FAQs: Inventory

What you'll find:

Product Setup & Management

When adding a product, what do I enter as my conversion factor to main unit type?

Why can't I change the main unit type?

Why can't I delete a product?

Why can't I deactivate a product?


How do I setup AgCollect products so they are reported to AgData correctly?

Inventory Management

How can I keep track of what product was taken and used by the sprayer (warehouse on wheels)?

How do I identify "stale" inventory?

How do I handle FMC PrecisionPacs®?

Pricing & Taxes

How do I set up a limited time product sale price?

I have products that sometimes are taxable (if the customer buys enough) and sometimes aren't. How do I set that up?


How can I write down the value of my inventory?

How do I record free product from a supplier?

When I run reports, the average cost isn't what I expected. Why does it seem incorrect?

How can I add freight charges to the cost of the product?

How do I include employee labour in the cost of manufactured products?


Why does the balance on the Cost History report not match the Inventory Balances and Current Value report?

Why are the quantities on the Lot Number Balances report different from the Inventory Balances report?
And why does the total value on the Lot Number Balances report not match the Grand Total Value on the Inventory Current Value report?


Inventory FAQs

Product Management & Setup

When adding a product, what do I enter as my conversion factor to main unit type?

The conversion factor should be the number of units equal to one main unit of the product. For your main unit type, make sure you use the unit you want to report on when dealing with inventory since agrē converts to main units on many of the inventory reports.

For example, if the main unit of measurement for a bulk fertilizer is metric tonnes, then the conversion factor for a kilogram unit is 1,000 (1,000 kg equal one MT).

Another example is a chemical product that is sold in cases and jugs. If the main unit of measurement is cases and there are 4 jugs in one case, then the conversion factor for a jug unit is 4 (4 jugs equal 1 case). Conversely, if the main unit of measurement is jugs, then the conversion factor for a case unit is 0.25 (0.25 cases equal 1 jug).


Why can't I change the main unit type?


If the reason you want to change the main units is just to report the balances in an alternate unit type, try editing the product and setting the Default Units for Inventory Balances.
These reports will display inventory balances in the selected alternate unit type:
    -  Inventory Balances
     -  Inventory Activity Detail
     -  Inventory Activity Summary
     -  Inventory Position
     -  Inventory Position Detail

Because inventory counts and current value are based on the main unit type, agrē won’t allow you to change it once the product has been used unless certain conditions can be met.

If you're still reading, the product you want to change must not meet those conditions. What you need is a new product that looks exactly like the old product—except with the correct main unit type and cost. The drawback is that you lose the history of the old product (it's been deactivated) so you may want to time the change to the start of a new fiscal year if possible.

Edit the existing product and change the product code - retailers often preface old products with a "z_" or "X" or "DNU" (do not use) to indicate it’s no longer in use.
(you can’t have two products with the same code but two products with the same description is ok)

Save the existing product.

Copy the existing product and change the Product Code of the new product to be the same as the product code of the old product.

Edit the new product.

On the Units tab, remove the old main unit type, add the new unit type (or select if it was already an alternate unit type) and make it the main unit type.
Adjust the conversion factor of any alternate/secondary unit types accordingly.

Adjust any remaining inventory of the old product OUT, and the equivalent quantity of the new product IN.
Remember to convert the cost of the incoming inventory (for example, the old main unit type was CASE and the new main unit type is JUG: if a case cost $200 and there are 2 jugs/case, adjust twice as many jugs IN at a cost of $100).

The last step is to go back to the Manage Products grid and deactivate the old product (unless you still need to track its history - maybe because this change needed to happen in the middle of a fiscal year).

Going forward, you end up with a new product with the correct unit type.


Why can’t I delete a product?

You cannot delete a product in the following cases:

A product that has had or has any activity associated with it.

The product has an on hand, on order, or committed amount.

The product is a default for a blend type element.

The product is a blend type charge, blend type filler, or blend bin product.

The product is an associated product, a raw product for manufacturing, or a fuel product.


Why can't I deactivate a product?

