Manual Counts

You may need to record the quantity of your active inventory items as you count them manually (e.g. annual inventory reconciliations). This process is the same as adjusting inventory; however, instead of adjusting one product at a time, you can adjust several products at a specified location.


Use the Inventory Count Sheet report to print out a list for users to record the quantities. You can choose to show or hide the inventory item balances, and/or hide products with a 0 balance.

Only manual count balances are compared in the Inventory Variance report. Inventory adjustments are not taken into account when calculating the variance.

Use the Inventory > Manual Counts window to manage manual counts. From here Manual Counts can be added, edited, deleted, and the variance previewed.

When you record inventory counts, agrē automatically makes various updates, which may include GL postings, cost history table amendments for inventory items, and inventory count amendments.

Pending manual counts are reflected in the Variance Report, but no postings are made to the General Ledger until the count is saved as Complete.

I want to read the white paper (with screenshots) about Lot Number Management (because I count products with Lot#s).


What you'll find:

Business Rules for Manual Counts

Add a manual inventory count

Counts for Products without Lot Numbers

Counts for Products with Lot Numbers

Editing a manual inventory count

Deleting a manual inventory count

Previewing the Inventory Variance Report


Business Rules for Manual Counts

The Count Date cannot be in a closed accounting period or in the future.

The GL Account defaults to the COGs account stored on the product otherwise the account specified will be used for all products counted.
All postable accounts are allowed.

If Project is left blank, the product's default project will be used for postings.
If a Project is selected manually, that project will be used for all postings created from the count.
Selecting the No projects checkbox means the count will not be associated with any project.

agrē will generate the inventory adjustment postings needed based on the counted amount vs. the on hand amount.

Each item can be listed on the count only once (1 row per product).

If an estimated cost is available for that product it will be inserted into the cell.
If the manual count is greater than agrē's count and greater than zero, the estimated cost will be editable.

Counts cannot be adjusted for inactive products.

The "Setup" manual count (created when your agrē database was flipped from setup mode to production) is not shown, and cannot be edited or deleted.


To add a manual inventory count
* indicates a required field (other fields are optional)

Navigate to Inventory > Manual Counts.
The Manual Counts window opens.

Click Add to create a new manual count.

  Select Overrides from the toolbar to change the default GL or Project for manual count postings.  
Overrides must be set before products are retrieved.

In the GL Account box, optionally change the GL account the adjusting entries resulting from the manual count are posted to.
Leave the GL Account box blank if you want to use the specified default COGS account (set up in Manage Products) for each product you are counting manually.


Click Add to add a new GL account like an "Inventory Write-offs" account.

Click Add to add a new Project.

Click Add Product Row, or check Scan Products and scan, to add a missed/forgotten product to the count.

Click Add New Product to add a new Product to your database and to the count.

Click Change Shelf # to update the Shelf number on a product (effective immediately, permission to Add/Edit Products not required).

In the Project box, enter the project that you want this manual count to be associated with.

When you associate products with an active project, cost of goods sold postings are also associated with the project.

Leave the Project box blank if you want to use the specified default project (set up in Inventory > Manage Products) for each product you are counting manually.
- or -
Select the No projects check box if you do not want to use any projects, including the specified default project (as set up in Inventory > Manage Products), for each product you are counting manually.

To enter a specific reference number, clear the Generate Reference Automatically check box and type a number in the Reference* box.
Each manual count requires a unique reference number for future tracking. If the Generate Reference Automatically check box is selected, agrē assigns the next sequential manual count reference number to this manual count.

(Config C) Change the Status of the count to Pending if you will Complete it later (you can Save as Pending and Edit multiple times if needed).

Products can be Added, Removed or Edited (Count quantity and Estimated Cost) to Pending manual counts.
(products with counts associated to Lot Numbers cannot be edited)

Inventory Variance report displays Pending values.

No postings are made when Pending counts are saved (posting are made when saved as Complete).

(Config U) In the Location* box, enter the location that owns the manual count. (i.e., the location where the inventory count should be updated).

In the Count Date* box, optionally change the date that you are counting the inventory manually.
Today’s date is selected by default. You can change this date to a past date, but not to a date in a closed accounting period. Future dates are not permitted.

From the Sort By drop down list, select how you'd like the products sorted after they have been Retrieved.

Check Suppress Zero Balance to exclude products with no inventory.

Check Not Counted Since and select a date.
Products already counts after the selected date are excluded.

