hedge Position

Reports & Exports


Security settings are managed by your local company security administrators. As with all new features, we don’t presume to know who should have access to new Exports and Reports and who should not so we leave that up to them.

New Reports Updates to Security

Report Name Description
GR Grain Position by FOB  (menu) position of grain products broken down by FOB (Pricing Point)
GR Grain Storage Receipt  (menu) condo receipts during date range

Updates to Current Reports

Report Name What's New?
AP Supplier Balances  criteria: Show Supplier [With Unapplied Credits]
[prepay excluded]
AR Customer Sales   criteria added: End Date
AR Customer Sales  
(some custom layouts excluded)  
criteria added to: Group Sales by [Manufacturer, Product Characteristic, Supplier (1st mapped supplier on the Inventory tab)]
AR Customer Statement (All layouts)  data: surcharge default description "Convenience Fee" replaced with AR Payment Type Surcharge Description (if exists)
AR Customer Statement (Base layouts only)  data: Lot#s are ignored when deciding which product lines to combine
AR Work Order Activity  criteria: Sub Type [multi-select]
GL Accrual Reconciliation (Grain layout only)
(hotfixed Nov 2022) 
data values reflect the settlement; if unsettled, data values are derived from the receipt
GR Grain Receipt  data: Elevator Receipt #, Trucker, Order Number
GR Grain Shipment  data: Trucker, Order Number
GR Grain Shipment Activity (non-menu)  (non-menu) from: Customer Account
GR Purchase Contract - Base  data: Origin, Destination, Pricing Point
GR Sales Contract - Base  data: Origin, Destination, Pricing Point
New Exports  Updates to Security
Export Name Description
AA User Audit Detail  details of all users (login name, roles, last login, etc.)
GR Grain Receipt Details  details from grain receipts
GR Grain Shipment Details  details from grain shipments
GR Purchase Contract Details  details from purchase contracts
GR Sales Contract Details  details from sales contracts
GR Sales Contract Summary  summary details from sales contracts

Updates to Current Exports

Export Name What's New?
AR Customer Sales  data: Quantity (Main UOM*)
*unit of measure
AR POS Data (TKXS) data: removed: EBID#, IC Code
replaced with: Retail, Name, Location ID
also added: ShipTo details
INV Unbilled Inventory Receipts  data: Unit Cost = FIFO cost for Returns 
GL Trial Balance  data: Location appended with Mapping Code

Configuration Options


Company Configuration Options are managed by your local company agrē administrators. As with all new features, we don’t presume to know if your administrator would enable a new Config Item or not so we leave that up to them.

New config options are released OFF unless they are replacing/enhancing existing items, in which case we do our best to match existing functionality. Any exceptions would be noted.

Company Config Options

Tab | Subtab Config Item Action
AR | Work Orders | Linking/Importing  Import header comments when linking/importing to a Loadout Ticket when products are imported or linked, work order header comment is appended to loadout ticket comment (on customer & shipping tab)
Inventory  Product Search: Include Manufactured when searching for products, also check the raw ingredients list on the manufacturing tab
General Ledger  Mapping Code is mandatory for Postable Accounts when adding or editing a GL account, a mapping code is required
Grain | Purchases| Crop Year 

Mandatory Crop Year

Default Crop Year: Blank

required on purchase contracts

crop year defaults to null
Grain | Sales | Shipments  Default Unloaded Dockage % from Loaded Dockage % when editing shipment loads and entering the unloaded acct gross quantity, the loaded dockage percentage is copied to the unloaded dockage percentage

User Config Options

Tab | Subtab Config Item Description
Reports | Default Criteria  Default Export/Import Paths default destination folders for import & export files
e.g. \\Client\C$\agreReports\
("\" at the end is required)



Security settings are managed by your local company security administrators. As with all new features, we don’t presume to know who should have security permission and who should not so we leave that up to them.

New security permissions are released UNCHECKED unless they are enhancing existing permissions, in which case we do our best to match existing functionality. Any exceptions would be noted.

Role Permissions

Tab Item Action(s)
Accounts Receivable  Work Orders

Close (allows closure of both quotes and orders)
[deployed CHECKED if Edit Quote OR Edit Order was already checked]

Accounts Receivable  Reports

Customer Audit



Grain Position by FOB 

Grain Storage Receipt 

Administration  Data Exports

Grain Receipt Details  

Grain Shipment Details 

(Grain) Purchase Contract Details 

(Grain) Sales Contract Details 

(Grain) Sales Contract Summary 

User Audit Detail  

agrē Hub

New Exports security icon

Export Name What's it do?
INV Inventory Receipt Details   details of quantity on inventory receipts (in units received)

Updates to Current Exports

Report Name What's New?
INV Inventory Activity Detail  criteria: Manufacturer (full or partial) 
data: Manufacturer, PI RefNo, PI Due Date
INV Inventory Receipts   data: units are Main Units

Security/Role Permissions

Group Item Action(s)
Exports  Export Retail Data Inventory Receipt Details