agrē Release Notes 2.21.03   October 27, 2021

Last updated: December 17 2021

Top 5 Highlights from this Release



What's New & Improved in agrē 2.21.03:


This symbol security icon indicates that your Local Company Security Administrator needs to make a security permission change to allow user access to the new feature.

Configuration Options

This symbol config icon indicates a new feature integrates with a Configuration Option (at either the Company, Location, or User level).


Release Notes highlight the best new features and improvements from each release of agrē. In case you missed a prior version, Release Notes for the last two years are available from the online Help Release Note archives.


Microsoft 365 Default Emailer  config icon

agrē supports the Microsoft 365 emailer at the Company and User Levels.

I want to read the Email Defaults white paper (with lots of screenshots) for more information.

File > Config Options > Company > Reports > Email Defaults and File > Config Options > User > Email

You'll be prompted to enter your Microsoft account credentials when sending your first email. The authentication token is valid for up to 90 days, so you won't need to enter them each time you send an email.

If the sending address on your email from agrē does not match the address associated with your Microsoft 365 account, Microsoft's server will display an error and will refuse to send the email.

Accounts Receivable


Offer to Import Loadout Tickets/Offer to Import Work Orders  config icon    

These two config options ...

File > Config Options > Company

... apply to the Purchases tab when the customer has active Work Order rows OR unbilled Loadout Ticket rows.

Accounts Receivable > Invoices > Purchases tab

On the Returns tab, you'll be prompted to import only if the customer has unbilled return Loadout Ticket rows (LOTs with unbilled negative quantity rows).
You can still Import from WO/LOT manually, or you can use Return Invoice.

Accounts Receivable > Invoices > Returns tab

AR Return Invoice Process (for Invoices and POS Invoices)  

The options have changed for Return Invoice.

Only purchase rows with Quantity Available to return are displayed.

Date Range is the default and all purchases from the last 30 days (up to 200 rows) are displayed automatically for quick selection.

Accounts Receivable > Invoices

When filtering by product, Include Associated Products is checked by default (can be unchecked) and purchases from the last 5 years are displayed (up to 200 rows).

Accounts Receivable > Invoices

When returning on a POS Invoice by This Product, Scan Product is checked by default and the returned product can be selected by scanning.

Accounts Receivable > POS Invoice

Price History Indicator: Pricing for Returns on Invoices and POS Invoices  config icon  

When Check Pricing Alert: Based on Sale/Pricing History existing (Returns Only) is checked ...

File > Config Options > Company

... the Pricing/Sales History Available blinky will flash as a reminder when a customer has sales history for the item being returned.
Just a reminder: the "Last Sold" information will still appear at the bottom of the window regardless of the config options setting ...

Accounts Receivable > Invoices

... and you can still click Pricing to see complete sales history (but now when adding Returns, the Sales History tab is the default).

Accounts Receivable > Invoices

The blinky will also display on POS Invoices when a negative quantity is entered and sales history exists.

Accounts Receivable > POS Invoices

Returning Items with Overrideable Sales Account  

An Override GL Account can now be selected on returns.

Accounts Receivable > Invoices

Loadout Tickets 

Finding Products  

Find Product can display the Quantities on Hand, Ordered, and Committed. Find a product, then click QoH (or press F7).
Tip: to display the quantities by default, turn on the Company or User Config Option (they'll show on Work Orders and Invoices too). config icon

Accounts Receivable > Loadout Tickets

Work Orders

AR Release Numbers

Column added for Actual Quantity.

If you correlate release numbers from Purchase Orders to release numbers on Work Orders (for example, for direct-to-farm shipments) copy the details from the PO then click Paste Release# from PO to paste them to the WO.

I want to read the white paper (with lots of screenshots) on AR Release Numbers for more details about copying & pasting Release Numbers.

Accounts Receivable > Work Orders

Discount Groups  

Products flagged as Exclude From Discount Groups ...

Accounts Receivable > Manage > Discount Groups

... cannot be added to AR Discount Groups, nor are they eligible for Product Type group discounts.

Accounts Receivable > Manage > Discount Groups

If a product was added to a Discount Group before it was excluded, you will be prompted to remove it if you make subsequent changes to the group.

Accounts Receivable > Manage > Discount Groups

TKXS - Manual Sales Export security icon   

Manufacturer Sales/Orders (TKXS) - Sales items used for data analysis by TKXS for participating manufacturers.

Manufacturers must be flagged as reporting to TKXS to have their products included in the results.

File > Export > Data / Inventory > Manage > Manufacturers

... wait a minute, a TKXS checkbox sounds familiar ...

