Grain Invoices

Grain Invoices are a specialized Invoice and perform the same function - billing grain buyers for the product they received.
However unlike a regular invoice, Grain Invoice values are calculated based on grain shipments, meaning that grain cannot be sold directly through an invoice - it must be shipped first.

Non-inventory products can be added to accommodate advance payments (when a grain buyer is invoiced for a certain percentage of a Sales Contract before the grain is shipped, the amount of which is reversed on a subsequent grain invoice that bills for the entire Shipment).

Grain Invoices can be in home or foreign currency, depending on the AR account of the Customer.
Foreign currency grain invoices can be valued using a specific exchange rate/hedge rate (as set on the Sales Contract) or the day's default exchange rate.


If you'll be using auto-generated reference numbers, before creating grain invoices please up your Grain Reference Numbers, payment data (i.e., payment types, payment type discounts, early payment discounts, and any applicable discount groups). You may also want to set up your default interest settings. However, you can set interest directly on invoices.

What you'll find:

I want to read the white paper on Multicurrency.


Adding a Grain Invoice

To add a grain invoice
* indicates a required field

Navigate to Grain > Grain Invoices. Or click the Grain Invoices toolbar button. Or open the Customer Account.
The Grain Invoices window opens and all invoices created today are listed.

Click Add.
The Add Grain Invoice window opens.

To enter a specific reference number, clear the Generate Reference Automatically check box and type a number in the Reference* box.
Each grain invoice requires a unique reference number for future tracking. If the Generate Reference Automatically check box is selected, agrē assigns the next sequential invoice reference number to this invoice.

In the Customer* box, enter the grain buyer's name.
Only customers with Grain Buyer checked on their customer account can be selected.
When you enter the customer’s name, the default billing and shipping addresses, phone number, and postal code appear on the Customer and Shipping tab.


Click Find to search for a specific customer or click Add to add a new customer.


If you have invoice notes specified for the customer (set up in Manage Customers), a message containing the notes appears. Click OK to continue. The notes remain on the bottom right corner of the window for future reference.


Invoices cannot be saved for inactive grain buyers.

In the Invoice Date* box, today’s date is selected by default.
You can change this date to a past date, but not to one in a closed accounting period.
Future dates are not permitted.

In the Due Date* box, optionally change the date that the invoice is due.
You can change this to any date on or after the invoice date. After this date occurs, the invoice begins accruing interest, if applicable. The default due date is set up in your interest settings. If you change this date, the Chargeable Date on the Interest & Terms tab will be updated to match.

(Config U) In the Location* box, enter the location that owns the invoice.
This location may differ from the location specified for each invoice item, which is the location that will supply the item.

In the Created By box, optionally change the name of the person identified as the creator of the invoice.
The name of the person logged on is entered by default.

Customer and Shipping tab

In the Ship to box, optionally change the address to which the products will be delivered.
The default shipping address specified in Manage Customers is selected by default.


Click Find to search for a shipping address. Use the Filter to refine the results list or click on a column header to sort.

Click Add to add a new address or click Manage This Customer to edit the customer’s information.

(Config I, U, L, C) Under Apply Credit Behaviour, select the check boxes as needed.
These settings override the same settings in your configuration settings.

(Config C) In Sales Rep, optionally change who should 'get credit' for this sale.
The default sales rep is specified on the Customer Account.
If you are importing shipments linked to a sales contract with a different sales rep than the invoice, agrē will let you know with a popup message. If the invoice has no sales rep specified, it will default to the sales rep on the sales contract.

In the Order Number box, enter the order number used by the customer if one has been provided (e.g., a PO number).

In the Comments box, enter comments for the printed Invoices.

Shipments tab

Commodities are pulled into grain invoices from shipments.
If a shipment is not linked to a sales contract, it can be linked on the invoice.

On the Add Grain Invoice window, click the Shipments tab.
If the grain buyer you selected has unbilled shipments, a message appears asking if you want to import grain shipment detail lines.
Click Yes to open the Import Shipments window automatically.  
Click No to import shipments manually: click Import Grain Shipments.
The Import Shipments window opens and all active (unbilled) detail rows on grain shipments for this grain buyer are listed.