A product cannot be deactivated in the following cases:

A product is in use.

The product has an on hand, on order, or committed amount.
(this would include a product on a bill & hold invoice that hasn't been loaded out yet)

The product is a default for a blend type element.

The product is a blend type charge, blend type filler, or blend bin product.

The product is an associated product, a raw product for manufacturing, or a fuel product.



How do I setup AgCollect products so that sales are reported to AgData correctly?

The AgCollect white paper (with lots of screenshots) explains product setup and exporting sales data in detail.


Inventory Management

How can I keep track of what product was taken and used by a sprayer?

You need a warehouse on wheels! When you set up your sprayer (or spreader, or any other piece of equipment) as its own location, you can location transfer product to it, loadout product from it, and location transfer any extra product back to where it came from (or somewhere else). You can run reports just for the sprayer making it easy to see what went where.

I want to read more Tips about a Warehouse on Wheels.


How do I identify "stale" inventory?

Run the Inventory Turnover report with the date range to identify products with no activity.


How do I handle FMC PrecisionPacs®?

You would receive the 'ingredients' as usual, then manufacture the PrecisionPacs® as needed.

I want to read the White Paper(with screenshots) about Manufacturing FMC PrecisionPacs®.

I want to read the whitepaper (with lots of screenshots) on the FMC PrecisionPac® and Perimeter II Instant Discount Process.


Pricing & Taxes

How do I set up a limited-time product sale price?

Navigate to Inventory > Manage > Product Sale Prices. On the Manage Product Sales window, click Add. You setup all the sale information on the Add Sale window.

You can add sales for product types (e.g., seed), individual products (e.g, Hudson Canola), or both. A sale can specify a percentage discount, a dollar discount, or a fixed sale price.

When a customer purchases products that are included in a sale, the sale price is automatically applied, reducing the overall selling price of the product. If a customer belongs to a discount group that includes the product on sale (and the sale is set up to allow discounts on top of sale prices), the discount may further reduce the overall selling price of the product.

If a fixed sale price is entered for a product, that price is automatically used as the price when that product is purchased.

When invoicing products taken during a limited-time sale on a loadout ticket, you have the choice of giving the customer the sale price, or charging the current price if the sale has ended by the invoice date.


I have products that sometimes are taxable and sometimes aren't (if the customer buys enough). How do I set that up?

That would depend on whether it's usually taxable or not.

If a product is usually taxable, flag it as Charge. On the rare occasion that a purchase is exempt, you'll uncheck it on the invoice.  

If a product is usually not taxable, flag it as Optional. Optional taxes aren't chargeable by default, so on the rare occasion that you need it you'll check it on the invoice.  



How can I write down the value of my inventory?

There are two ways to write down inventory: you can use inventory adjustments or cost adjustments.

Which method you use depends on where the inventory is located.

Inventory Adjustments: All the Inventory I want to recost is sitting out in the yard

I have product sitting outside, costed at a higher value than I can justify now. I need to write it down so it's worth less.

Adjust all of the inventory out: this will use up all the existing cost history and make it look like you have nothing on hand at all. Specify the GL account you want to use for the write down.

Adjust the same quantity of inventory back in, at the cost you want. This will bring inventory back in at the cost you need. Specify the GL account you want to use for the write down (likely the same GL account you used to adjust them out).

This will change the value of 'whatever is left' to be whatever cost you have set it to - any inventory that already moved out won't be affected, so margins from prior sales won't change. The only limitation of using Inventory Adjustments for Recosting  is that time travel is not allowed - the adjustment can be applied only to the quantity of inventory that you have on hand right now which means NO backdating!

I want to read an example of Inventory Write Downs.

Cost Adjustments: Some of the Inventory I want to recost may have already been sold

I have product that I brought in a while ago (it might not all be here, some of it might've already been sold), costed at a higher value than I can justify now. I need to write it down so it's worth less.

Create a purchase invoice using an internal supplier (your own company); make cost adjustments on the 'expensive' shipment(s) of inventory.