Check With Inventory Activity Since and a date of inventory activity.
"Stale" products with no inventory activity after the selected date are excluded.

To Add Products to count:

To add all products from the selected Location to the count, click Quick Retrieve
- or -
the items can be further refined by clicking Retrieve Products.

Select one or more Shelf numbers (shelf list is based on the Location selected).
To add all the items on the shelf (or shelves) to the count, click Quick Retrieve
- or -
the items can be further refined by clicking Retrieve Products.

Check Scan Products and use a barcode scanner to add products one at a time.

(Config C) In the Comments box, enter comments about the manual count for your own use.
These comments are printed on Inventory Activity Detail reports and the Inventory Variance Report.

Check Scan Products (if you'll be using a scanner to add products to the manual count)
- or -
click Quick Retrieve to add all products that meet the criteria selected
- or -
click Retrieve Products - the Product Search window opens and you can further refine the results.


agrē automatically updates and adjusts your inventory based on the numbers entered in the Count column and the current quantity of the products in inventory. If the manual count results in a positive quantity for a product, you can enter or change the cost of the product.

If no change is made to the count, no adjustment for that product is created.

The Est Cost (estimated cost) column is only available for products with a positive quantity and is required if you enter a number in the Count column that is greater than the current quantity on hand for that product.

For products without Lot#s

In the Count column, enter the actual quantity of the products being counted.

In the Est Cost column, optionally change the cost of the products being counted.
A default estimated cost may or may not be automatically entered, depending on your system settings (set up in Inventory > Manage Products) and the product Cost History Table. This value is used as the cost for these products. If needed, it can be changed by making a cost adjustment.

For products with Lot#s


If the Has Lot# column is not displayed, turn on the company config option to see it.

The Computer Balance is the total quantity (with and without Lot#s) recorded in agrē on the Count Date.

The Total Lot# Quantity equals the sum of product with a Lot#.

The Actual Count is the total number of units counted (with and without Lot#s). This value will be equal to the Total Lot# Quantity only if all units have a Lot#.

In the Has Lot# column, click the ellipsis [...]
The count window for the selected product opens.

(optional) Check Include Inactive Lot#s if you are counting those too.

In the Count column, enter the actual quantity counted for each Lot#.

In the Est Cost box, optionally change the cost of the product being counted.
A default estimated cost may or may not be automatically entered, depending on your system settings (set up in Inventory > Manage Products) and the product Cost History Table. This value will be used as the cost for all Lot#s for this product if a cost is required. If needed, it can be changed by making a cost adjustment.

If you are adjusting quantity OUT, agrē will use FIFO to determine the cost.

If you are adjusting quantity IN, agrē will use the estimated cost.

The Actual Count - which should be the total quantity counted (with or without Lot#s) for this product - can be changed if needed.

(optional) Enter product Comments.
Select the elipsis [...] to open a much larger window.

Type your text.
These comments are printed on the Inventory Variance Report.

Select Update to save the Comments.
The text edit window closes

Click Update to save the count for that product.
The count window for that product closes.


You can also manually link to Lot#s once the count has been completed and saved.

For both type of products (with or without Lot#s)

Click Save.
The Add Manual Count window closes.
Your inventory counts are updated to reflect the manual count and you will be prompted to run the Inventory Variance report.


To edit a pending manual inventory count

You can edit the comment and add, remove, or update  individual products on a pending manual count.
For completed manual counts, product rows can be removed and the header comment can be updated; other changes are not allowed (but you could delete the count and start over).


If many products are listed, change the Sort By or click on a column header to make it easier to find the one you want.

Products associated with Lot Number counts cannot be edited.

Navigate to Inventory > Manual Counts.
The Manual Counts window opens.
If the manual count you want to edit does not appear in the list by default, click New Search and change the search criteria.

Select the manual count to edit and then click Edit.
The Edit Manual Count window opens.

After your edits are complete, click Save.
The Edit Manual Count window closes.


To delete a manual inventory count

Manual Counts in open accounting periods can be deleted.

Once you delete a manual count  it cannot be undone, but deleted data can be viewed in the Audit/Admin data exports.

Navigate to Inventory > Manual Counts.
The Manual Counts window opens.
If the manual count you want to delete does not appear in the list by default, click New Search and change the search criteria.

Select the manual count to delete and then click Delete.
The Delete Manual Count window opens.

Type the reason for deleting the manual count.

Click OK.
The Delete Manual Count window closes.
The Manual Count is deleted immediately.