Each row in the grid is an row on a shipment. The Contract Number indicates to which Sales Contract each shipment row belongs. When you import them, the shipment and sales contract reference numbers are displayed.


To quickly select and clear all the shipment rows in the grid, click Select All and Deselect All.

You can narrow the list of items by Contract Number, Commodity, and/or Shipment Date, then clicking Refresh List (or use the keyboard shortcut for Refresh List: F5).

If you have items selected in the list, clicking Refresh List clears the items and replaces them with the new results. A message appears asking you whether you want to proceed. Click Yes to refresh the list and clear the lines, or click No to return to the Import Rows window and keep the selected lines (by not refreshing the list).

The list can be sorted by clicking on a column header. Click again to sort in the reverse order.

The results can also be filtered by column: mouse over the column header and click the arrow that appears at the far right of the column. Choose which items to display and click Apply. Click Clear to remove the filter.

In the first column with the check boxes, check the boxes of all shipments you want to import onto the invoice.

Click Use Selected Rows.
The Import Shipments window closes and the selected shipments are shown in the Add Grain Invoice grid.
Use the buttons on the bottom of the window to Edit or Remove shipment detail rows.


The Total Amt and Total Qty are displayed in the buyer's Currency in the bottom left corner.

All postings for foreign buyers are made in home currency using the Exchange Rate on the linked Sales Contract (if a hedge rate was set), or the current spot rate.

There are two ways to associate shipment row with a sales contract: Auto Link and Link to Sales Contract.
(If the Ship To address on the Customer and Shipping tab of the invoice is different from the ship to address on the sales contract, the Conflicting Ship To Addresses message window opens to let you know.
Click OK to close the window.)


Use Auto Link to link multiple rows/shipments to the next available sales contract(s).

Click Auto Link to link shipment rows automatically to the oldest sales contract until it is filled, then the next oldest sales contract until it's filled, and so on until there are no active contracts available.

Click Link to Sales Contact to link to a specific sales contract (must be priced).
The Link to Sale Contract Detail Line window opens.

Select a sales contract from the grid.

Click Use Selection.
The Link to Sale Contract Detail Line window closes.

Select Add Non Inventory to add products that are not commodities.

Example: Advance Payments
Advances are billed on one invoice before grain is shipped (positive $ value = a charge), then "returned" on a second invoice (that bills all relevant loads) after grain is shipped (negative $ value = a credit).

Select the Grain Advance Product and Unit.
(click Find to search for it)

Location will default to the header Location but can be changed.

Enter the Quantity and Unit Price of the Advance.
agrē will calculate the Line Total.

In the Comments, enter the Advance details. These will display on the Grain Invoice report.
e.g. Advance for Sales Contract #190719 -  10,000 MT @ $389.63 * 90%

Interest & Terms tab

Sales Contract Terms are shown for shipments linked to a contract.

Check Automatically Apply Unapplied Credits if the buyer is applying existing credits to this purchase.

Immediate Payments can be recorded while the grain invoice is added as a convenience (no need to add a payment separately) or because of credit restrictions (payment is required).

Check Make a payment now if the buy is making a payment to apply to this purchase.

Select the Payment Type.

Accept the default Payment Amount or type the amount of the immediate payment.

Type the Tracking/Cheque # .
(may be required based on payment type)

Add Payment Comments.

The default Interest settings are applied but can be changed.

Click Save to save the invoice.
(Config C, L, U) A message may appear asking you if you want to preview the Invoice.
To preview, click OK. Click Cancel if you do not want to preview it.

Editing a Grain Invoice

Grain Invoices can be edited. If credits/payments have been applied, they must be unapplied before the Grain Invoice can be edited, then can be reapplied after the changes are saved.

Deleting a Grain Invoice

If credits/payments have been applied, they must be unapplied before a Grain Invoice can be deleted.
You will be prompted to provide a Reason* for the deletion.