On the same PI, go to the non-inventory tab and create a row using the GL account you want to use for the write down. Set the dollar amount to whatever the total of the cost adjustments was, so you end up with a zero dollar PI.

This will reach back in time and act as though the cost of this inventory was always lower than it was stated to be at the beginning. Cost Adjustments affect COGS and margins.

I want more details about Cost History


How do I record free product from a supplier?

That will depend on what you want your GL to show. Whichever process you choose, use the comment fields to document the transaction accordingly; you and your accountant will want an audit trail.

Free Inventory that "falls from the sky"

If you don't need to track who the free product came from:

Create an Inventory Adjustment.

To value the inventory as "free", specify the cost as $0
To value the inventory at market value, specify the cost as market value.

You can use the product COGS GL account, or you may want to use a "Free Product from Suppliers" GL account.

Free inventory from a particular supplier - Method 1

If you want to track which supplier gave you the free product:

Create a Purchase Invoice.

Add an Inventory Receipt on the fly and save.
It will be added to the Purchase Invoice.

To value the inventory as "free", specify the cost as $0.
To value the inventory at market cost, add an Inventory Purchase at market value, then add a Non-Inventory purchase to offset the market value, using COGS or a "Free Product from Suppliers" GL account.

End up with a $0 Purchase Invoice.

Free inventory from a particular supplier - Method 2

If you want to track which supplier gave you the free product but you don't want to show any additional non-inventory purchases on the supplier's account:

Create a Purchase Invoice for the supplier who provided the free product.

Add an Inventory Receipt on the fly and save.
It will be added to the Purchase Invoice.

Specify the cost as $0.

End up with a $0 Purchase Invoice for the supplier.

Create another Purchase Invoice, this time using an internal supplier (that's your own company, not the supplier who gave you the freebies).

Add a Cost Adjustment to the PI.
Adjust the cost of the free product to market value.

Offset the cost adjustment with a Non-Inventory purchase using COGS or a "Free Product from Suppliers" GL account.

End up with another $0 Purchase Invoice for the internal supplier.


When I run reports, the average cost isn't what I expected. Why does it seem incorrect?

This happens most often when there is a positive inventory balance at one location, and a negative inventory balance at another, but it can also happen for a single location if you are sold into the negatives. It usually corrects itself when you correct the negative inventory balance.

Costing issue are more complex than can be clarified in a few sentences, so there are explanations and examples of the Cost History and Current Value reports that explain in more detail why this happens and how you can fix it.


How do I include employee labour in the cost of manufactured products?

There's a few different ways to handle this, so we suggest using the method preferred by your accountant.

I want to read an Example (with screenshots) about Including Labour in the Cost of Manufactured Products.



Why does the balance on the Cost History report not match the Inventory Balances and Current Value report?

The balance on the Inventory Balances report matches the balance on the Current Value report, but the balance on the Cost History report is a totally different quantity! What is causing the discrepancy?

There are units that were sold on invoices as Bill & Hold (cost history rows are 'used up' with the postings to COGS) but the customer has yet to pickup the product (it's still counted as part of your inventory).

Why are the quantities on the Lot Number Balances report different from the Inventory Balances report?
And why does the total value on the Lot Number Balances report not match the Grand Total Value on the Inventory Current Value report?

Always keep in mind that agrē’s inventory valuation method is based on FIFO (First In First Out) so will by default always use the "oldest" units (the ones that have been in inventory the longest) for every transaction - unless you tell it to use different units with a Lot#.

The Lot # itself is not tied to the GL, but the inventory transaction is. Meaning the Inventory Current Value report shows the outstanding inventory value of each transaction (when displayed by Product Details). If that transaction has been tied to a Lot# it would be displayed. The quantities on Lot Number Balance report and the Inventory Current Value report should match. If a transaction is mistakenly tagged with the wrong Lot#, or no Lot# is tagged to the transaction, the values and balances for each Lot# will be different from what you expect.

If Lot#s on transactions are routinely missed, there are a few config options at the Company and User levels you can turn on to help remind you to select one, and individual products can be flagged as Lot# is required.