If checking a TKXS box sounds like something you've already done, there is an existing TKXS export: TMD - POS Data (TKXS) and yes you have checked TKXS.

The existing export pulls data based on product type and includes products of all manufacturers.
The new Manufacturer Sales/Orders (TKXS) exports pulls different data based on manufacturer and includes products of all types.

The Product Type TKXS box does not have to be checked for those products to be to be included in the new Manufacturer Sales/Orders (TKXS) export results.

Inventory > Manage > Product Types


Edit Work Orders on the Fly  

When manually linking individual commodities to Work Orders, the Work Order can be edited.
This can be handy when you have individual commodities on the Work Order, there's not quite enough quantity left, and you don't want to split a line.

Blending > Make a Blend

New IBC Partner: HiTech/Ranco 

agrē's Integrated Blend Control module can communicate with HiTech/Ranco automated blenders.

I want to read the Automated Blender Setup and Work Flow whitepaper (with lots of screen shots)

Blending > Manage > Automated Blenders (Easy Auto only)

Easy Auto - Send Additional Products  

Additional Products can be sent in blends to Easy Auto automated blenders. Additional setup may be required.

I want to read the Automated Blender Setup and Work Flow whitepaper (with lots of screen shots) for Additional Product setup

Blending > Manage > Automated Blenders (Easy Auto only)


Inventory Receipts  

AutoGen Reference Number  config icon   

Normally the Inventory Receipt reference number is matched manually to the supplier's bill of lading, but agrē can autogenerate one.
Specify an (optional) Prefix and the Starting Number for each Location that will autogen ...

File > Manage > Reference Numbers > Inventory

... then check Generate Reference Automatically when adding an Inventory Receipt.

Inventory > Inventory Receipts

If you want the box checked by default, check the company config option.
(uncheck the box on any inventory receipt when a manual reference number is needed)

File > Config Options > Company

Inventory > Inventory Receipts > Add Product Row

Import from Purchase Order     

Use Import Location to receive all checked items at a different location.

Inventory > Inventory Receipts > Import from PO

Manual Counts  

Shelf # is always displayed.

Inventory > Manual Counts

Manage Products

Product Price Check   

New to Manage Products, click Price Check to quickly view pricing, costing, inventory balances/position and recent activity.

Inventory > Manage > Products > Product Price Check (opens to Inventory Position tab by default)

When using Find, results can be sorted by clicking on a column header, and check Suppress Zero on Hand to hide rows with Quantity on Hand < or = 0.  

Inventory >Product Price Check

Products Tab   

Products flagged as Exclude From Discounts cannot be added to AR Discount Groups.  

Inventory > Manage > Products > Product tab

Notes Tab    

Printed Notes for Invoices and Loadout Tickets have been increased to a maximum of 300 characters.
(and just a reminder that Printed Notes for Work Orders were already 600)

Inventory > Manage > Products > Notes tab

Blending Tab  

LV Mapping Code has been renamed to Controller Mapping Code (as ICS and Ranco also use it) and is included in the Product List export.

Inventory > Manage > Products | Blending tab

Product Types  

Product Groups are displayed in the Manage Product Types grid.

Inventory > Manage > Product Types


Manufacturers must be flagged as reporting to TKXS for their products to be included in the Manufacturer Sales/Orders (TKXS) data export.

Inventory > Manage > Manufacturers

Accounts Payable

Purchase Orders   

Release Numbers

If you correlate release numbers from Purchase Orders to release numbers on Work Orders (for example, for direct-to-farm shipments) click Copy Release# to WO on the PO (this will copy details of all Open and Assigned release numbers), then paste them to a WO.

I want to read the white paper (with lots of screenshots) on AR Release Numbers for more details about copying & pasting Release Numbers.

Accounts Payable > Purchase Orders

General Ledger

Automatically Post Recurring Journal Entries  

Recurring Journal Entries flagged to Automate Posting will be posted automatically on the Next Entry Date as dictated by the # of Postings or the Expiry Date, whichever comes first.
(optional) A message for each successful post will be sent to the Message Centre.

General Ledger > Manage > Recurring Journal Entries

General Ledger > Manage > Recurring Journal Entries

Recurring JEs with Posting Frequency of Manually or One Time cannot be posted automatically.
These types of recurring JEs, and those not flagged to post automatically, are posted via the menu and you will receive a reminder in the Message Centre (optional) that it's time to post.

General Ledger > Post Recurring Journal Entries

Reports & Exports


Security settings are managed by your local company security administrators. As with all new features, we don’t presume to know who should have access to new Exports and Reports and who should not so we leave that up to them.

Updates to Current Reports

Excel File based on Raw Data used by Report     

When exporting any report as an Excel file based on Raw Data, the file format is determined automatically by how many rows are exported.

For exports up to 65,536 rows, the data will be exported to an .XLS file. This is the original "range" Excel file format and is limited to 65,536 rows and 256 columns.

For exports greater than 65,536 rows, the data will be exported to an .XLSX file. This is the newer "OpenXML" Excel file format (formatted table).

Microsoft Excel 2016 data export

Report Name What's New?

AR  Comparative Customer Sales

- added: Group By [Product Type]
- removed: Sort By [Product Type]

AR  Invoice - Batch (Base reports only)

criteria: Outstanding Invoices Only

please contact your CSC to have added to customized invoice reports

INV  Inventory Variance

data: Shelf

INV  Shelf Labels

criteria: Products - both inventory and non-inventory included by default; use Find to narrow the results to one or the other

INV  Transportation or Dangerous Goods 

data: text label "PG" appears before the Packing Group value

New Exports  security icon

Export Name Description

AR  Manufacturers Sales/Orders (TKXS)

sales and orders of TKXS-reportable products

Updates to Current Exports

Export Name

What's New?

AR  Work Order Details data: Created By (WO first saved by)
INV  Dangerous Good and Permits data: Product Type, Manufacturer

INV  Product List  

data: Controller Mapping Code (for automated blenders)

AA  eConfirmation-Work Orders data: Sales Rep (default rep from cust acct), Product Type, Product Characteristics

Configuration Options


Company Configuration Options are managed by your local company agrē administrators. As with all new features, we don’t presume to know if your administrator would enable a new Config Item or not so we leave that up to them.

New config options are released OFF unless they are replacing/enhancing existing items, in which case we do our best to match existing functionality. Any exceptions would be noted.

Company Config Options

Tab / Subtab Config Item Action
Accounts Receivable / Invoices  Check Pricing Alert: Based on Sales/Pricing History existing (Returns Only)

blinky  displays when customer has sales history for the returned item

Reports / Email Defaults   Email Server Settings:
Default Emailer = Microsoft 365
modern authentication using a valid Microsoft 365 account, login token is preserved for up to 90 days

User Config Options

Tab / Subtab Config Item Action
Email   Email Server Settings:
Default Emailer = Microsoft 365
modern authentication using a valid Microsoft 365 account, login token is preserved for up to 90 days Clear Login (button)



Security settings are managed by your local company security administrators. As with all new features, we don’t presume to know who should have security permission and who should not so we leave that up to them.

New security permissions are released UNCHECKED unless they are enhancing existing permissions, in which case we do our best to match existing functionality. Any exceptions would be noted.

Role Permissions





Export Data

Manufacturer Sales/Orders (TKXS)

Adding & Editing Users   

User Name can be a maximum of 50 characters (that's 30 more than before).

File > Security > Manage Users > Add & Edit


Config Options

Next Crop Year Starts After  config icon

The start date of the new crop year ...

File > Config Options > Company

... determines the default Crop Year on Purchase Contracts.
If no start date is entered, Crop Year defaults to the current calendar year.

Grain > Purchase Contracts


Commodity Prices 

Enter Commodity Prices up to 2 years ahead.

Grain > Manage > Futures Month/Year

Futures Month/Year 

Enter Futures up to 2 years ahead.

Grain > Manage > Futures Month/Year



Grain can be received in warehouses and bins.

Grain > Receipts



Grain can be shipped from warehouses and bins.

Grain > Grain Shipments

Buyer Payments   

EFT Payment Reference Number appears on Bank Reconciliations (and on the Bank Rec reports too).

General Ledger > Bank Reconciliation

Updates to Grain Reports

Report Name What's New?

GL  Bank Reconciliation & Unreconciled

data: Grain EFT Batch/Reference No.

GR  Grain Inventory CGC  

criteria: Show Grand Totals?
data: Grand Totals

GR  Grain Receipt Activity  

criteria: Show Grand Totals?
data: Grand Totals

GR  Outstanding Sales Contracts

criteria: Contract No

GR  Purchase Contract Activity

criteria: Sort By [Delivery End Date]

GR  Sales Contract  

criteria: Contract Start Date defaults to Month Start
(was Any)

GR  Sales Contract Activity  

criteria: Outstanding Sales Contracts Only?

Updates to Grain Exports

Report Name What's New?

GR  Levies Collected

data: Accountable Gross Tonnes

Grain Config Options

Tab / Subtab Config Item Action
Grain  Next Crop Year Starts After [Month/Day]

determines Purchase Contract default Crop Year